Wednesday, 27 March 2019
Sunday, 24 March 2019
25.03.2019 Earth Sanskriti: धरती के संस्कृति
25.03.2019 Earth Sanskriti: धरती के संस्कृति
Pichalaa: Arliar PosT (in 21sT Sencuri 'Inglish') [Earlier Post]:
07.07.2018 Da Birth Day of “21sT Sencuri Inglish”, raesanal aend SaainTifik Tu riple~s da 500-600 olD irresanal ‘English’.
‘Inglish’ waaz baorn in Delhi NKR, Indiaa aon 07 - 09.07.2018, from da Madar aof MosT Languajez: Sanskrit, thru Bhojpuri, aen 1800 yiar olD languej aolso baorn in Indiaa; naaau whic haez spreD in 4 / 5 KanTinenTs.
Traai Tu larna da raesanal aend saainTifik ‘Inglish’ with 50 letters of ‘English’ used very irraesanally, faor whic van has to do:
AvoaeDebl “larning baai ro~T” thaausenDs aof ‘spellings’ aend larning annesessari ‘Transcripsans’.
[Avoidable “learning by rot” thousands of spellings and unnecessary learning of ‘transkriptions’.]
>> Bi haebeecual aof uzing Inglish:
“da 21sT Sencuri Inglish”.
22.05.9115 Earth Sanskriti: धरती के संस्कृति
[Glimpse of the Culture of India]: भारतीय संस्कृति के झलक
22.05.9115 [22.08.2015]
भारत आ संसार के संस्कृति के झलक : [Glimpse of Culture of India and the World.]
Bhaasaa: Bhojpuri, Sa`ket: bho, aa A`grejee, en;
[Language: Bhojpuri. Code:bho and English Code:en]:
सृष्ट्याब्द SrisTyaabda: 1 972 949 115 baris pahile Dharati pa Pahilaa Jeev ke Praadurbhaav bhail: Rigveda. ThoR me`: 9115.
भारतीय संस्कृति 'Sansaar ke Sanskriti ke jhalakaawelaa'. Ek shabda me`, 'Bhaarateey Sanskriti' , ’सत्यमेव जयते' ke siddhaant pa aadhaarit baa. "Satya aa Ahinsaa" Bharteeya Sanskriti ke aadhaar ha.
[The Culture of India provides a ‘Glimpse of the Culture of the World’. In one word, the “Indian Culture” is based on the theme of ‘Satyameva Jayate’, i.e. ‘Truth only Prevails". "Indian Culture" is based on "Truthfulness and Non-voilence".]
’सत्यमेव जयते' . ‘Truth only Prevails'.
'सत्य aa Ahinsaa' >>'Bhaarat ke Sanskriti' ke aadhaar ha. "Truthfulness and Non-voilence" >> are the basis on which 'Indian Culture' stands.]
Ehee se 'सतयुग' me` सब से अच्छा मानल जाला. Aa ehee se SamraaT Ashok aa aaj ke Bhaarat me` ’सत्यमेव जयते' ke RaasTra Vicaar maanal gail baa.
[Thus, the ‘Era of Truth’ or Satyug, is considered as the best. That is why the emblem of Emperor Ashoke and present India incorporates “Satyameva Jayate”.]
'सतयुग संस्कृति' me` man-vacan-aa karma me` saccaee holaa, je sab ke Aadarsh aa uddes hokhe ke caahee` je se anand milelaa. [ The ‘Culture of Satyug’ is the ‘Truthfulness in thoughts and in deeds’; which should be the ideal and aim of all which ultimately results into happiness.]
Bhaarat ke paas Yugo se UK, 'Asal Gyaan' baa, Veda se je Gyaan ke khaane ha; je me` EK, 'Abinaasi Gyan', aa AK, 'Arjit Gyaan' baa, jaisan ki Da Deo Dutta Sharmaa likhit kitaab: “Knowledge Beyond nano pico Technology” me` likhal baa. [India since ages has UK, ‘Ultimate Knowledge’, the treasure of the knowledge inherent in Vedas; which are EK, ‘Eternal Knowledge’ and AK, ‘Acquired Knowledge’ as described in the book entitled “Knowledge Beyond nano pico Technology” by Dr Deo Dutta Sharma under publication.]
Sansaar ke Sanskriti alag alag kaal me` alage holaa Sansaar ke alag alag bhaag me`, jaisan ki Da Deo Datta Sharmaa likhal kitaab “Kalyug me` Satyug” me` likhal baa. [The culture of the world during different era had been different, in different parts of the World as described in the book entitled “Kalyug me` Satyug” by Dr Deo Dutta Sharma. ]
Bhaarat ke 'Kaalcakra' ke anusaar 4 Yug holaa: Satyug, Dwaapar, Tretaa aa Kalyug. Alag alag Yugan ke Sanskriti alage holaa. Ee caaro Yug kabahee` khatame naa hokhe, kaahe ki ee Cakkar lagaawat rahelaa ego pahiaa jaisan.
Kaa ee 'Aadhunik Vaigyaanik Gyaan' se alage baa? [According to Bharteeya ‘Kalchakra’, Indian system of determination of Time Period, you know there are four Yugas, namely: Satyug, Treta-Yug, Dwapar-Yug and Kali-Yug or Kalyug. The cultures in different Yugas or Eras are quite different. These four Yugas are cyclic and non-ending since they keep on repeating according to Indian Kalchakra.]
Pahile prakaashit:
“Bhaarat ke Sanskriti” ta~ “Sansaar ke Sanskritio ke Jhalak delaa”.
>>> pa ee Janawari 2014 me` prakaashit kail gail rahe.
Ab ekaraa ke “Earth Sanskriti” ke Prastaanaa ke roop me` likhal jaataa. >>
[First published as:
"Culture of India” provides a “Glimpse of the Culture of the World".
>>> Earlier published in January 2014 on
Now included as Introduction of "Earth Sanskriti"] >>
Rishi Manu ke Vanshaj, Maanav (Man, choT me`) ke ‘Sanaatan Sanskriti’ ke alaawe, Sansaar me` maanav se dusar mukhya Sanskriti ke udbhav ke bisay me` neece likhal jaataa: [Apart from the Aboriginal or ‘Sanaatan Culture’ of Manav = ‘Man’ in short, meaning descendants of Rishi Manu, the other main Cultures developed by Man are the following]:
Du Tho mukhya Vicaar ke janam bhail Bihaar, Bhaarat me` karib Srishtyabda 1 972 945 000 me`, jekaraa ke log kahelaa:
(a) Jain dharam
(b) Buddh dharam
da 2 Gre~T thauTs orijineTeD in Bihaar, van aof da meni sTetsaof Indiaa, in ebaauT SrizTyaabda 1 972 945 000, whic aar popularli no~n aez: (Yu aarreeDing in 21sT Sencuri 'Inglish')
[The two Great Thoughts originated in Bihar, one of the many states of India, in about Srishtyabda 1 972 945 000, which are popularly known as]:
(a) Jain Dharam; Je har tarah ke Hinsaa se bacelaa. Jaenizm: whic praekTises parfekT nan-voaalensa. [Jainism: which practices perfect Non-violence.]
(b) Buddh Daram: Je Satya, Ahinsaa aadi 8 vicaar pa jor delaa. Buddhizma: PraekTises aon Truthfulness, Nan-Voaaelensa, ... [Buddhism: Practices on Truthfulness, Non-violence...]
(c) Ishaai Dharam: {Christianity religion]:
Ego auru Mahaan Vicaar ke janam bhail Arab me` karib Srishtyabda
1 972 947 100 me`, je Sansaar me` khoob failal, jekaraa ke log Ishaaee daram kahele. Eeho karib karib Sanaatan Vicaar jaisan baa. Aenadar GreT thaoT DevelopD baai Maen fraom Arabiyaa in SrisTyaabda 1 972 947 100 whic bike~m veri popular thruaauT da WarlD aend iz no~n aez KriscaniTi. dis Gre~T thaoT iz kwaaiT similar Tu Tu da Sanaatan thaoTs in assensa.
[Another Great Thought: developed by Man from Arabia in Srishtyabda 1 972 947 100 which became very popular throughout the World and is known as Christianity. This Great thought is quite similar to the Sanaatan Thoughts in essence.]
(d) Islaam: [Religion]:
Ego auru Vicaar ke janam bhail Arabe me` karib Srishtyabda 1 972 947 700 me`, je me` jo~r jabardasti aa eehaa` tak ki ‘Jehaado’ ke reeti baa oh logan pa je inkar bicaar naa maane.
Van mo~r thaoT: DevelaopD fraom Arabiyaa in ebaauT Srishtyabda 1 972 947 700 whic waas me~D Tu gro in da WarlD with da yuz aof fo~rsa aend aend 'Jihaad' aolso ovar nan-bileevars.
[One more Thought: developed from Arabia in about Srishtyabda 1 972 947 700 which was made to grow in the World with the use of force and 'Jihad' also over non-believers.]
(e) Shikh Dharam: [Sikhism: Religion]:
Bhaarat ke Panjaab Praant se ego auru BaR Vicaar ke janam Bhail: jekaraa ke Sikh Mat kahal jaalaa, aa jekar janam karib Srishtyabda 1 972 947 590 me`.
da adar Gre~T thaoT: Develaopda fraom Panjaab Praant aof Indiaa in Srishtyabda 1 972 947 590 whic iz no~n aez Sikhizm.
[The other Great Thought: developed from Punjab Province of India in Srishtyabda 1 972 947 590 which is known as Sikhism.]
(f) Saamyavaad: Kammyunizm [Communism]:
Ee ego Bahut Mahatva waalaa Saamaajik-Aartic Vicaar ha jekar naav ha: Saamyavaad: Eehe Vicaar se Sasaar ke 13 deshan me` “Kalyug me` Satyug” aa gail rahe SrisTyaabda 1 972 947 230 me`, jekar janam Jarmani aa Rus me` bhail.
Van mo~r Gre~T thaoT: harz been DevelaopDa baaai Maen fraom Jarmani aend Rassiaa aof Yuro~p in Srishtyabda 1 972 947 230 whic iz Sosio-Ekonaomik-thaoT: popularli no~n aez Kammyunizm. With dis Gre~T thaoT: "Kaliyug me` Satyug" waas aeceevD in kanTriz laaik Rassiaa, Yukren, Belorassiaa, Kazaaksthaan, taajikistaan, Ujbekistaan, Azarbaijaan, Jeorjiyaa, turkmaanestaan, LaTaviyaa, ...
[One more Great Thought: has been developed by Man from Germany and Russia of Europe in Srishtyabda 1 972 947 230 which is Socio-Economic Thought: which is popular as Communism. With this Great Thought: “Kalyug me` Satyug” was achieved in countries like Russia, Ukraine, Belorussia, Kazakstan, Tajikstan, Ujbekistan, Azarbaijan, Georgia, Turkmenistan, Latvia...]
Uupar me` se:
Ø Maanav ke 5 baR Vicaar, Rishi Manu ke Vanshaj se bhail baa:
“Je sab logan ke bhalaai so`cele”.
AauT aof da ebav:
Faaiv Gre~T thaoTs develaopDa baai Maen aor Maanav, DisenDenTs aof aof Sant Manu 'Hu looks good faor aol MaenkaainD'.
[Out of the above:
five Great Thoughts developed by Man or Manav, descendents of Saint Manu ‘Who looks good for all Mankind',]
Ø > Chav me` se 3 baR Vicaar ke Bhaarat me` janam bhail; je vastav me` ego Sanskriti ha: jekaraa ke kuch log kahelan: ‘Sanaatanaarya Sanskriti’
three aau aof 6 Gre~T thaoTs: develaopD in Indiaa, eec riprezenTs a 'Kalcar aor Sanskriti' in iTsef Meni kaol iT 'Sanaatanaarya Kalcar' aor even 'Indian Kalcar'baai sam.
[Three out of 6 Great Thoughts: developed in India; each represents a ‘Culture or Sanskriti’ in itself. Many call it ‘Sanaatanaarya Culture’ or even ‘Indian Culture’ by some.]
Ø Arab me` 2 baR Vicaar ke janam bhail: baakir duno me` virodhaabhaash. Eh me` se pahilkaa ‘Ishaai Vicaar’ ta Sanaatanaarye jaisan baa, baakir Islaam ekdam alage baa, je me` aapan Vicaar dusaraa pa thope khaatir kuchuo kail jaa sakelaa.
Tuu Gre~T thaoTs: develaopD in Arabiyaa, ba impozisan aof aT eec KanTraasTing da adar. da olDar van, nemli KriscianiTi, iz laaik Sanaatanaarya, baT da adar van, Islaam iz kwaaiT diffarenT whic aeDvoke~Ts even 'Jehaad', forsibli impozing iTs thaoTs ovar adars.
[Two Great Thoughts: developed in Arabia, but each contrasting the other. The older one, namely Christianity is like Sanatanary, but the other one, Islam is quite different which advocates even jihad, forcibly imposing its Thoughts over others.]
Ø Yurop me` ego baR Vicaar ke janam bhail je ha: Saamyavaad, ‘Je sab log ke samaan roop se unnati caahelaa.
Van Gre~T thaoT: Kammyunizma DevelaopD in Yurop, "Whic also looks good Tu aol maenkinD.
]One Great Thought: Communism developed in Europe, "Which also looks good to all mankind"]
Cuki 2 baR Vicaar ke janam Bihaare me` bhail baa 3 me` se, eh se “Bihaari Sanskriti” ke Bhaarto ke Sanskriti kahal jaa sakelaa. ‘Bhaarateey Sanskriti’ , “Bihaari Sanskriti” ke bahut nikaTe hoi, jekar aa ke neece likhal jaataa:
Sinsa 2 Gre~T thaoTs DevelaopD in Bihaar, da Kalcar aof Indiaa kaen bi veri klozD Tu da "Kalcar aof Bihaar" aez faoloz:
[Since two Great Thoughts developed in Bihar, the Culture of India can be very close to the “Culture of Bihar” as follows:]
Earth Sanskriti 22.08.2015
Arth Sanskriti 22.08.2015.
Earth Sanskriti 26.08.2015 धरती के संस्कृति:
Maanav caahe Man se utapaadit 6 baR Vicaaran me`se 5 Sanaatanaarya hawan je 'Har Maanav ke bhalaaie so`celaan'; teen baR Vicaar ke janam Bhaarate me` bhail baa; eh me` se har ek
>> Apane me` ha ego Sanskriti.
[Out of the above 6 Great Thoughts developed by Man or Manav; 5 are Sanatanaryas ‘Who look good for all Mankind’; three Great Thoughts have developed in India or Bharat; each one represents a
>> Culture in itself.]
Cuki 3 baR Vicaar ke janam Bihaar me` bhail baa, 'Bhaarat ke Sanskriti' kaafi had tak 'Bihaari Sanskrit' jaisan baa; je neece del jaataa:
Bihaari Sanskriti:
[Since the 3 Great Thoughts have developed in Bihar, the Culture of India can be very close to the “Culture of Bihar” as shown below]:
Culture of Bihar]:
Ek ber jab SeetaamaD*ee me` Vide~h raajaa Janak (Raajdhaani: Janakpur, aaj Nepaal me`) har jotat rahan ta, unkaa ego navjaat laiki milal, jekaraa ke uu aapan betee banaa lelan.
Eehe ha 'Bihaari Sanskriti'.
[Once while plowing land in Sitamarhi, King Videh Janak (Capital: Janakpuri in present Nepal) found a newborn baby whom he adopted as his daughter.
This is the 'Culture of Bihar'.]
Eh raajaa ke log 'Videh' kahat rahan, je dusaraa ke bhalaaee khaatir aapan deho ke kuch naa samajhe.
Eehe ha 'Bihaari Sanskriti'.
[The king was famous as ‘Videh’ i.e. a person who does not bother for his body for the sake of the good of the others.
This is the Culture of Bihar.]
Raajaa Janak Bihaar ke Mithilaancal xetra me` bhail rahan. Eh xeta ke 'Bihaari Sanskriti' ke banan 'Baalmikee Raamaayan' aa Tulsikrit 'Raam Carit Maanas' me` kail gail baa. Sri Raam aa Raajaa Janak ke kaal ke Sanskriti apane me` ego visaya baa, baakir Bhaarateey Kaalcakra ke anusaar, sab log jaanataa: Sri Raam Dwaapar -Yug me` bhail rahan 18 laakh 'Prithvi Baris' se pahile, Sristyaabda
1 971 149 115 ke karib.
[King Janak comes from the Mithila region of Bihar. However, the Culture of Bihar in this era is well described in detail in 'Balmiki Ramayan' as well as Tulsikrit ‘Ram Charit Manas’. The culture of the period of King Janak and Ram is a subject in itself but according to Indian Kalachakra, all know: Ram had been in Tretaa -Yug over 1.8 Million ‘Earth-year' ago from 2012 AD.]
"Pachimi deexit Bhaarateey Itihaasagya" logan ke anusaar "Sruti aa Smriti" ke kawano mahatwa naa hokhe; khaali 'Puraan-Ceej' aa Kitaab pa aadhaarit Itihaas holaa. Bihaar ke Da Pt Deva Datta Sharmaa ke anusaar Satyug aa Tretaa - Yug me` 'Vaidik Sanskriti' rahe khaali Bihaare me` naa, baluk pooraa Bhaarat me` aa Purabi Yuro~p ke anek xetrano me` rahe.
[According to the "Western-trained Indian Historians", history is mainly based on Archeological findings and books, instead of 'Sruti and Smriti'. According to Dr Pt. Deo Dutta Sharma of Bihar, in Satyug and Tretaa -Yug, 'Vedic Culture' was prevalent not only in Bihar but in whole of Bharat and many other places of Eastern Europe.]
Ee 'Vaidik Sanskrit' tretaa -Yug tak calat rahe, baakir Dwaapar -Yug me` ee Sanskriti saayade calat rahe, khaas ka ke 'Mahaabhaarat Kaal' me` Sristyaabda 1 971 149 115 ke karib.
[The 'Vedic Culture' prevailed till Tretaa - Yug; but after this, it was hardly present in late late Dwapar - Yug, particularly in 'Mahabharata Era', say about 5,250 'Earth Year' ago from now, equivalent to 2012 AD). ]
Mahaabhaarat Kaal me` Raajaa Jaraasandh ke raaj Bihaar aa agal bagal ke xetran me` rahe. Eh se pahile aa baad me` Mahaabhaarat Kaal me` 'Vaidik Sanskriti' khatame` rahe jab raajaa log aapase me` laRat rahat rahan, saayade kawano raajaa janataa ke khayaal karat rahan, khaas ka ke Mathuraa ke paas.
[During Mahabharata era, King Jaraasandha of Rajgrihi ruled in Magadh, Bihar and neighboring areas. The 'Vedic Culture' had largely deteriorated before, during and after 'Mahabharat Era' in which kings were fighting to each other, kept them busy in gambling and they were hardly bothered about the welfare of people, particularly in and around Mathura, Hastinapur near present Delhi.]
'Bhaarat ke Sanskriti' caalu baa [Culture of India continued]:
Auru baa Earth Sanskriti 27.5.9115. KanTiniuD Arth Sanskriti 27.08.2015.[Continued Earth Sanskriti 27.8,2015]
TolD age~n with "21sT Sencuri Inglish" aon 25.03.2019.
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