Sunday 30 August 2015

02.06.9115 Earth Sanskriti

02.06.9115 Earth Sanskriti: धरती के संस्कृति
Bhaasaa: Bhojpuri, Sanket: bho, aa Angrejee: en
[Language: Bhojpuri. Code: bho and English Code: en]:

**      संस्कृति Sanskriti aa Sabhyataa > eke naa ha.
          [Culture and Civilization > are not the same]

**     PanDit maane Shixit naa.
[Learned does not mean Educated]

Dharati ke Jinagee: 4.32 G baris (+- 5%),
[The Life of Earth: about 4.5 G yr]

Aaj se SrisTyaabda: 1 972 949 115 baris pahile Dharati pa Pahilaa Jeev ke utpatti bhail: Rigveda. ThoR me`: 9115.
[Srishtyabd: 1 972 949 115 years ago, the First Living Being Developed on the Earth: Rigved: in short 9115.]

1. Visay Praves: [Introduction]:
Peeche ke PosT dekhee`: [Look at the earlier Posts]:
[Glimpse of the Culture of India]: भारतीय संस्कृति के झलक
 25.05.9115 [25.08.2015]

भारत आ संसार के संस्कृति के झलक : [Glimpse of Culture of India and the World.]

सृष्ट्याब्द SrisTyaabda: 1 972 949 115 baris pahile Dharati pa Pahilaa Jeev utpanna bhail: Rigveda. ThoR me`: 9115. [Before 1 972 949 115 yr ago from 2015 AD, in short: 9115 first time on the earth 'Living things' developed in water body: Rigveda.]

भारतीय संस्कृति 'Sansaar ke Sanskriti ke jhalakaawelaa'. Ek shabda me`, 'Bhaarateey Sanskriti' , ’सत्यमेव जयते' ke siddhaant pa aadhaarit baa. "Satya aa Ahinsaa" Bharteeya Sanskriti ke aadhaar ha.
[The Culture of India provides a ‘Glimpse of the Culture of the World’. In one word, the “Indian Culture” is based on the theme of ‘Satyameva Jayate’, i.e. ‘Truth only Prevails". "Indian Culture" is based on "Truthfulness and Non-voilence".]

’सत्यमेव जयते' . ‘Truth only Prevails'.

'सत्य aa Ahinsaa' >>'Bhaarat ke Sanskriti' ke aadhaar ha. "Truthfulness and Non-voilence" >> are the basis on which 'Indian Culture' stands.]

Earth Sanskriti: धरती के संस्कृति ke seedhaa sambandh baa [Earth Sanskriti is directly related to
Sun Sanskriti, which is related to other Planets]:
Sooraj संस्कृति se, jekar sambandh dusar Graho se baa.

Baakir 'धरती', je sab ke 'dhaaran kareli', okare pa ‘paani’ rahe aa aajo baa,  [But water is available on the Earth only since ages.]

Sooraj deva ke sab Grahan ke संस्कृति aisan naikhe ki, oh pa kawano sajeev utpanna ho sake. [All the Planets of the Sun are not such that life can develop on them]

Hamni ke jadi Brihaspati, Shaneecar, Nepcun, Yurenas, PluTo pa jaaee`, ta uuhaa` khaRo hokhe ke Thos jagahe naa mili.  [In case we go to Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Urenus, or Pluto; where shall we stand on the gases?]

Nirjeev Tho~s ceej ta Ma`gar, Budh, Shuk aa Prithvie pa holaa, baakir Sajeev ceej khaatir khaali Tho~s jameene naa caahi, baluk Paani, Oxijan aa Kaarban-di-Oxaaido jaroori baa, je Prithvee, yaani dharateeye ke Sanskriti me` baa. [Non-living things are found on the Mars, Murcury, Venus and Earth, but apart from the planet being Terrestrial, living things need water, Oxygen, Carbon di Oxide as well for their development and living; Sun-light is available on all the planets.]

Suraj Baabaa ke aadar, sab Grah karele, aa ehee se uu unke caaro o~r hardam naacat rahele. [The Sun is honoured by all Planets, and due to this they keep on dancing around it (‘him’, according to Indian Culture.)]

Auru baa  [continued]

02.06.9115 Earth Sanskriti 31.8.2015






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