Saturday 12 September 2015

06.06.9115 Earth Sanskriti: धरती के संस्कृति

06.06.9115 Earth Sanskriti: धरती के संस्कृति
Bhaasaa: Bhojpuri, Sanket: bho, aa Angrejee: en
[Language: Bhojpuri. Code: bho and English Code: en]:

**      संस्कृति Sanskriti aa Sabhyataa > eke naa ha.
          [Culture and Civilization > are not the same]
**     Sanskriti aa Ma~t > eke naa ha.
          [Culture and Religion > are not the same.]
Uda, Udaaharan: Bhaarat me` mukhya 7 Ma~t: [In India there are 7 main religions]:
Hindu (asal me` ma~t naa): 966.3 M, Islaam, Islam: 172.2 M, Isaai Christians: 27.8 M, Sikh: 20.8 M, Jaini 8.6 M, Bauddh 8.4, aa Paarsi ...;
baakir karib, 98%Hindu, 30% Musalmaan, 95%Isaai, 96%Sikh, 99%Jaini, 90%Buddhist aa 90%Parsi ke “Sanskriti: Bhaarateeya caahe Sanaatanaarya” ha, 9111 me`. [their Culture in 2011AD is Indianness or Sanatanarya]
Sanskriti nirbhar karelaa: desh aa Kaal pa. [The Culture depends on the Place and Era]
Eh se Bhaarat ke Sanskriti: 3869 me`(Mahaabhaarat Kaal): Sanaatanaarya 90%, Anaarya 10 % ke karib rahe. [Thus the Culture of India in 3231 BC (Mahabharat period) was: Sanatanaryas 90%, Anaryas 10%. Dravidians are not Anaryas as against ‘Western Historians’ who intended to divide Indians, vide the book entitled “Acharya Pt Ambika Datta Sharma: ‘House of Vedas and Ayurveda” at ]
Uupar se ee pataa calataa ki Bhaarat me` SrisTyaabda: 9111 me`, SrisTyaabda 3869 ke tulanaa me` ‘Sanaatanaarya Sanskriti’ bhaarit-Ausat se pataa cali:
Sanaatanaarya 9111 me`: (966.3*0.98+172.2*0.3+27.8*0.95+20.8*0.96+8.6*0.99+8.4*0.9)M*100%/(966.3+172.2+27.8+20.8+8.6+8.4)M = 106105%/1204.1 = 88.1%.
> Banglaadesh aa Paakistaan choR ke, je oh ghari Bhaarate rahe.[This excludes Bangladesh and Pakistan ehich were then India only.]
Sanaatanaarya 3869 me`: [In ]90 %
=> Ee saaf baa ki Bhaarat me` “Sanaatanaarya Sanskriti” karib 1.9% ghaT gail baa.   

>> Jadi Banglaadesh aa Paakistaan ke joR ke dekhee`, tab:
60%Banglaadeshi + 5% Paakistaa = 162*0.6+188*0.05 = 97.2 + 9.4 = 106.6 M
ð(1061.05+106.6)*100%/(1204.1+162+188) = 1167.65/1554.1 = 75.1%
Bhaarat, Pakistaan aa Banglaadesh me` Sanaatanaarya 3869 me`: 90 %
ðAaj 9115 me` ee ghaT ke 75% ho gail baa.
ðEs se saaf baa ki eh Xetra me` Sanaatanaarya log15% ghaT gail baaRan.

 [e.g: There are 7 main religions in India: Hindu (truly speaking, not a religion), Muslim, Sikh, Christian, Jain, Buddhist, Parsi; but about 98%Hindu, 10% Muslim, 96%Sikh, 95%Christian, 99%Jaini, 90%Buddhist and 90%Parsi have the same ‘Indian or Sanatanarya Culture’.
In last 5242 years from Mahabharat Era just at the beginning of Kaliyug till Sristyabd 9111, there has been reduction in ‘Sanatanarya Culture’ from about 90% to 88%.
When we talk about India, Banglades and Pakistan, then there is about 15% reduction in Sanatanaryas between SrisTyabd: 3969 to 9115, i.e. in about 5100 year.
ðThis reduction of Sanaatanaaryas is in India where their population is maximum.

Ego mo~T anumaan ke anusaar, kuch deshan me`  'Sanatanarya' ke Pratisat anupaat neece dekhee`: [According to a rough estimate, the % of Sanatanaryas in some countries of the World is given below]:
AsTrelesiaa: [Austrelasia]:  
Nepal:[Nepal]: 98 %,         BhooTaan: [Bhutan]: 95%,  
Cin: [China]: 90%,              Jaapaan: [Japan]:90%,
Bhaarat: [India]: 88%,      U. Koriaa:[N.Korea] 85%,
Saddaami Iraak: [Saddami Iraq]: 80%,     
Mayanmaar: [Myanmar]: 80%,          ComboDiaa: [Cambodia]: 70%,
Astreliaa: [Austrelia]: 70%, Kajaakhstaan: [Kazakhstan]: 70%.        
Ujbekistaan: [Ujbekistan]: 70%, taajikstaan: [Tajkistan]: 70%,
Banglaadesh: [Bangladesh]: 60%, InDonesia: [Indonesia]: 60%, Malayesiaa: [Malyasia]: 60%,       Grees: [Greece]:50%.
d.Koriaa: [S. Korea]: 50%,
turkmenistaan: [Turkmenistan]: 30%
Mongoliaa:[Mangolia]: 20%,     turki: [Turk ey]: 20%, Afgaanistaan: [Afghanistan]: 20%, UAE: 15%,        Pakistaan: [Pakistan]: 5%,         Saudi Arabiaa: [Saudi Arabia]: 0.1%,
Iraak: [Iraq]:0.1% (SRA+NATO ke Kripaa ke baad, [after attack of USA+ NATO]), Siriaa: [Syria]: ....?

Afrikaa: [Africa}:
Gaddaafi Libiaa: [Kaddafi Libya]: 90%    
d. Afrikaa: [S. Africa]: 20%, Naijeriaa: [Nigeria]: 10%
Misra: [Egypt]: 5%,
Libiaa: [Libya]: 0.1% (SRA+NATO Aakraman ke baad [after the attack of USA+ NATO]),

Rus [Russia]:85%,    Pu. Jarmani: [Germani E.]: 80%, 
Pa. Jarmani aa dusar Yurop ke desh: [Germany W. and other European Countries]: 60%,

Amerikaa: [America]:
Kyubaa: [Cuba]: 90%,
Brajil aa dusar S. American desh: [Brazil and other S. American Countries]: 75%,         SRA [USA]:60%,
(Ee 'Earth Sanskriti' ke anumaan: ke uddes khaali 'Sanaatanaarya' logan ke sankhyaa ke anumaane baa, auri kichuo naa. [the purpose of this estimated of ‘Earth Sanskriti’ is just to find the % of Sanaranaryas in some countries, and nothing elase.])

·  Prasiddha ‘Sanaatanaarya’ ke ego lisT khaatir pa jaaee`.

>> ‘Sanaatanaarya Sanskriti’ pooraa Sansaar me` faelal baa. “Sanaatanaarya sab bhootan (sajeev, nirjeev) ke kalyaan so`cele.” 
Shaabdik roop se 'Sanaatanaarya' ke maane holaa: 'Aadi kaal se cultured and unnat'. Eehaa` 'unnat' maane 'Sarvaangeen, har tarah se unnat', khaali bhautik roop se unnat naa.
[‘Sanatanarya Culture’ is found Worldwide, WW. Simplistically “A Sanatanarya looks good to all beings, living or non-living.”
'Sanatanarya' literary means 'Developed and cultured since ages'. Here developed may not mean just physically and mentally developed, it includes socially and culturally developed.]

>>  Sanskriti: kaa ha!
[Culture: What is Culture !]
‘Kawano Ceej ke Sanskriti’ okar aantarik gu0Ia holaa, je desh, Kaal aa Praakritik viddhaa ke anusaar badalat rahelaa je se okar Jinagi calat rahelaa.
Maanav Sanskriti’: okar saghan aantarik unnat Vicaar holaa, je desh, Kaal, Praakritik Vidhaa aa Samaaj pa nirbhar karelaa; aa je me` oh Maanav, Man aa Samaaj ke Aacaar Vicaar, bhaasaa, kalaa, sangeet, naac-gaanaa, so`c samajh, kaam-dhaam, pahnaawaa, rahan-sahan, baat-ceet aadi ke tareekaa saamil baa.
Kuch log ta~ kawano car acar se baat ceet ka lebelan: neecu dekhee`: Mae ne` kahaa ....  
[‘The Culture of a Being’ is its inherent, intricate properties or characteristics, varying with the Era, Place and Natural Environment; shaping the Life of the Being.
‘The Culture of Human Being’ is the inherent, intricate properties developed in her / him varying with the Era, Place, Natural Environment, and Society; shaping the Life & Behavior of the Human; including Language, Music, Dance, Acting, other Arts, Ways of living, Traditions of interaction, dress and food, values & believes of the Person or a Society.
Some person may interact even with Animals and Plants as well as non-living things like stone, mountain, the Earth, the Sun etc. e.g many ‘Sanatanaryas’ bow to ‘the Sun as father of all’, ‘the Earth as the Mother of all’ living on her lap.
Accordingly, the Sun is a masculine word, and the Earth a feminine in Sanskrit and almost all Indian languages. Such highly cultured thoughts are ‘the thoughts of ‘Sanskrit’ >> deriving the word ‘Sanskriti’, meaning ‘Culture’. 
A Hindi poet says:     Mae ne kahaa foolo` se, ha`s do,
                                    To khil khilaa ke, ha`s diye’
            In English:      I said to flowers, to laugh,
                                    They immediately bloomed, started laughing.      
This is not simply a poet’s imagination. Plants do wait for the Sun and look to him for energy every day.]

**     PanDit maane Shixit naa.
[Learned does not mean Educated]

Dharati ke Jinagee: 4.32 G baris (+- 5%),
[The Life of Earth: about 4.5 G yr]

Aaj se SrisTyaabda: 1 972 949 115 baris pahile Dharati pa Pahilaa Jeev ke utpatti bhail: Rigveda. ThoR me`: 9115.
[Srishtyabd: 1 972 949 115 years ago, the First Living Being Developed on the Earth: Rigved: in short 9115.]

1. Visay Praves: [Introduction]:
Peeche ke PosT dekhee`: [Look at the earlier Posts]:
[Glimpse of the Culture of India]: भारतीय संस्कृति के झलक
 25.05.9115 [25.08.2015]

भारत आ संसार के संस्कृति के झलक : [Glimpse of Culture of India and the World.]

सृष्ट्याब्द SrisTyaabda: 1 972 949 115 baris pahile Dharati pa Pahilaa Jeev utpanna bhail: Rigveda. ThoR me`: 9115. [Before 1 972 949 115 yr ago from 2015 AD, in short: 9115 first time on the earth 'Living things' developed in water body: Rigveda.]

भारतीय संस्कृति 'Sansaar ke Sanskriti ke jhalakaawelaa'. Ek shabda me`, 'Bhaarateey Sanskriti' , ’सत्यमेव जयते' ke siddhaant pa aadhaarit baa. "Satya aa Ahinsaa" Bharteeya Sanskriti ke aadhaar ha.
[The Culture of India provides a ‘Glimpse of the Culture of the World’. In one word, the “Indian Culture” is based on the theme of ‘Satyameva Jayate’, i.e. ‘Truth only Prevails". "Indian Culture" is based on "Truthfulness and Non-voilence".]

’सत्यमेव जयते' . ‘Truth only Prevails'.

'सत्य aa Ahinsaa' >>'Bhaarat ke Sanskriti' ke aadhaar ha. "Truthfulness and Non-voilence" >> are the basis on which 'Indian Culture' stands.]

Earth Sanskriti: धरती के संस्कृति ke seedhaa sambandh baa [Earth Sanskriti is directly related to
Sun Sanskriti, which is related to other Planets]:
Sooraj संस्कृति se, jekar sambandh dusar Graho se baa.

Baakir 'धरती', je sab ke 'dhaaran kareli', okare pa ‘paani’ rahe aa aajo baa,  [But water is available on the Earth only since ages.]

Sooraj deva ke sab Grahan ke संस्कृति aisan naikhe ki, oh pa kawano sajeev utpanna ho sake. [All the Planets of the Sun are not such that life can develop on them]

Hamni ke jadi Brihaspati, Shaneecar, Nepcun, Yurenas, PluTo pa jaaee`, ta uuhaa` khaRo hokhe ke Thos jagahe naa mili.  [In case we go to Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Urenus, or Pluto; where shall we stand on the gases?]

Nirjeev Tho~s ceej ta Ma`gar, Budh, Shuk aa Prithvie pa holaa, baakir Sajeev ceej khaatir khaali Tho~s jameene naa caahi, baluk Paani, Oxijan aa Kaarban-di-Oxaaido jaroori baa, je Prithvee, yaani dharateeye ke Sanskriti me` baa. [Non-living things are found on the Mars, Murcury, Venus and Earth, but apart from the planet being Terrestrial, living things need water, Oxygen, Carbon di Oxide as well for their development and living; Sun-light is available on all the planets.]

Suraj Baabaa ke aadar, sab Grah karele, aa ehee se uu unke caaro o~r hardam naacat rahele. [The Sun is honoured by all Planets, and due to this they keep on dancing around it (‘him’, according to Indian Culture.)]

अउ Auru baa  [continued]

Earth Sanskriti 04.9.2015






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