Thursday 17 September 2015

19.06.9115 Earth Sanskriti: धरती के संस्कृति

19.06.9115 Earth Sanskriti: धरती के संस्कृति
Bhaasaa: Bhojpuri, Sanket: bho, aa Angrejee: en
[Language: Bhojpuri. Code: bho and English Code: en]:

** Sanskriti aa Ma~t > eke naa ha. Sanaataarya pa Jaadaa khaatir: Pichalkaa PosT.  
[Culture and Religion > are not the same.  For more on Sanatarya: see earlier posts] .

Sanskriti nirbhar karelaa: desh aa kaal pa. 
[The Culture depends on the Place and Era]

[In undivided India (India, Banglaadesh and Pakistan), there is about 15% reduction in Sanaatanaarya in last 5100 year.]
· Prasiddha ‘Sanaatanaarya’ ke ego lisT khaatir jaaee` pa.

>> ‘Sanaatanaarya Sanskriti’ pooraa Sansaar me` faelal baa. “Sanaatanaarya sab bhootan (sajeev, nirjeev) ke kalyaan so`cele.”   
[‘Sanatanarya Culture’ is found Worldwide, WW. Simplistically “A Sanatanarya looks good to all beings, living or non-living.”] 

 ** संस्कृति Sanskriti aa Sabhyataa > eke naa ha.
[Culture and Civilization > are not the same] 
Bahut log so`celan ki Sabhya maane Susanskrit: Ee bharam ha. ThoR me`: 
Susanskrit = Swacch: man, vicaar, bacan aa karam se.
Shabhya = Paulished, well dressed, "Mukh me` Raam bagal me` chooRee" ho sakelaa.
[Many think Civilized means Culture: This is misleading.
Cultured = Person with good thoughts (for all) and good deeds.
Civilised = Well dressed, polished with good manners, but may be decieving. ]

>>> Sanskriti: kaa ha! [What is Culture !]
‘Kawano Ceej ke Sanskriti’ okar aantarik gu0Ia holaa, je desh, Kaal aa Praakritik viddhaa ke anusaar badalat rahelaa je se okar Jinagi calat rahelaa.
‘Maanav Sanskriti’: Maanav, man ke saghan aantarik unnat Vicaar holaa, je desh, Kaal, Praakritik Vidhaa aa Samaaj pa nirbhar karelaa; aa je me` oh Maanav aa Samaaj ke Aacaar Vicaar, bhaasaa, kalaa, sangeet, naac-gaan, so`c-samajh, kaam-dhaam, pahnaawaa, rahan-sahan, baat-ceet aadi ke tareekaa saamil holaa. 

[‘The Culture of a Being’ is its inherent, intricate properties or characteristics, varying with the Era, Place and Natural Environment; shaping the Life of the Being.
‘The Culture of Human Being’ is the inherent, intricate properties developed in her / him varying with the Era, Place, Natural Environment, and Society; shaping the Life & Behavior of the Human; including Language, Music, Dance, Acting, other Arts, Ways of living, Traditions of interaction, dress and food, values & believes of the Person or a Society. 
Some person may interact even with Animals and Plants as well as non-living things like stone, mountain, the Earth, the Sun etc. e.g many ‘Sanatanaryas’ bow to ‘the Sun as father of all’, ‘the Earth as the Mother of all’ living on her lap.
Accordingly, the Sun is a masculine word, and the Earth a feminine in Sanskrit and almost all Indian languages. Such highly cultured thoughts are ‘the thoughts of ‘Sanskrit’ >> deriving the word ‘Sanskriti’, meaning ‘Culture’.]  

** PanDit maane Shixit naa. Neecu dekhee`, PanDit ke holaa, ego Sanskrit Slo~k se:
“Maatrivat par daaresu, par dravesu lozTawat;
Aatmvat sarva bhootesu, ya: pashyati saPan0Iita:.

“Je dusar ke mehraaru ke maai jaisan, 
Dusar ke dhan ke maaTee ke Dhelaa jaisa;
Sab ceejan ke apane aisan, 
je dekhelaa uuhe PanDit holaa.”

[Learned does not mean Educated. Look below: Who is Pandit:
This is answered very nicely in the following Sanskrit Slo~k
“One who looks others wife as his mother, 
Others money as a lump of soil;
All beings (living or non-living) as himself, 
is a Pandit.”]

Aaj SrisTyaabda: 1 972 949 115 baris ha => Aaj se atane baris pahile Dharati pa Pahilaa Jeev ke utpatti bhail: Rigveda. 
ChoT me`: Sri: 9115, chaahe 9115. 
Baakir ee atanaa puraan baat, tab Bhaarateeyan ke pataa kaise calal? 
Ekar uttar baa: EK, 'Eternal Knowledge'. 
Jaadaa khaatir dekhee` kitaab: "Knowledge Beyond nano pico Technology" pa.

[Srishtyabd: 1 972 949 115 years, ago when 'the First Living Being Developed on the Earth': Rigved: in short 9115. How could Indians knew this then? Did they knew 'Carbon Dating Technique'? No comment. But they had EK, 'Eternal Knowledge'. For more: Book entitled: "Knowledge Beyond nano pico Technology" at .]

Earth Sanskriti: धरती के संस्कृति
1. Visay Praves: [Introduction]:
Peeche ke PosT dekhee`: [Look at the earlier Posts]:

[Glimpse of the Culture of India]: भारतीय संस्कृति के झलक 
 25.05.9115 [25.08.2015]

भारत आ संसार के संस्कृति के झलक : [Glimpse of Culture of India and the World.]

सृष्ट्याब्द SrisTyaabda: 1 972 949 115 baris pahile Dharati pa Pahilaa Jeev utpanna bhail: Rigveda. ThoR me`: 9115. Baakir ee unkaa pataa kaise laagal? Kaa Karban DeTing se, naa. Ta~ kaise? [Before 1 972 949 115 yr ago from 2015 AD, in short: 9115 first time on the earth 'Living things' developed in water body: Rigveda. But how did they knew it? Is it by Carbon Dating, no. Then how?]

भारतीय संस्कृति 'Sansaar ke Sanskriti ke jhalakaawelaa'. Ek shabda me`, 'Bhaarateey Sanskriti' , ’सत्यमेव जयते' ke siddhaant pa aadhaarit baa. "Satya aa Ahinsaa" Bharteeya Sanskriti ke aadhaar ha. 
>> jaadaa pichalaa 'PosT' pa.
[The Culture of India provides a ‘Glimpse of the Culture of the World’. In one word, the “Indian Culture” is based on the theme of ‘Satyameva Jayate’, i.e. ‘Truth only Prevails". "Indian Culture" is based on "Truthfulness and Non-voilence". 
>> For more see previous posts.]

’सत्यमेव जयते' . ‘Truth only Prevails'.

सत्य 'सत्य' ha. Eehaa` kawano 'viswaas' aa 'Maanyataa' ke baat ka`hawaa? baakir tabahu`o kuch log 'Satya' ke naa maan sake. Ee unkar vicaar hoi, hamaraa kaa? 

Uu aadmi je sab logan ke kahalo pa aapan Maai ke 'Maai' maane, ta~ kehu kaa karee.  > Asabhya aa Agyaani  
[Even after telling by elders, when a person refuses to recognise  his / her mother,what we can do.
> Uncivilised and crooked.] 
*** Uupar ke Udaaharan se 2 go baat nikalal:
'Gyaan milal aa lel' aa 'Gyaan ke sadupayog' sab ke bhalaai kaatir. [Here 2 Matters emerged: 
Getting a 'Knowledge is one thing' and 'Using the Knowledge for the good of all is another'.]

>> Ehse 2 baat baa: [Thus, there are 2 aspects]: 
* Pahilaa: "Khaa`Tee, Sac Gyaan" milal. 
[First to get the "Truth: Correct Knowledge".]

** Dusar: "Oh Saa`c Gyaan ke sab log ke bhalaai khaatir upayog". 
[Second to "Use the the Truthful Knowledge for the good of all".]

*** Ekare ke PanDit log khaali 4 sabdan me` kahale baaRan:
"Raamo Gati, dehu Sumati". 
Eehaa` "Raamo Gati" = "Raama: + Gati" = "Raam" je 'Gatie' ha, aa Gati maane 'lahar' je calate rahelaa hardam, rukal ki lahar khatam, ego Vaigyaanik tathya je sab Vigyaan ke vidyaarthi jaanelan. >>> Ee Suddh Gyaan > "Satya" ha.
"dehu Sumati" = 'Subuddhi dee` he Raam.
[This itself is said by the Pandits in just above 4 words in Bhojpuri: "Ram is Velocity itself, O Ram! Give me Wisdom".
Here "Raamo Gati" = Ram is 'Velocity' only, and 'Ra' is pronounced as Russian 'Er', with tip of the tongue vibrates many times.]

**** Eehe kahelaa caaro Veda ke nico~R: "Gaayatri Mantra". 
[This is said as the Gist of the 4 Vedas in the "Gayatri Mantra".]

'सत्य aa Ahinsaa' >> 'Bhaarat ke Sanskriti' ke aadhaar ha. ["Truthfulness and Non-voilence" >> are the basis on which 'Indian Culture' stands.]

Earth Sanskriti: धरती के संस्कृति . 

2. Dharati ke Jinagee: 4.32 G baris  (+5%), Veda se.
[The Life of Earth: about 4.5 G yr, by modern Science]
Prithvi: [Earth]:
Suru me` Prithvi khoob garam aa Vaaspeey rahe, je dheere dheere ThanDhaa ho~t gail. Ekar vaaspeey bhaag > draveey banal aa feru baahar me` PapaRee paRal, jeh se ee hamani ke Dharati banal. Eh uupari papaRee ke uupar draveey Paani jamaa bhail, aa Oxeejano ke praadurbhaaw. Jab paani aa Oxeejan banal, ta~ feru Prithvi ke PapaRee, hamani ke Dharati banal, jekaraa se hamani ke janam bhail baa. >>> Aadar se “Prithvi Lok” ke bahut log “Dharati Maai” kahelan, oh logan ke aaj Sanaatanaarya kahal jaalaa. [Earlier, the Earth was very hot and gasious, which got cooled slowly. Its outer part got cooled and became liquid and solid crust with water on most part. Then Oxygen was formed. On the terrastrial Earth's with water and Oxygen ,  living beings developed. >>> With regard, many call "the Earth" as "Mother Earth", they are now called 'Sanatanarya'.]

>> Hamani ke “Soorya ManDal”, “Aakaash Gangaa” naav ke Nihaarikaa me` baa, je BrahmaanD ke “IHLOK” bhaag me` baa. IHLOK me` Kharabo Nihaarikaa baaRe sa. [Our "Solar System" is a part of the Galaxy called 'Milky Way' which is in the "IHLOC" part of the Universe. There trillions of Galaxies.]

>>> BrahmaanD, IHLOK, ITARLOK, Adwaitvaad, Dwaitvaad, Asankhya Devataa log. [The Universe, IHLOC, ITARLOC, Monoethiism, Dualetheism, Polyetheism]: 

 IHLOK ta~ elekTron, e -1 ; proTon, p+1; aa neuTron, n0  aadi se banal baa. Jabki Theek IHLOKe aisan "ITARLOK" banal baa pojiTron e+1 ; anTiproTon, 
p-1 aadi  se. ["IHLOC" is made up of electron e-1,  proton, p+1; and neutron, n0  etc; where as "ITERLOC" is made of positron e+1 ; antiproton, p-1 etc. 

[Our "Solar System" is situated in the Galaxy "Milky Way" which is situated in the "IHLOC" part of the Universe, which is made particles like electrons e -1 , protons, p+1, and  netrons etc. The other part of the Universe is called "ITARLOC" which is similar to 'IHLOC' but is made up of particles like positron e+1, antiproton p-1, neutron n etc.]

<<< Bhaarat ke ee kho~j, eehaa` ke paaTakan ke "Devanaagari Lipi ke pahilaa Axar-e" se 
 paD*aawaal jaalaa. [This finding of Bhaarateeyas is taught to a student by the "First Letter of Devanagari Script".] 

Baakir, BrahmaanD ke 2 bhaagan ke naav: "IHLOK" aa "ITARLOC" Dr Pa Deva Datta Sharmaa ke del ha pahile pahile kitaab "Knowledge Beyond nano pico Technology"  me`. [However, the names of the 2 Parts of the Universe as "IHLOC" and "ITARLOC" are atributed by Dr Pa Deo Dutta Sharma in the book entitled  "Knowledge Beyond nano pico Technology"]

Ee sab Bhaarateeya darshan ke "Dwaitvaad" aa Cini darshan ke "Ying - Yaang" ke anusaare baa. BrahmaanD ke khubsoorati ta~ "Ying - Yaang", aurat - marad, meeTh - khaT, Anhaar -A`jo~r  me` baa => "Dwaitvaad". 
Atane naa, samoocaa Sansaare naa, baluk pooraa Brahmaa0ID "Kaali aa Raam" maya baa. 
[This is in line with the "Dwaitvad" of the Indian Phylosophy, and "Ying - Yaang" of Chinese. The beauty of the Universe lies in "Ying - Yaang", female - male, Sweet - Sour, Darkness - Light => "Dwaitvad".
The whole 'World', nay the whole 'Universe' consists of "Kaali - Raam".]

Jee, sagaro "Kaali ji" aa "Raam ji" baaran. Asal me` Raamo ji ta~ Kira0Ia ke roop me` adrishye hawan Kaali ji aisan => "Adwaitvaad", je Aadi Shankaraacaarya ke priya rahe.   [Yes, everywhere "Kaali ji" and "Raam ji" are present. Infact, 'Raam' himself, itself is 'Kaali', since Raam, the Rays are invisible in itself, as we all know. => "Adwaitvad" or Monoetheism.]

Baakir Brahmaa0ID ke khubsoorati naa ta "Adwaitvaad" aa naa "Dwaitvaad" me` baa, baluk "sab Devan (sajeev aa nirjeev)" me` baa, ja`hwaa hamani ke hardam khelataani jaa; kaahe ki kehoo kabahee` marabe naa kare, khaali ego DaaD*a sukh jaalaa; "Bansa ta calate rahelaa". Kehu naa ta 'mue' aa naa 'janame'. Ehee se 'Jeevaatmaa' aadi ke kawano matlab naa. [But the beauty of the 'Universe' lies not only in 'Mono' or 'Dual', but in "Polietheism" in which we all play for ever; particularly no one (living or non-living) ever dies, only a small branch dries; bacause "dynasty keeps on going", "Vansh calate rahelaa". Thus, there is no meaning of 'Soul' etc.]
>> Pachimee desh aa SRA niyojit Dhang se Iraak, Libiaa, Siriaa aa Yukren ke barbaad ka dele. Iraak, Libiaa aa Siriaa se  aurat-marad, booD*a-jawaan, laikaa- laiki sab logan ke baaD* Yuropee deshan me` bhagataaran. Kaa ekare ke "21vee Sataabdi ke Sanskriti" kahal jaa sakelaa. [The Western Countries including America in a planned manner destabilized or ruied Iraq, Libya, Syria and Ukraine. People from Iraq, Libya and Syria men and women with kids, boys and girls and young and old have started living their contries and flooding in to Europe for shelter and security. 
>> Is this 21st Century Culture of the West?]  

Auru baa [continued]

Earth Sanskriti 17.9.2015






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