Saturday 24 June 2017

ODC amd DCU of a few large Countries.

ODC: Overall Development  of people of a country: (Series-6)
[Rank among 185 countrie].
India ODC: 29.4% [Rank149] <> USA ODC: 67.2% [Rank 24]
DCU: 'Democratic Capacity Utilisation' > Activities for good of humanity: Rank bamong 60 most populated countries of the World: 
India DCU: 82.3% [Rank 17 ] <> USA DCU: - 138% [Rank 58]
Compare with China and Russia:
China ODC: 72.7% [Rank11] <> Russia ODC: 69.3% [Rank 18]
China DCU: 64.1% [Rank 31 ] <> Russia DCU: 85.1% [Rank 2]
>>> In China and Russia the ODC and DCU are quite balanced: depicting good development and happiness of the people.

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