Wednesday 19 August 2015

19.5.9115 Earth Sanskriti: धरती के संस्कृति

Earth Sanskriti: धरती के संस्कृति

 विषय प्रवेश जइसन  Bisay Pravesh Jaisan: 
As an Introduction to the Subject before we enter in to the main subject::

Culture of India: भारतीय संस्कृति के झलक 
 19.05.1 972 949 115

भारत आ संसार के संस्कृति के झलक : Glimpse of Culture of Bharat (India) and the World.

Culture of India or Bharat provides a ‘Glimpse of the Culture of the World’. 
In one word the “Indian Culture” is based on the theme of ‘Satyameva Jayate’, सत्यमेव जयते  i.e. ‘Truth only Prevails’. 

Thus, the सतयुग के सब से  अच्छा मानल जाला ‘Era of Truth’ or Satyug, is considered as the best. That is why the emblem of Emperor Ashoke and present India incorporates “Satyameva Jayate”. सतयुग   संस्कृति   The ‘Culture of Satyug’ is the ‘Truthfulness in thoughts and in deeds’; which should be the ideal and aim of all which ultimately results into happiness.  
India sice ages has UK, ‘Ultimate Knowledge’, the treasure of the knowledge inherent in Vedas; which are EK, ‘Eternal Knowledge’ and AK, ‘Acquired Knowledge’ as described in the book entitled “Knowledge Beyond nano pico Technology” by Dr Deo Dutta Sharma under publication . The culture of the world during different era had been different, in different parts of the World as described in “Kalyug Me* Satyug”, under creation by Dr Deo Dutta Sharma. 
According to Bharteeya ‘Kalchakra’, Indian system of determination of Time Period, you know there are four Yugas, namely: Satyug, Treta-Yug, Dwapar-Yug and Kali-Yug or Kalyug. The cultures in different Yugas or Eras are quite different. These four Yugas are cyclic and non-ending since they keep on repeating according to Indian Kalchakra.
Presently there is Kaliyug here on the Earth, which started after the death of King Parixit, the grandson of Arjun of India about 5200 years ago from 2000 AD >> 3200 BC, or Srishtyabda 
1 972 943 000. The ‘Culture of Kaliyug’ or Modern Era, as described in Puranas, are as follows: In this Kaliyug, 
(a) people are mostly self-oriented or selfish;
(b) they cheat each other speaking lie;
(c) speaking truth is considered foolishness;
(d) they kill animals and cherish to eat the same;
(e) they do not think good for others;
(f) they do not respect each other; and
(g) everywhere hatred to each other prevails and so on.      
As mentioned in Puranas the culture in different Yugas, are quite different. However, the culture of the world during different eras had been different; but it may be different in the same era as well in different parts of the World as described in the book “Kaliyug Me* Satyug” under creation by Dr Deo Dutta Sharma. Dr Sharma has seen the “Culture of Satyug” in present era of Kaliyug itself in ‘a vast area of the World’. This was the ‘Satyug Model’ observed by Dr Sharma in Kaliyug, in which 95 to 98 % people used to speak truth and truth only, and about the same proportion of people were 100 % happy, a ‘Satyug Culture’. This is not the culture of India what we see in 20th or 21st Centuries, neither it was the Culture of India during 1st to 19th Century India, or in the era of late Treta-Yug or Dwapar-Yuga; since hardly 95% to 98% people were speaking truth and neither 95 % to 98 % people were 100 % happy. Such ‘Satyugi Culture’ was prevalent in India about 6 to 10 million ‘earth year’ ago from now 2000 AD corresponding to 1,972,949,100 Srishtyabda Rig-Veda. The Sristyabda is based on EK, UK, and AK, the “Culture of India”, which according to Rig Veda depicts: when did Srishti started on the Earth, signifying the creation of the ‘First Living Being’ on the Earth by the Nature. 
Apart from the Aboriginal or Sanaatan Culture of Manav = ‘Man’ in short meaning descendants of Manu, the other main Cultures developed by Man are as follows:   
(a & b) The two Great Thoughts originated from Bihar in about Srishtyabda 1 972 945 000, one of the many states of Bharat, which are popularly known as Jainism and Buddhism.
(c)   Another Great Thought developed by Man from Arabia in Srishtyabda 1 972 947 100 which became very popular throughout the World and is called Christianity. This Great thought is quite similar to the Sanaatan Thoughts in essence.
(d) The other Great Thought developed from Punjab State of India in Srishtyabda 1 972 945 000 which is known as Sikhism.
(e)   One more Great Thought has been developed by Man from Germany and Russia of Europe in Srishtyabda 1 972 949 000 which is popular as Communism.
 Out of the above six Great Thoughts developed by Man or Manav ‘Who looks good for all Mankind, three Great Thoughts have developed in India or Bharat; each one represents a Culture in itself. 
Again, since two Great Thoughts have developed in Bihar, the Culture of India can be very close to the “Culture of Bihar” as shown below:  
Culture of Bihar:
Once while plowing land in Sitamarhi, King Videh Janak (Capital: Janakpuri in present Nepal) found a newborn baby whom he adopted as his daughter. This is the Culture of Bihar. The king was famous as ‘Videh’ i.e. a person who has body but who does not bother for his body for the sake of good of the others; this is the Culture of Bihar. King Janak comes from the Mithila region of Bihar. However, the Culture of Bihar in this era is well described in detail in 'Balmiki Ramayan' as well as Tulsikrit ‘Ram Charit Manas’. The culture of the period of King Janak and Ram is a subject in itself but according to Indian Kalachakra, all know: Ram had been in Treta-Yug about 18 lakh 'Earth-year' ago from 2012 AD.
Unlike the Western-trained Indian historians, history is mainly based on Archeological findings, instead of 'Sruti and Smriti'. According to Dr Pt. Deo Dutta Sharma of Bihar, in Satyug and Treta-Yug, 'Vedic Culture' was prevalent not only in Bihar but in whole of Bharat and many other places of Eastern Europe. The 'Vedic Culture' prevailed till Mid-Dvapar Yug, but after this it was no more in late Dvapar Yug, particularly in ”Mahabharata Kal' or era, say about 5,250 'Earth Year' ago ( presently Khrishnyabda 5240 > equivalent to 2012 AD). 
During Mahabharata era, King Jarasandha of Rajgrihi ruled in Bihar and neighboring areas. The 'Vedic Culture' had largely deteriorated before, during and after 'Mahabharat era' in which kings were fighting to each other and they were hardly bothered about welfare of people, particularly in and around Mathura, Hastinapur near present Dilli or Delhi.
Due to all these happenings in Bihar, the preaching’s of the Great Teerthankar Mahabir starting Jainism and Gautama Buddha starting Buddhism greatly influenced the Culture of Bihar as well as whole of Northern India spreading to Afghanistan, Samarkand, Mongolia, Tibet, China, Korea, Japan, Shrilanka and many other countries. This completely changed the Culture of Bihar and all the above places.
Then the 'Gupta Period' started which again brought the culture of Bihar and Bharat very close to the 'Vedic Culture' due to which this Gupta-Era is considered as the "Golden Period of India". This era's culture continued in Bihar when great Universities like Nalanda and Taxashila were established in Bihar, and an exemplary culture starting from Bihar was spreading not only in whole of Bharat but in most part of Asia. 
The above "Bharateeya Sanshkriti", “Indo-British Aryan Culture” or "Hindu Culture" as termed by Islamic Invaders was destroyed in a much-planned manner. The invaders not only destroyed the temples but burnt Nalanda and Taxsheela Universities as well. They forced people to follow hatred, killing each other indiscriminately just to follow Islamic ideology. This started a 'Black Period of Bharat', as it is prevailing presently in countries like Pakistan, Afghanistan and many others. This culture has destroyed over two thousand year old three statues of Buddha in Bunyan, almost killed a girl (Gul-Makai or Malala presently undergoing treatment in England of her fatal injury caused by firing on her to stop going to the school) who likes to study. About this period and such culture, the lesser is said, is better. 
After the above, the British started ruling mostly, all over India. This started a new culture in Bengal, Bihar, Orissa and Madras present Tamil Nadu. The Indian saints, preachers, social workers started feeling great relief. 'Sati Pratha' which was started by Hindus to protect their women from the atrocities of Islamic invaders was no more valid under British era or Culture just like it was meaningless in "Bharateeya Sanshkriti" or "Indian Culture"; and it was made illegal by British Government of India as as advocated by Pt. Madan Mohan Malviya. From here onwards an "Indo-British Culture" started in India which is flourishing presently at great speed.
This "Indo-British Aryan Culture" as termed by Dr Pt. Deo Dutta Sharma was started by Swamy Dayananda Saraswati, the author of the "24th. Bhashya of Rig-Veda" and originator of the "Arya Samaj", institutes prefixing "Dayananda Anglo Vedic" or D.A.V in short from Punjab, establishing "Gurukul Kangdi" of Uttar Pradesh, establishing "Lokmanya Brahmacharyashram 1917-1948" in Bihar by Acharya Pundit Ambika Datta Sharma, now where RDS College is situated; and "Vishva Bharati" at Shanti-Niketan in Bengal (present West Bengal) by Guru Ravindra Nath Tagore.  Lokmanya Balgangadhar Tilak in Maharashtra, Pt. Madan Mohan Malviya in Uttar Pradesh, Mahatma M. K. Gandhi in Gujarat also liked this "Indo-British Aryan Culture". Mahatma Gandhi preferred to call it ‘Ram Rajya’.  
All the above great Social Revolutionaries, Social Scientists and personalities, tried to revive the "Glorious Vedic Culture" or “Indo-British Aryan Culture”, of course with openness of Vedas in which there was no Cast System. Instead of eliminating over 1000s of casts presently seen, the governments in India are creating more and more casts every now and then simply for the shake of petty interest of "Vote-Bank". 
In Bihar, “Indo-British Aryan Culture” was started by Acharya Pundit Ambika Datta Sharma, by establishing “Lokamanya Brahmacharyashram” ramkaran sharma in Gannipur, Muzaffarpur in 1917 AD. This Ashram was able to unite over 600 casts into just four. The people were astonished to see what the ‘Vedic Culture’ or the “Indo-British Aryan Culture” was. In this Culture, all the women consider themselves the mother of the students of the Ashram, known as Brahmachari. The sons of any cast, rich and poor, educated or illiterate, landlords and peasants were eating together, sleeping together, doing Sandhyas and Havan together, and studying together establishing an entirely new but ‘Vedic Culture’ as said above. The Ashram produced many eminent Sanskrit Scholars like Dr. Ram Karan Sharma Ex. Director/ Advisor of Sanskrit Education, GOI; Ex. VC, KS Sanskrit University, Darbhanga and Varanaseya Sanskrit University, Varanasi; Pt. Rampadartha Sharma, Ex. Secretory, Bihar Sanskrit Association the predicessor of KS Sanskrit University, Pt. Ram Karan Sharma Ex. Principal, DSS College Muzaffarpur, and Dr. D D Sharma, Ex. Sr. Specialist of MECON under whose Leadership the Seventh Blast Furnace Complex of Bhilai Steel Plant was designed with PLC and DDC Control System, first time in India. Dr Deo Dutta Sharma is the last Bramachari of the Ashram, an independent Inventor of ‘System Engineering’ during 1953-54 AD in BB Collegiate School Muzaffarpur. The Bramacharyashram, which was a unique institute of Bihar and the Culture of which impressed all the people Bihar and India, was taken over by the Bihar Government in 1948 just to convert it then into an ordinary degree college called RDS College. This is the post-independence Bihar Culture. 
During 1990 to 2005 AD, a great politician of Bihar started to up root the education system of post independent Bihar, starting a new cast-culture with appeasement of Islamists just for the gain of ‘Vote Bank’. Although the education system of past is somehow being revived but the Culture of appeasement of Islamists is still prevailing in Bihar in 2013 AD. This ‘cast politics’ and ‘appeasement culture of Bihar’ is the greatest impedance to its development. 
Barring the above, the Social Culture of Bihar, in its countryside and most places is superb. Go to anywhere in Bihar and call anybody ‘Mai’, ‘Bhai’, ‘Didi’, ‘Chacha’, ‘Babua’. ‘Babi’, ‘Chachi’, ‘Bhabhi’ and so on, and see what love and affection you get! 
This is real ‘Bihar Culture’ and ‘Culture of India’. 
Culture of India continued

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