Wednesday, 22 June 2016

01.04.9116 Earth Sanskriti: 21.06.2016 >>> "Time Line of Development on the Earth From the Birth of the Earth"

01.04.9116 Earth Sanskriti: धरती के संस्कृति
Bhaasaa: Bhojpuri, Sanket: bho, aa Angrejee: en
[Language: Bhojpuri. Code: bho and English Code: en]
धरती khaatir je Anuched: 2.10.2 pa likhal baa okaraa ke feru likhaail kuch badlaaw ke saath:
[We reproduced below what were written at Para 2.10.2 about "the Earth" with some modifications]:

*** Earth Kaal Cakra [Time Cycle of the Earth]:
> 4.35 G Baris pahile: (Veda: se, EK [Eternal Knowledge], UK [Ultimate Knowledge] se, dekhee` kitaab:
"Knowledge Beyond nano pico Technology" ISBN: 978.1.304.30027.0 pa.) by Pt Dr Deo Dutta Sharma.

Aadhunik Vigyaan ke anusaar Prithvi ke janam karib 4.5 G Baris pahile bhail. [According to Modern Science: The Earth was born about 4.5 G years ago. Difference with Veda: (4.5-4.35)*100/4.35 = 1.44% only.]

Prithvi ke Janam se SrishTyaabd, Sri: 0 tak jab Prithvi pa Pahilaa Jeevadhaari ke Janam bhail, Rigved ke anusaar ehee din se SrishTyaabd: 0  aa Sri: 0 suru bhail je se Jeevadhaarian ke Praakritik parivartan suru bhail dharati pa,
karib 2.377 G baris tak > Prithvi pa kawano jeev naa rahe, khoob garami aa Oxijan-o ke kami ke calate.
[After the birth of the Earth, for about 2.377 G year, there was no living being on the Earth, due to extreme hotness and lack of Oxygen. After this the 1st living being like Fungi and or bacteria were born: according to Rigved from this very day Sristyabda: 0 or Sri: 0 started, starting the development of 'Living Beings' on the Earth.]

> SrisTyaabd: 0 Baris => Sri: 0 Year
(aaj Sri: 1 972 949 116 <> 2016 CE)
> 0
{Sri: 0 Baris me` Pahilaa Jeev ke janam bhail Prithvi pa paani me`: kaai aa bacTeriaa aadi ke roop me` jahaa` tahaa` Dharati pa.}
[In Sri: 0, the 1st living being was born on the Surface of the Earth in water: possibly some fungi or bacteria.]

> 1. {Sri: 0 se 1 000 000 > MachaRee ke janam, Matsyaavataar je khaali paanie me` jeeyelaa.}
[Birth of  'Fish god' in water, who can live only in water]

> 2. {Sri: 1 000 000 se 1 500 000 > Kachuaa ke janam, Koormaavataar je dhartio pa calelaa.
[Birth of  "Tortoise god", who can walk on land > good development.]

> 3. {Sri: 1 500 000 se 1 970 000  > Sooar ke janam Baraahaavatar, je Dharati pa rahelaa baakir paa`kio niman laagelaa.}
[Birth of  'Pig god' who started living on land; but still liked muddy water.]

> 4. {Sri: 1 970 000 - 1 880 000 000 > Dher jantu aa jaanwaran ke janam frog, rabbit, saa`p, ciuTi, bilaai, kukkur, moos, gaay, ghoRaa. maachi; aa Aadi-maanav ke janam Satyug me`.
=> Nrisinghaavataar, Satyug me`.}

[Birth of verieties of Animals. creatures and Primitive Maanav ke janam:   like: ant, rat, cat, dog, cow, snake  etc.
Birth of  'Manlike god' whose mind was like the most developed animal: Lion, in 'Truth Era']

> 5. {Sri: 1 880 000 000 - 1 972 000 000 > Avikasit Maanav ke janam, like a Banti or Pigmi: Afrikaa - Arabiaa - Tibbat -Bhaarat - Cin aadi me`.
Baaman Avataar, Satyug me`.}
[Birth of  'Pigmi-Banti god' whose mind was highly developed in the 'Era of Truth.]

(0.0052 Kaliyug lapsed + 0.864 Dwapar lapsed + 1.296 Treta lapsed) M yr = 2.1652 M yr ago from now.
Sri: 1 972 949 115 - 2 165 200 se pahile Satyug rahe = Sri: 1 970 784 000 ke pahile Sat Yug Rahe: Ee Sat Yug Rahe.]

> 6. >7. {Sri: 1 972 000 000 - 1 972 940 100 >Taagatvar Poorva Maanav  aa Vikasit Maanav ke janam. Parasuraamaavataar, aa Raamaavataar, Purushottam.
Laagataa Raam ji Sri: 1 972 763 000 me` bhail rahan, 'Tretaa Yug' me`.}
[Vey strong man, and developed Man. Parasuramavatar, and Ramavatar, an Ideal Man.
Ram had been in Sri: 1 972 763 000 in Treta Yug, in 179000 BCE]

> 8. {Sri: 1 972 949 116- 5243 = Sri: 1 972 943 873 me` Dwaapar ke ant me` Krishnaavataar, Sanaatanaarya, Preme Prem.}
[Birth in  Dwapar Sri: 1 972 943 865 Krishnavatar, Icon of Love, Sanatanarya.]

> 9. {Sri: 1 972 949 116 - 2016-623 = Sri: 1 972 946 477 me` Kaliyug me` Buddhaavataar, Satya - Ahinsaa pa aadhaarit Jinagi.}
[Birth in  KalYug in 623 BCE Buddhavatar, Sanatanarya:life based on Truth and Non-violence.]

> 10. {Sri: 1 973 375 885 me` Kalki Awataar, Caturyug samaapta. aa Feru Sat Yug aai}[In Sri: 1 973 375 885 there will be Kalki Awatar, when 4 Yugas will be Complete after which again Sat Yug will come on the Earth.]

** Sab Avataar ego Varg ke dikhaawelaa: jaise:
'Matsyaavataar' paani ke aisan sab jeevan ke aguaa ha je khaali paanie me` jeeyat rahelaa.
'Koormaavataar' oh sab jeevan ke aguaa ha je paani aa jameen duno pa jee sakelaa, jaise: Kachuaa, be`g, ghaRiyaal ... aadi
'Varaahaawataar' oh sab jeevan ke aguaa ha je Jameen pa rahelaa, baakir paa`kio  niman laagelaa.
.... ... ... ...
'Parasuraamaawataar' oh sab logan ke aguaa ha je Ashtra calaawelan.
'Raamaawataar' uu sab log je aapan karm sahee kare.
'Krishnaawataar' oh sab logan ke aguaa hawan je 'Preme Prem' kare.
'Buddhaawataar' oh sab logan ke aguaa hawan jekar jeewan 'Satya- Ahinsaa" pa aadhaarit hokhe.
[All Awataars show a Group of living beings. e.g. 'Matsyawatar' represents all beings which live in water only.
'Koormavwatar' represent all living being who lives in water but roams on land also.
'Varahawatar' represents all who live on land but loves muddy water.
... ... ... ...
'Parasuramawatar' represents those who uses some weapon for good of all.
'Ramawatar' represents those who are ideal persons like Ram.
'Krishnaawatar' represents all who love all.
'Buddhaawatar' represents those who follow truthfulness-nonviolence.];

>>> Ee janalaa ke baad 'Daarvin ke Siddhaant' ke kaa jaroorat baal [What is the us of the 'Darvin Theory' on knowing the above 'Dashaavataar' .

01.04.9116 Earth Sanskriti: 21.06.2016

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