Thursday 20 August 2015

Earth Sanskriti 20.8.2015

20.05.9115 Earth Sanskriti: धरती के संस्कृति

Bhaasaa: Bhojpuri, Sa`ket: bho, aa A`grejee, en;  
[Language: Bhojpuri. Code:bho and English Code:en]:

SrisTyaabda: 1 972 949 115 baris pahile Dharati pa Pahilaa Jeev ke Praadurbhaav bhail: Rigveda. ThoR me`: 9115.
[Srishtyabd: 1 972 949 115 years ago, the First Living Being Developed on the Earth: Rigved: in short 9115.]

विषय प्रवेश जइसन  Bisay Pravesh Jaisan: Mukhya visaya se pahile:
[As Introduction to the Subject before we enter in to the main subject]:

[Glimpse of the Culture of India]: भारतीय संस्कृति के झलक 
 20.05.9115 [20.08.2015]

भारत आ संसार के संस्कृति के झलक : [Glimpse of Culture of India and the World.]

भारतीय संस्कृति 'Sansaar ke Sanskriti ke jhalakaawelaa'. Ek shabda me`, 'Bhaarateey Sanskriti' , ’सत्यमेव जयते' ke siddhaant pa aadhaarit baa.
[The Culture of India provides a ‘Glimpse of the Culture of the World’. In one word, the “Indian Culture” is based on the theme of ‘Satyameva Jayate’, i.e. ‘Truth only Prevails.]

’सत्यमेव जयते' . ‘Truth only Prevails'.

Ehee se 'सतयुग' के सब से  अच्छा मानल जाला. Aa ehee se SamraaT Ashok aa aaj ke Bhaarat me`  ’सत्यमेव जयते' ke RaasTra Vicaar maanal gail baa. 
[Thus, the ‘Era of Truth’ or Satyug, is considered as the best. That is why the emblem of Emperor Ashoke and present India incorporates “Satyameva Jayate”.] 

'सतयुग   संस्कृति'  me` man-vacan-aa karma me` saccaee holaa, je sab ke Aadarsh aa uddes hokhe ke caahee` je se anand milelaa. [ The ‘Culture of Satyug’ is the ‘Truthfulness in thoughts and in deeds’; which should be the ideal and aim of all which ultimately results into happiness.]  

Bhaarat yugo se UK, 'Asal Gyaan'  baa, Veda se. je Gyaan ke khaan ha; je me` EK, 'Abinaasi Gyan', aa AK, 'Arjit Gyaan' baa, jaisan ki Da Deo Dutta Sharmaa likhit kitaab: “Knowledge Beyond nano pico Technology” me` likhal baa.  [India since ages has UK, ‘Ultimate Knowledge’, the treasure of the knowledge inherent in Vedas; which are EK, ‘Eternal Knowledge’ and AK, ‘Acquired Knowledge’ as described in the book entitled “Knowledge Beyond nano pico Technology” by Dr Deo Dutta Sharma under publication.] 

Sansaar ke Sanskriti alag alag kaal  me` alage holaa Sansaar ke alag alag bhaag me`, jaisan ki Da Deo Datta Sharmaa likhal kitaab  “Kalyug me` Satyug”  me` likhal baa. [The culture of the world during different era had been different, in different parts of the World as described in the book entitled “Kalyug me` Satyug” by Dr Deo Dutta Sharma. ]

Bhaarat ke 'Kaalcakra' ke anusaar 4 Yug holaa: Satyug, Dwaapar, Tretaa aa Kalyug.  Alagv alag Yugan ke Sanskriti alage holaa. Ee caaro Yug kabahee` khatamo naa hokhe, kaahe ki ee Cakkar lagaawat rahelaa pahiaa jaisan. 
Kaa ee 'Aadhunik Vaigyaanik Gyaan' se alage baa.  [According to Bharteeya ‘Kalchakra’, Indian system of determination of Time Period, you know there are four Yugas, namely: Satyug, Treta-Yug, Dwapar-Yug and Kali-Yug or Kalyug. The cultures in different Yugas or Eras are quite different. These four Yugas are cyclic and non-ending since they keep on repeating according to Indian Kalchakra.]

Auru baa [continued]

Earth Sanskriti 20.8.2015

Based on Revision of::
"Culture of India or Bharat provides a ‘Glimpse of the Culture of the World". 
>>> Earlier published in January 2014 on

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