Wednesday, 23 May 2018

Politics raajneeti 25.05.2018 CE Earth Sanskriti: धरती के संस्कृति Sri: 25.03-1.9118

Politics raajneeti
25.05.2018 CE Earth Sanskriti: धरती के संस्कृति Sri: 25.03-1.9118
Bhaasaa: Bhojpuri, Sanket: bho, aa Angrejee: en
[Language: Bhojpuri. Code: bho and English Code: en]
** Jaroor dekhee` 01.10.9117 se pahile ke aa 20.3-1.9118 ke Earth Sanskriti: धरती के संस्कृति  ke Post.
Must look at the posts of Earth Sanskriti: धरती के संस्कृति before 31.12.2017, and of 25.05.2018.
Neece kaa baa? What are below?
*** Sri: 8900 - 9000 Sataabdiyan ke 3 Mahaan Purush > Shurue me`.
Similarities between the 3 great persons of 19th-20th Centuries > at the begining.
** 'Gandaa dalagat raajaneeti' ke 'Nakali Janatantra', 'Sansadeeya Lokatantra':  ‘Dirty Party Politics’ in 'Fake Janatantra': ‘Parliamentary Democracy’: 5.2.5
** Moortibhanjak > Statue destroyers. 5.1.2
*** Earth Kaal Cakra: 2.10.2 pa:   > Earth Kaal Cakra:  [1st Calendar: Time Cycle of the Earth: at bottom:]
** PolitiKing: 20th and 21st Centuri >> USA 1000s of Atom Bombs, N. Korea 10s of Atom Bombs <> Gaandhi, Swami Shradha Nanda, Acharya Pt Ambika Datta Sharma, Gurudeva Ravindra Nath Tagore. at 5.1, 5.2 aa 5.5.2a
**  5.5.3  SRA gairkaanooni roop se Siriyaa me` ghusal. USA illegally entered into Syria and continues.
** U.Koriyaa HaaiDrojan Bam N. Korea Hydrogen Bomb at 5.2.1
** Mat-Mataantar <> Maanavaadhikaar Religion vs Human Rights at 6.3.1
** Khaali raajaneeti: "Bhojpuri Bhaazaa" ke maanyataa pa. Since last 60 -70 years, on Recognition of “Bhojpuri Language” only Politics!!! at 5.1.2
*** Raajaneeti PolitiKing Politics at 5.0 pa

*** 6 Top Religions of 20th & 21st Century: 6.0 pa
*** "9100 Shataabdi ke Sanskriti". "21st Century Culture": 5.1.1 pa: go to

** Similarities between the 3 great persons of 19th-20th centuries at the begining:
MK Gandhi, VI Lenin, AD Sharma
Sri: 9000-9100 ke 3 Mahaan Purusan me` samaanataa:
Mo.Ka. Gaandhi, V. I. Lenin, A. Da. Sharmaa.

1. Teeno Sanaatanaarya hawan:
Sanaatanaarya Mahaatma Gaandhi,
Sanaatanaarya Vlaadimir Ilyic Lenin,
Sanaatanaarya Achaarya Pt Ambikaa Datta Sharmaa
All the 3 are Sanatanaryas:
"Who look good to all beings, living and non-living."
Sanatanarya Mahatma Gandhi,
Sanatanarya Vladimir Ilyic Lenin,
Sanatanarya Acharya Pt Ambika Datta Sharma

2. Teeno ke Janam Sri: 9000 me` bhail rahe:
Mahaatmaa Gaandhi ke janam bhail Sri: 8969 me`,
Vlaadimir Ilyic Lenin ke janam bhail Sri: 8970 me`,
Pt Ambikaa Datta Sharmaa ke janam bhail Sri: 8996 me`,
All the 3 were born in 19 th Century CE:
YOB of Mahatma Gandhi: 1869 CE,
YOB of VI Lenin: 1870 CE,
YOB of AD Sharma: 1896 CE.

3. VI Lenin 54 Baris jee ke diwangat bhailan Sri: 9024 me`, jabaki 79 Baris jee ke Mahaatmaa Gaandhi aa
52 Baris jee ke  Pt Ambikaa Datta Sharmaa diwangat bhailan 9048 me` .
VI Lenin expired in 1924 CE at 54 years age, where as both Mahatma Gandhi and Pt Ambika Datta Sharma expired in 1948 CE at the age of 79 yr and 52 yr respectively. 

4. Teeno Kraantikaari rahan:
All the 3 Mahaapurus were revolutionaries:
> Mahaatmaa Gaandhi Sansaar me` pahile pahile
"Satya-Ahinshaa" ke astra se oh Bartaaniyaa ke Bhaarat choRawawalan jekaraa sattaa me` Sooryaaste naa hot rahe Prithvi pa.
Mahatma Gandhi adopted weapon of 'Satya-Ahinsha' first time in the World, with which could made British to leave India in whose reign the Sun was not setting on the Earth.

>> VI Lenin 'Volsevik Kraanti' ke netaagiri ka ke
"Soviet Sangha Ganatantra" USSR banawalan Saamyavaad ke aadhaar pa.
VI Lenin lead 'Volshevik Revolution' to form 'Union of Soviet Socialist Republic': USSR in Russia and 12 other neighboring countries.

>>> Aacarya Pt. Ambikaa Datta Sharmaa, Bhaarateeya Samaaj ke 500 ke karib Jaatian ke, khaali 4 jaatiyan me` samaahrit kailan, aa darjano mat-mataantaran ke bhed se haT ke, okaraa ke ekeekaran kailan "Sanaatanaarya"
ke Siddhaant de ke.
 Acharya Pt. Ambika Datta Sharma revolutionized the Society assimilating 100s of casts into just 4 casts, and dozens of religions into a Single Doctrine of "Sanatanarya", cutting across the lines of the religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Christianity, Islam, Communism, ...etc.

5. Siddhaanta: Doctrine:
VI Lenin ke Siddhaanta rahe 'Maarxavaad'
MK Gaandhi ke Siddhaanta rahe 'Satya-Ahinsaa'
AD Sharmaa ke Siddhaanta rahe 'VedaAcaran'.

** Kaala Cakra: Time Cycle of the Earth: at 2.10.2  pa.

** Suru suru me` jab Aadi-Maanav banal, Narsinghaavataaro se pahile, nar - naari asahee` jangal ungal me` ghumat rahas, aa jahaa` tahaa` se jangal me` se kawano khaaye-peeye ke saamaan aapas me` baa`T co~T ke khaat piyat rahan, kabahu` saayad cheena jhapatio ho~t hokhe Pariwaar se baahari logan me`. Tab log pe`R-uRa ke neece chaa`h me` caahe gufaa-ufaa me` rahat rahan. 
[Long long ago, say billions year ago, much before Nrisinghaavataar, in the Era of Satyug: Most people used to roam about for for food, gather some food whereever they lived under the shade of some trees, in a cave or elsewhere.
During this period: Men and women possibly used to beg, borrow and loot as well. The family system also developed during this period in many areas of the World.]
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** Bhaarat Sri: 9100m Shataabdi me` bhrasTaacaar me` Doobal laagataa. > Baenk Pranaalio pa prashna. 
In 21st Century India submerged into economic corruption > Even Banking System under watch.

5.  Raajneeti: [Politics]:
5.0 'Dharati ke Sanskriti' ke baat ho, aa raajneetie pa baat naa hokhe, ee kaise cali! dekhee`:
When we talk about 'Terrastrial Culture', how can we forget 'Politics', may look at the following:

>>> Hitopadesh naav ke kitaab se 'Raajneeti' aa ekar 'Aadhaar' ke gyaan ho jaai. From the book: Heetopadesh, one can know 'Ethics' and 'Politics'.

Baakir aaj hamani ke "21-vee` Sataabdi  ke raajneeti" ke baat karataani jaa, je ekdam badnaam baa. Log ekar baato kare ke naa caahe. However, here we would talk about the "Politics of 21st Century" which infamous. People do not like to talk about this.

Bhaarat me` baaRan ego Saamaajik Kaaryakartaa Annaa Hazaare, Senaa ke ego riTaayarD Draaibar hawan, aa je haale me` Dilli me` Bhaarat ke 125 Baris Ko`gresi Sarkaar ke hilaa ke giraa delan, aa jekar ego Celaa Arvind Kejriwaal, AK Bhaarat ke Raajneeti ke sudhaare ke beeRaa uthawlan.
In India there is a Social Worker, Anna Hazare who is a retired driver of Indian Army, and who recently shook 125 yr old Congress Party of India, ruling for about 60 yrs after Independance; and who had a desciple named Arvind Kejriwal, AK who decided to set right the Politics of India. 

Tab laakh anurodho ke baad Ann ji kahlan: "Naa bhai na, eh Rajneeti ke kaarikh me` ham naa koodab. Bas kah deni nu. Ab jaa hamaraa ee`haa` se. Hamaar nataa taharaa se aaj se khatam, AK. Baakir Annaaji calat calat AK ke Aaseeso de delan. Eehe 'Raajneeti ha nu!!!" [Even after requesting again and again Mr Anna Said: "No my dear, never; I would never enter into this blach-shoot. I have said you once for all and now leave me alone. I relinquish all the relation with you, AK from today. But while leaving Mr Anna bleshed AK. This is called 'Politics'.]

5.1 Vishwa raajaneeti: [Universal Politics]:
Aise ta kahal jaalaa ki "Vasudhaiva KuTumbakam" => "Samoocaa Sansaare Sambandhiye ha".
Baakir, jab bhaaie bhaaie me` sir kaTaual holaa, ta Sansaar ke Sambandhian me` kaahe naa hokhe ee sab.
Bhojpuri ke ego kahaaut baa: sab laRaai ke jaRa me` "Jameen. JoRoo aa Jaayadaad" => "Land, Shtree and Property" holaa.

Shaaid ehee sab se Pacchimi log ta 'Captalisme' ke 'Democracy' maan lelan, aa ek ke baad ek, karib sab deshan ke 'Capitalism' ke raah pa dauRaa delan.

Jab kuch desh 'Capitalism' ke 'Democracy' naa manalan ta ek ke baad ek ee Pacchimi desh guT banaa ke baaki deshan pa bahaanaa baaji se caD*aai ka ke oh pa kabjaa ka lelan.
Eehe sab ke log aadi kaal se raaj-neeti maanelan. 

** PolitiKing: 20th and 21st Centuri >> USA 1000s of Atom Bombs, N. Korea 10s of Atom Bombs <> Gaandhi, Swami Shradha Nanda, Acharya Pt Ambika Datta Sharma, Gurudeva Ravindra Nath Tagore.

5.1.0 Aaj Mahaatmaa Gaandhi ke 148 janam din ha je karaake 'Mahaatmaa' ke upaadhi Swaami Shraddhaananda dele rahan,  Afrikaa se ailaa ke baad Mahaatmaa Gaandhi pahile pahile KaangRee Gaa`v gail rahan Sri: 9015 me`, jab Swaami ji unkaa ke 'Mahaatmaa Gaandhi' kahlan, baad me` Sri; 9017 me` KaandRee gaile.   Mahaatmaa Gaandhi Sri: 9017 me` Bihaar gailan pahile pahile aa 09.04.2017, Sri: 9017 me` aile Gyaanpur, Jilaa Bhojpur jahaa` uu Aacaarya Pt Ambikaa Datta Sharmaa ke ghare Thaharalan, jahaa` se Pt Sharmaa, Mahaathaa ke le ke GBB Kaulej, Muzaffarpur Aacaarya JB Kriplaani ke paas le gaile jahaa` uu 'Saaviti PaaThashaalaa' aa baad me` Sri: 9017 me` Lokmaanya Brahmacaryaashram (ab ee RDS Kaulej ban ke rah gail baa, Bihaar Sarkaar ke raajneeti ke kripaa se) banawale. 
Today is 148th Birth day of Mahatma Gandhi who was awarded the title of 'Mahatama' by Swami Shraddhanand of Gurukul Kangdee (1902 established) in village Kaangdee where in 1915 and 1917 in Mahatma Gandhi had gone to meet the Swami, after he came to India from South Africa.
Mahatma Gandhi went to Bihar first time on 9th April 1917 and stayed in village Gyanapur, Bhojpur in the house of Acharya Pt Ambika Datta Sharma who on 10th April lead him to Acharya JB Kriplani, GBB College (now LS College) Muzaffarpur, where Pandit Sharma had established 'Savitri Pathshala' (established 1917) and Lokmanya Brahmacharyaashram (established 1919). Mahatma Gandhi's mission was 'Freedom of India' from British Rule in whose reign Sun was not setting in the World.
>>> Mahaatmaa Gaandhi aapan Bhaarat ke Swatantra kare ke abhiyaan me` unkaa safalataa meelal Angrej Saasan se Swatantrataa milal "Ahinsaatmak Saadhan se Sansaar me` sab se Pahile". Baah khoob!!!
Mahatma Gandhi was successful in his endevoir to Free India from the British Rule with fully 'Non-violent means' means, Great!!!
>>> Angrejee Saamraajyo khoob rahe!!! je "Ahimsaa ke Val ke pahcanale Bhaarat ke Swatantra ka ke".
Great was the Kingdom of England, who recognized 'the Straingth of Non-violence' and  "Set India free First time in the History of the World".
>> Aaj Mahaatmaa Gaandhi ke 148 janam din pa Guru Jaggi Vaasudeva, je 30 karoR peR lagavale baaRan, (Baabaa) Raamdeva ke saath kahale Nadiyan ke raxaa khaatir.
Today on 2nd October 2017 the Birth Day of Mahatma Gandhi Guru Jaggi Vasudev, who planted 300M trees, advocates planting trees in Kaveri Bays  with (Baba) Ramdeva say to save Rivers.

5.1.1 Desh ke BaD*anti, Unnati aa Durgati me` Sanskriri ke Jhalak:
[The Glimpse of the Culture of a Country with its Development and Degradation.]

>> Haram aa Burkaa Sanskriti: [Haram and Burka Culture]:
When Mugals Kings flourished in India, they submerged in Haram Culture, lifting young girls and ladies which led to the 'Parda System' among India, so hated by all; but Muslim ladies used to use 'Burka' as in Saudi Arabia. Burka covers every thing, even misdeeds like theft etc.

>>> Mahaabhaarat Kaal Sanskriti: [Mahabharat Era Culture]:
Kawrava Kings 5K yr ago, indulged in wine, gambling and what not, particularly under the influence of their Maternal Uncle Sakuni, a Prince from Gandhar, present Afghanistan. Even Dharmaraj indulged in Gambling and lost all the properties and his wife. For a Dharmaraaj his wife was like his Property, not ‘Ardhaangini’ as we think now.
Then a Man could marry 1000s of girls <> a Girl could marry many Men.

>>>> Sri: 9100m Sataabdi ke Vishva Sanskriti: [21st Century Culture of the World]:
Bhaarat ke PM Narendra Modi ke raaj me`: Sri Sri Ravishankar Dilli me` Yamunaa taT pa “Vishva Jeevan Kalaa” ke 35vaa BarsagaanTh manawalan, je me` 3.5 M log 155 deshan ke 1000ro Kalaakaar aapan Naac, Gaayan dikhawale, je 18.12.9115 se 20.12.9115 tak calal. “Vishva Jeevan Kalaa” Pahilaa Jarmani me`, dusarkaa daxin,Amerikaa me` bhail rahe. 
[Under PM Narendra Modi BJP Rule in India: Shri Shri Ravishankar performed "Universal Art of Living" on Yamuna Bank in Delhi where 3.5 M people and 1000s of Artists of the 155 Countries of the World showed their Music & Dance Performances during 18.12.9115 to 20.12.9115 on completion of 35 Yrs of "Universal Art of Living"; the 1st such Presentation was Performed in Germany, 2nd one in Latin America.

>>>> Kaa ekaraa ke “20vee / 21vee` Sataabdi ke Sanskriti” kahal jaaw? [May we call this "The Culture of 20th / 21st Century"?
Ki [Or]
>>>> “ Laakho` logan ke Iraak, Liiyaa, Sirya aa Afghaanistan se Visthaapan ka ke aa Muawalaa ke Sannskriti" ke 21st Sencuri ke Sanskriti kahal jaaw, jekar Netaa Japaan pa sab se pahilaa uu desh banal je Japaan pa 9045 me` ATam Bam girawalas aa Laakho logan ke muawalas? Aaj 9.1.9116 ke ohee desh ke Netaa “Shirsha Naabhikeey Suraxaa Sammelan” karataare SRA me` jawanaa me` Rus ji Rusal baaRe. [May we call the "Culture of Killing and Destabilization of millions of people" of Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan: as the Culture of 21st Century started by so called "Developed Countries" of the World, the Leader of which is the only country which dropped Atomic Bombs in Japan in 1945 killing Millions? Today on 1.4.2016 the same Leader of the dropper of Nuclear Bomb is holding “Nuclear Security Summit” in USA not being attended by Russia.

5.1.2 Moortibhanjak > destroyer of Statues.

In 20th Century Talibaan Aatankavaadi sab Afaghaanistaan ke SaikaRo ft. uncaa Buddha Bhagawaan ke 3 Moortian ke toRalesa.
Aaj 21-vee Satabdi me` kuch BJP aa CPM / CPI ke digbhramit log Moortibhanjak banale Tripura me` BJP ke jeet ke baad Sri: 5.3.9118 ke, aa 'Periyaar' ke Moorti ke Tamil Nadu me`.

Kolkata me` ShriShyaamaa Prasad Mookharjee ke Moorti ke muh kariyaa kail gail.

Can a Moortibhanjak be an Indian?
A moorti-bhanjak, 'destroyer of a statue' can not be an Indian, Hindu, Sanatanarya.
"The latter looks good to all beings:
Living or non-living."
How can the "statue of Lenin was broken and demolished in Tripura", soon after overwhelming win of BJP over CPM!!
How can they "break the statue of Sanatanarya VI  Lenin who was able to make "Kaliyug me` Satyug", which even our respected Sanatanarya Lord Krishna,  couldn't do, he was just successful in saving the dignity of Draupadi, the wife of 5-Pandawas.
 Respected 'Sanatanarya Lord Krishna Vaasudeva' was successful in causing 'Mahabhaarat', to help Truth and provide the Rights of Pandawas.

Our Sanatanarya 'Vladimir Ilyich Lenin Ulyanov' was able to create a society in which "95% to 98% people were truthful and speaking truth and truth only" and the same % people were found 100% happy as observed by the writer of "Kalyug me` Satyug"

Yes, respected 'Sanatanarya Krishna' and 'Sanatanarya  Lenin' are both ours as we believe in "Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam" in letter and spirit, cutting across the demarcation of religion and political boundaries forming over 40% of the people living on  'Mother Earth' due to which "All beings: Living and non-living are not only surviving but flaurishing here with 'Sanatanaryas' Doctrine.

Sanatanarya Shri Ram, Sanatanarya Buddha, Sanatanarya Gandhi were born in India, but are not of India only; just as today:
'Raja Ram' rules in Thailand,
'Buddha' is worshipped in Korea, Japan, Russia, Malysia, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, China etc,
Many respect 'Lenin' who established  'Communism' in Russia, USSR and many other countries of the Earth.
The breaking of the statue of 'Periyar', Tamil Samaj Sudharak, the blackening of the face of Shri Shyama Prasad Mukharjee are equaly denounced, being 'Anarya' acts. 

:Decide yourself: :Apane Jaani:

** Laagataa ab aaj 1.9116 ke 5 / 6 baris baad feru Libiyaa pa SRS ke sahaayataa se uhe Pacchimi desh, NATO aa SRA aapan ego Camcaa Sarkaar banaa ke Tripoli me` baiThaa ke, okare kahlaa se sab Yuddha karihe` sa.
>>> Ee bhail 21-vaa` Sataabdi ke Sanskriti!!!

:Decide yourself: :Apane Jaani:

5.1.2 Politics on “Bhojpuri Language” since last 60 – 70 years continues.

Caaloo baa

5.2 Prithvi ke raajneeti: [Politics on the Earth:]
5.2.1 Raajatantra
5.2.2 Minimum Janatantra
5.2.3 Janatantra, LD: ‘Lincolnian Democracy’
5.2.4 Direct Democracy, DD or EDD
5.2.5 ‘Sansadeeya Ganatantra’, Ego ‘Nakali Janatantra’ > ‘Gandaa raajaneeti’.

‘Parliamentary Democracy’, a ‘Fake Janatantra’ > ‘Dirty politics’
   “Nehrubian Fake Janatantra, Democracy's Drama in Karnataka. Quote:
19.05.2018 India MLAs' Elections 2018:
सृ. 19.03-1.9118, 9 am
** Governor of Karnataka has given the oath to BS Yadurappa, BJP leader of Vidhanshabha as the next Chief Minister of Karnataka on 18.05.2018. This is fully 'Janatantrik' whom citizens had voted as their CM, as his name was declared by BJP before the voting.
** Bhaarat ke Uccatam Nyaayaalaya Kongres dal ke sunawaai ke baad, kahalas ki BS Yedurappaa 19.3-1.9118 ke 4 baje saam tak Vidhaanashabhaa ke viswaas mat praapta karas.
MLA logan ke Speekar MLA logan ke sapath diyaawalan. Theek 4 baje se pahile CM BS Yedurappaa isteefaa de delan.
The Supreme Court of India had heard Conress Party, said that BS Yedurappa to take the vote of confidence atbthefloor of Lokshabha before 4 PM on 19.05.2018.
After MLA's Oath taking by Pro-tem Speaker, well before 4 pm, CM Yedurappa tendered his resignation after going to Rajabhavan. 

** Whatever "India MLAs' Elections" has been telling on behalf of "LD" about "Indian Democracy and Janatantra got made by Nehru and Dr Ambedkar on these lines", can be seen in the 'drama' played in the Hon'ble Supreme Court by Congress and BJP on 18 and 19.05.2018, is the example of "What a aJanataantrik Constitution they have produced", although they were 'Democratic' due to which citizens 'can demonstrate' against the Government, but
"can not form their Government".
According to Congress Party look at, what natak of 'horse trading' is said to be done in 'Kar-Natak' Karnataka, which is an example of the 'dirty politics' being played by various parties > according to the Constitution got made by Nehru by BR Ambedkar.

When BJP declared before election that in case they win, their CM in Karnataka would be Mr BS Yadurappa. After election, BJP emerged as the 'Single Largest Party', whose Mr BS Yadurappa had full support of citizens of Karnataka. 
Accordingly, their elected MLAs decided to make BS Yadurappa as their leader > Governor invited BS Yadurappa to form the Government in Karnataka.
Question arises: Is the so called leader of JDS and Congress 'Kumarsvamy' is 'elected' by the citizens of Karnatak?
Congress made JDS, Geve Dawda Party leader 'Kumarsvamy'  as their leader, which is distinctly 'aJanatatrik' since not a sinle supporter of Congress voted in the name of 'Kumarsvamy'  as their leader.

According to Nehrubian Const. "Any one can become the leader of the lower house by hook and crook, by fair or ... means" an become PM or CM in states.
Such a 'aJanataantrik' constitution was produced by Nehru and BRA, which gives full room for dirty-politics and corruption from starting from the Top.

** BJP Shri BS Yadurappaa ke aapan Netaa manoneet Kailas, je Raajyapaal ke paas jaa ke aapan daawaa pesh ka dele.
BJP MLAs formally selected shri YS Yadurappa as their leader by 11 am, and went to the Governer and claimed he should be invited to form the Government.
Dusar o~r, Kongres aa JDS 8-baje bhore se meeting kare ke caahataare, baakir unkar MLA log meeting me` pooraa aibe naa kaile.

BJP emerged as the single largest party winning 104 seats, 8 short of   absolute Majority, results for 6 seats are yet to come.
Ø Even with 8 short of absolute majority, BJP is likely to form the government in Karnataka State of India, according to the Nehrubian Constitution of India, ‘horse trading’ is possible which he got cast by Dr BR Ambedkar for his Dynastic Rule.
Ø Let his Great Grand son make the government, according to his GGrandPa’s Constitution of India.
Ø Cunaaw baad jadi kawano dal ke pooraa bahumat naa mile, ta ‘Nehrubian Samvidhaan’ ke anusaar ‘MLA logan ke khareed-farost ta~ hokhabe kari. Aisanake anaitik Samvihaan banavale baa Bhaarat ke, jahaa` aapas me` cunaaw me` laree` aa feru aapan daal galaawe khaatir ekajuT ho jaai` > Eeho ta~ eka tarah se khareede-farost bhai, jaise ki Kongres aa JD(S) ke ek juT bhail. Prasan baa ki Sambidhaan banaawe ke beru, kaa Nehru ji ke ee sab naa sujhal rahe, ki BR Ambedkar ji ke ee sab naa maalum rahe!!!
Ø JL Nehru ji Bhaarat ke aisan Samvidhaan banawavale Bheem Raav se aapan ullu seedhaa kare khaatir.
Sab log ee sab jaan gail baRe ki Kongres ab ‘back door entry’ se sarkaar banaawe ke caahataa je … seetan ke badale … seat haaral baa.
Party 2013 2018 Winner in 2018
Congress: 122, 78, Drastically lost.
BJP: 40, 104, Winner BJP
JD (S): 40, 38, Lost
Others: 21, 2. -

The post Election combination of those parties who have fought to each other in the election, is unethical but according to Nehrubian Constitution, it is all called "Parliamentary Democracy": "    Unquote.

> Citizens must be divided into Political Parties first as x, y, z. others (Applied 'Divide & Rule' dirty technic.)
>> Vote, considering religions, casts etc
>>> Results: Party x = 45% , Party y = 35%, Party z = 18%,
others = 2%.
Now y + z = 35 + 18 = 53 %. Party y says let us support Party z to make this parties leaders 'Chief Minister' and jointly we Parties y + z start ruling  over Party x.
>>>> Thus Rules "Party Tantra", not "Janatantra or citizens"; but "Parliamentary Democracy" goes on with 'Divide & Rule' dirty technic as established by many noughty 'politicians' to fool the 'citizens'.

 In India how could Congress Party talk about ‘horse trading’ when they had done the same to keep themselves in power. Now BJP is free to follow the same to form a stable Government in Karnataka.
Kongres dal ke KarnaaTak me` baR haar bhail.
Congress Party has lost heavily in Karnatak, still Congress Party has manupulated JD(S) by making JoR-ToR dirty politics; doing not ‘horse trading’, but full ‘JD(s) Astabal Trading’,
 just to form the Government against Janadesh, since in the election JD(s) had fought against ‘Congress Party’; now they will be forming the Government of Karnataka with the support of ‘Congress Party’ .”
Ø This is called ‘Parliamentary Democracy’ which is not even ‘Party-Tantra’ but evidently is against wishes of the citizens of Karnataka, since both BJP and JDS had fought against ‘Congress’.

5.3 Prasaasan, Sarkaar, Saasan: Goverment:

** Suru suru me` jab Aadi-Maanav banal, Narsinghaavataaro se pahile, nar - naari asahee` jangal ungal me` ghumat rahas, aa jahaa` tahaa` se jangal me` se kawano khaaye-peeye ke saamaan aapas me` baa`T co~T ke khaat piyat rahan, kabahu` saayad cheena jhapatio ho~t hokhe Pariwaar se baahari logan me`. Tab log pe`R-uRa ke neece chaa`h me` caahe gufaa-ufaa me` rahat rahan. 
Long long ago, say billions year ago, much before Nrisinghaavataar, in the Era of Satyug: Most people used to roam about for food, to gather some food whereever they lived under the shade of some trees, in a caves or elsewhere.
During this period: Men and women possibly used to beg, borrow and loot as well. The family some system also was developed during this period in many areas of the World.
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Feru kuch Pranaali banal, jaise:
1. Let all the peoplle follow the eldest learned wise Person.
2. Let all follow the strongest Person, called the King or the Queen.
3. Then Dynastic Rule started, where a king, queen's descendants used to be the rulers.
> This System continues in most Europian countries and a few Asian countries even in 21st Century.
4. Much later about 2500 years ago from now, 2018 CE, in a tiny area a 'Great Political ystem' was started in which all the people forgetting their casts, economic status, physical strength, Learned ersons or illeteraes decided to form a government who could Rule and represent them elswher and to lookafter their interests. >
This System was called "Janatantra", in which "People chose their Ruling Persons themseves."
The 1st such 'Janatantra' was "Lichchhawi Janatantra" which was developed in Bihar, India.
Some call 'Janatantra': as 'Lokatantra' or 'Prajatantra' >  'Janatantra' or 'Lokatantra' are the same, since 'Jana' = citizen, 'Loka' = people.
However, 'Prajatantra' is meaningless in countries where there is no 'Raja' or king / queen as in China, USA.
5. What is a 'Democracy'?
'Democracy' is government of king, queen or some sultan etc. where there is 'Demonstration-Cracy',  people may 'Demonstrate' against the goverment appointed by the king, queen, sultan like in most European countries Japan, and in Malaysia; where the King or queen appoints a goverment.

5.4 Sarkaar ke Prakaar, Bhed: [Type of Goverments]:

Tribal, Raajatantra,  Religeous, Janatantra / Lokatantra, Demokraesi, Samaajvaadi, Saamyavaadi, Gaandhivaadi.
]Tribal, Monarchy or Kingdom, Religeous, Democracy (Demondstration Cracy), , Socialism, Communism, Gandhiism]...

5.5 Poorab aa Pacchim ke raajniti:

5.5.1. Neece dekhee` Pacchimi desh Poorabi deshan ke kaise tabaah kailebaa:
[Politics of the East and the West:
Look here, how the Wests are ruining the East]:

Laagataa Siriyaa ke Fauj Rakkaa Praant me` ghusal: tathaakathit 'Islaamik STaTe', IS ke raajdhaani me`. Rakkaa ke Jihaadi 9113 me` Virodhian se cheen lelas. [Possibly Syrian troops entered Raqqa Province, the Captal of the so called 'Islamic State', IS. Raqqa was acqired by the Jehadist from the rebels in 2013.]

Khaleefat: 9014 me` Jehaadi ghosanaa kailas ki uu ab 'Khaleefat' ho gailan, aa tab se uu kaTTartaa 'Islaami Niyam' laagoo kare ke suru ka
IS: Gaa`v pa gaa`v, shahar pa shahar aa Mahaanagar pa Mahaanagar jeetat gail.
['Caliphate': In 2014 the Jehadist proclaimed 'Caliphate' and started enforcing strict 'Islamic Laws'.
The IS: Won villages after villages, towns after towns and cities after cities of Syria and Iraq.]

SRA 'tukdum tukdum' 5 saal tak laRat rahe khaali 4-5 jameeni senaa ke bal pa, aa Sarkaar Virodhian ke Ashtra-Shastra se madat ka ke. Baakir USA andhaadhundha Bambaari  karat rahe. Eh Yuddha me` karib 250 K log mualan.
[USA kept on fighting 'tukdum tukdum' with 4-5 ground troops for about 5 yrs, supplying Arms & Ammunitions to various oppositions; but IS kept on growing and spreading even up to Libiyaa. About 250 K people got killed.]

Ekadhrubeey Sansaar khatam ... 01.01.9116 ke:
Siriyan Adhyax Bashar Al-Assad ke sahaayataa khaatir bulaahaT pa 1.1.9116 ke Rusi Adhyax Vlaadimir Putin sahaayataa khaatir Dher LaRaakoo JeT Siriyaa bhejalan 'IS' aa sab Vidrohiyan ke khaatmaa khaatir.
[Unipolar World go went gone ...on 30.09.2015:
On the Invitation of the Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad, Russian President Vladimir Putin sent many Fighter Jets to Syria on 30.09.2015 determind to finish 'IS' for ever.]

Siriyaa Bal, Iraani bal aa Hizbullaa ke sahaytaa se Rusi LaRaakoo JeT ke chaayaa me` IS ke baRaa so`c ke aayojit tareekaa se khaatmaa suru kailas.
[Syrian Forces supported by Iranian troops and Hebulla forces  under cover of Russian Sukhoi Fighter Jets started eliminating IS in a maticulously planned manner.

Visthaapan SankaT SRA ke de~n: [Migrant Crisis by USA]:
Rusi Adhyax Vladimir Putin baRaa sucaaroo roop se Siriyaa ke bikat samasyaa ke samhalalan, je binaa Jameeni Senaa ke SRA ke andhaadhundha bambaari se, aa Virodhian ke Ashtra Shastra aa dhan delaa se  bhail rahe. Laakho log mualan, aa laakho desh se palaayan kailan je se Yurop ke or Sharnaartian ke baaD*a cale laagal. Jameen pa USA ke 4-5ce senaa ta rahe, unke senadhyax ke anusaar. Binaa Jameeni senaa ke Khaali Bambaari => merdering innocent people.
[Russian President Vladimir Putin tactfully handled the Complex situation created by USA by supplying arms and ammunitions and other helps to some some rebels of Syria. By USA ruthlessly bombarding in Syria without any ground support, many innocent people were killed daily, due to which flood of people started migrating to Europe for shelter.
Migrants from Libya due to chaos created by USA + NATO since 2011 were also flooding to Europe.
Europe is facing the Migrant Crisis, USA is sitting happily 7 Seas away.]

5.5.2 SRA, Siriyaa me` Khatarnaak:15.4.9117
USA, dangerous in Syria: Critical World Peace 14.6.2017:

* Rus aa Turki Homs, Siriyaa me` troop bhejalas gaes nali banaawe khaatir. Russia and Turkey send troops to Homs, Syria to build gas pipe line.

* Rus Pameeraa ke najdeek Krush missaail calawalas ISIS pa.
Russia fires crush missiles on ISIS near Palmyra.

* San Isaai aa 'minoritiee' Assad Saasan ke pax me` baaRe, eehaa` tak ki Dher Sunnio 'terrorists' ke badale Assad ke caahele.
All Chistians and minorities like Assad, even most Sunnis prefer Assad over 'terrorists'.

* 'SRA ke Saamil desh', "Siriyaa Saasan Virodhi aa kuch 'terrorist' ke caahele.
> Ee ekdam gaikaanooni aa khatarnaak neeti baa SRA ke Sansaar ke dehan khaatir.
> Kaa ee sab Adhyax Tramp ke anumati se hotaa?

"USA and Allies" support "Syrian opposition and terrorists of some brand"
> This is illegitimate and dangerous politics of USA for the World Community.
> Does such action of USA has acceptance of President Trump?

* 'SRA ke Saamil desh', Siriyaa ke Iraak seemaa pa 12 'civilian' ke maar delas aapan "Civil War" me` Hawaai Jet se 11.04.9117 ke.
Siriyan '"Civil War" me` 'SRA ke Saamil desh' ke kaahe laRe ke caahee`? Uupar se eehe log Siriyaa ke Sarkaaro ke val ke muaawataare >

>> Siriyaa aa Iraan Val, "IS ke kathit Raajdhaani: Rakkaa" pa adhikaar karataa, je SRA ke dekhal naikhe jaat, kaahe ki laRaai ta calate rahe ke caahee`, je se barcaswa banal rahee aa kamaaiyo hot rahee ashtra sastra be`c ke.

> Baakir SRS sutal kaahe baa?

* Coallition killed 12 civilians in its "Civil War" in a village but USA Coallition Jets struck a number of target in a village in Syria at Iraqi boarder on
20.6.2017. >
>> Syria and Iran is about to capture "Raqqa: the so called Capital of IS", but this is not liked by USA possibly they like to continue with 'IS' for the reason known best known to them as they are doing since last over 6 years.
> But what is the role of UNO?

* Jarman VM saayad Theeke kahle: "ee jhagaRaa Yuddha ban sakelaa.
German FM might be right in saying: "this conflict could turn into war".

* Meanwhile French President Macron said: There is no legitimate viable alternative to Assad in Syria at present. He doesn't want Libyaization of Syria.

* Poorabi Siriyaa me` SRA, Rus, Iraan ke beec laRaai se  haalat kharaab dikhataa. President Trump should immediatey stop killing of civilians and thereby  indirectly protecting terrorists.
Laagataa 'SRS naav ke kawano Sanstha' Sansaar me` haiye naikhe.
Pichalaa Etwaar ke SRA ke laRaakoo hawaai jahaaj Siriyan Army JeT ke Siriyaa me` maar girawalas.
SRS cup kaahe baa?
The battles between USA, Russia and Iran makes the situation in Syria serious. On 18.6.2017 two USA Navy AirCrafts shot down a Syrian Army Jet in Syria near Raqqa.
Why UNO is mum?
It looks, the UNO has become disfunctional, when the President of a country had said: "Assad Must go". T%

Then why was UNO mum!!!

** Libiyaa: ke Obamaa, Hillari SRA aa NATO nasT kailas. 
Ee log Libiyaa ke 'ego araajak aa nasT desh' banaa dele, Libiyaa ke baRa Gaandhivaadi, Samaajvaadi Netaa ke muaa ke.
Libya > Ruined by Obama, Hillary of USA and NATO. They made Libya 'a caotic failed state' after killing Long  time Libyan Leader Gaddafi, a pro-Gandhian and Socialist.

Auru, SRSo "Libiyaa me` EU Saasan ke Aaropan" ke sahbhaagee banal, je Tripoli me` Jahaajee-Beraa pa kaam suru kailas, "be pe`dee ke loTaa" jaisan aadhaarheen.
ee aa Iraak ke maran "Sansaar ke raajneeti pa Garbacev Asar" ke calate sambhav bhail >
Ehee se kahal baa "Ego buddhimaan dushman, murukh dost se acchaa holaa", ee ta~ ee bhail ki Garbacev, 'Soviet Sangh' ke Mahaasaciv, Adhyaxo ban ke "Jawanaa DaaD*a pa baiThal rahan, okare ke chapaak se Vlaadivostak me` Glasnost aa Parastoikaa ka ke kaaT delan", aa giralan dhaRaam!!!. Ehee se 9090 ke baad Vishwa-raajneeti ke santulane bigaR gail, aa Sansaar me` ego desh SRA, 'Sanyukta Raajya Amerikaa' ke Ekachatra-raaj ho gail.

Asal me` 9090 ke ee laRaai rahe >
1. Poonjivaad <> Saamyavaad/Saamaajavaad ke,
of Capitalism <> Communism / Socialism,
2. Pacchim <> Poorab ke, of West <> East,
3. Vistaarvaad <> Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam ke, of Expansionists <> Brotherhood and Unification,
4. Yuddha <> Shaanti ke, of  War <> Peace,
5. NATO <> SRS ke, of NATO <> UNO,
je aajo calataa. which is continuing today as well.

On the top of this, UNO has also become a supporter in "Planting a EU Government in Libya" on a Sea-base in Tripoli.
This and dimise of Iraq was made possible due to "Gorbachev Effect on the World politics" > "A learned enemy is better then a foolish friend" who was made the President and General Secretary of USSR.

5.5.2 Habarg, Jarmani: Karib 1 Laakh log 43 dinan tak pradarshan kailae “Swaagat baa Narak me`”, Jarrmani.
Hamburg, Germany: 100 000 People welcome G-20 Members by “ Welcome to Hell”, Germany:
Jarmani / Yurop: Libiyaa, Iraak, Siriyaa Yuddha baad:
Germany / Europe: post Libya, Iraq, Syria Wars:
Karib 1 Laakh log Hambarg me` pradarshan kaile G-20 Melan ke
“Swaagat baa Narak me`” kah ke.
Kaa Jarmany, sharnaarthiyan ke ailaa pa Narak ho gail baa?
About 100 K people protested in Hamburg against G-20 Meet saying
“Welcome to Hell”.
Has Germany become a hell after incoming of Migrants?

>> Jehu hokhe, Jarmani ego asal "Democracy: Demonstration-Cracy" ha.
Baakir Jarmani ke 'Janatantra', 'Lokatantra' caahe LD, "Lincolnian Democracy" ta kahale naa jaa sake;
jaisan ki Cin, Vietnaam, Kyubaa, Laaos ... me` baa, jahaa` 'Janatantra' baa baakir 'Democracy' naikhe.
G20 Meet in Hamburg, Germany.
>> Whatever it may be, Germany is real a"Democracy: Demonstration-Cracy" but certainly not a 'Janatantra' i.e. LD, 'Lincolnion Democracy' as seen in >
China, Vietnam, Cube, Laos ...

** Bhaarat: India:
Amarnaath Teerth yaatri ke Laskaretoeba ke
aatanki Ismaail 7 logan ke muavalas <> Baakir bas Draaivar Salim bas ke logan ke bacawale.
Laskartoeba terrorist Ismail killed 7 Amarnath Teerth visiters
<> While Salim the driver of the bus, kept on driving without fear, saving the lives of the rest travellers.
Ab auru jaadaa log Amarnaath jaataaran. Now more people go to Amarnath.
By such cowardly attacks on pilgrims, India won't get bogged down.
Teen aatankawaadian ke suraxaa karmi Fulwaanaa me` bandook se maar ke muaa dele. Three terrorists killed in Fulwana in gunbattle
5.5.2a SRA RaasTraadhyax DonaalD Tramp, je logan ke ee kah ke ki uu Amerikaa ke unnati ke kaam karihe` aa logan ke rojgaar diyawaihe`, karib 10 din pahile SRS me` jaa ke kahlan: Jadee unkaa laagi ki u.Koriyaa okaraa pa caD*aai karee, ta uu 'u.Koriyaa ke khatame ka deehe`.
Eh se SRS "EDD Dynamic Democratic Ranking" pa 90 sabse jaadaa janasankhyaa waalaa deshan me` 89 Raenk se kaa uupar ho jaai?
  ki kawan desh ke LDG: 'Lincolnian Democratic Grade' kaa baa, deshan ke DCU: 'Democratic Capacity Utilisation' katanaa baa. 
Go to and have glance of the Democratic (read LD: 'Lincolnian Democracy' or Janatantra) Rank, DCU (Democratic Capacity Utilisation in %).

USA President Donald Trump, who won election telling people: He would concentrate on the development of America, creating jobs for Americans ... However forgetting his talk, he started a 'War of words' with Communist North Korea and about a Week ago even in UNO he said: He will "distroy North Korea" if he felt offensive by N. Korea. 

5.5.3 ‘Divide & Rule” policy of Expansionists in the name of ‘Democracy’

USA illegally entered Syria and Continues.
मित्रम् अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भोजपुरी दैनिक Mitram Global Bhojpuri Daily
सृ. 13.10.9117 International Bhojpuri Dainik 16.12.2017  शनीचर
 अंक Ank: 275.10.9117 Edition.

खास बात Khaas Baat: Special Talk:
*** 'Rusi Val' Siriyaa me` 30.09.2015 ke Adhyax Assad ke anurodh pa Siriyaa me` aa 2 Baris, 2 Maheenaa me` ghosit ka ke ki "Siriyaa Yuddha Samaapta", aa 'Rusi  Val' lauTaalelas.
After declaring 'Syria War Win' in about 2yrs 2m after itentered Syria on 30.09.2015, Russian Forces returns.

* SRA anadhikrit roop se karib 6 baris pahile Siriyaa me` ghusal aa aajo baa.
 USA illegally entered Syria 6 yrs ago and Continues.

Asal me`, Siriyaa Yuddha, ta SRA caaloo kailas, alag alag Saasan virodhian ke dhan aa Astra shashtra se  'Democracy' ke naav pa aa "Baa`Ta~ aa raaj Kara~" ke Vistaaravaadi raajneeti apanaa ke.
In fact, the Syrian war was creation by USA, helping various government Rivals under the "Divide & Rule" policy of 'Democracy', to spreasd their influence and to sell their Arms and Ammunition.

Atane naa, SRA gat Adhyax Barak Hussain Obamaa seedhaa khullam khulla ghosit kaile ki "Assad Jaroor Jaaya."
Ee kaisan khataranaak ghosanaa rahe Obamaa ji ke je se Siriyaa me` Laakho log muale aa dasio Laakh ghaayal bhaile, aa palaayan kaile.
Not only this, USA Past President Barak Hussain Obama directly and openly declared "Assad must go".
What a dangerous statement, for which Obama got killed and ruined millions of Syrians, as he and his Notorious lady collegue Hillari created chaos in Libya which is still continueing!!! 

* SRA ke nayaa Adhyax DonaalD Tramp ke dhanyavaad, je Rusi Adhyax Vladimir Putin se mil ke 'Shanti Xetra' banawale aa ekar sankhyaa baD*awale; aa ant me` "Siriyaa Yuddha me Jeet aa Samapta"  ghosit kailan aa aapan Val lautawala 2Baris 2Maheenaa me`.. .
Thanks to the new President Donald Trump, who agreed with Russian President Vladimir Putin to create 'Peace Pockets' in Syria, the number of  which was extended mutually; ultimately resulting into 'Declaration of the Win of Syrian War' by Russia withdrawing their forces from Syria.

Neeman kaila Adhyax Putin!
Neeman kaila Rus!!
Neeman kaila avistaarvaadi Rus!!!
Well done President Putin!
Well done Russia!!
Well done a non-expansionist Russia!!!
Baakir Vistaarvaadi SRA, ta~ Siriyaa me` aajo baa.
Ee kaa hati Siriyaa se!, je Sri: 9043 ke AeTom Bam girawalaa ke baad aajo Jaapaan aa d.Koriyaa me` jamal baiThal baa; jabaki USSR kahiyaa Purabi Barlin aa Purabi Germani ke khaali ka delas.

But the expansionist USA is still in Syria.
How can USA leave Syria! who in 1943CE after droping Atom Bombs in Japan, still remains in Japan and in S. Korea.

The expansionist foreigners still remain in Syeia.

6. Dharam, Dharma [Characteristics, Nature] 
Mat [Religion]: Mataantar [Sects]:

Hamani ke seedhe baat karab jaa 20 aa 21 Shataabdi ke Maat aadi ke. [We straight away come to the 20th and 21st Centuri Religion]:

Dharati ke sankhyaa ke aadhaar pa 6 baRhan 'Mat'  ke Raenk neece del jaataa:
[6 Topmost Religions based on the number of their Followers are]:

Raenk Mat Anuyaayi M % Jana Sa`

Rank  Religion Followers M W Popln.
1. Sanaatanaarya
Sanatanaryas* 4384, 59 %
2. Ishaai
Christians 2100, 28 %
3. Saamyavaad
Communism** 1521, 20 %
4. Muslim
Islam 1300, 17 %
5. Sanaatani
  Hinduism 900, 12 %
6. Bauddha
Buddhism 360, 5 %

Sab milaa ke 100 % se jaadaa hoi.
Total will be over: 100 % .

Sansaar ke Janasankhyaa: ~ 7440 M
Population of the Earth: ~ 7440 M

* Adhikaansa Sanaatanaarya ee jaanabe naa karas ki uu hawan "Sanaatanaarya: je sab ceejan ke (sajeev aa nirjeev ke) bhalaai caahelan, Mat Mataantar ke Laxman rekhaa ke laa`gh ke".
[Most Sanatanaryas do not know they are "Sanatanaryas: who look good to all beings (living or non-living), even crossing the lines of demarcation of Religions".]

> Ehi logan ke calate aaj Sansaar me` 'Aadmi ke astitva banal baa aa uu unnati karat jaataa. [These are the people due to which 'Human being' is existing and growing.]

> Uu sab logan se pyaar karelan.
[They love and help each other].

** Ji, hamanike 'Saamyavaad'-e ke baat karataani, je Maanav ke "Saamaajik-Aarthik-raajanaitik Pranaali" ke Siddhaant he, jekaraa saamane kawano Mat aa raajanaitik pranaali ke kawano maane hokhe.
[Yes, we mean 'Communism' which is the doctrine and practices of Human's "Socio-economic-political System", in front of which no common religion or political system stands.]

> Dher log, je aajo jeeyataae, dekhale baaRan ki 'Soviet  Sangh': "Kalyug me` Satyug"  rahe.
[Many persons, still living, have seen what was USSR: "Kalyug me` Satyug" i.e.
"The Truth Era in the Corrupt Era"]

>> Ee "20m Shataabdi ke Dharati" ke Satyugi 'Model'  kawano Pacchimee nawTankibaaj Saamraajyavaadi, Vistaarvaadi uuhe log; je Hiroshimaa aa Naagaasaaki, Iraak aa Libiyaa ke barbaad ka ke Siriyo ke barbaad karit,  baakir Sanaatanaarya Vlaadimir Putin ke 1.1.9116 ke beec me`  aawe ke calate bac gail, atane naa aaj feru 'Paalmiraa' khaRaa bhail baa.
[This Satyugi 'Model' of "The 20th Century Earth" has been destroyed by the notorious merciless Imperialists, Expansionists of the Wests; the same people who destroyed Hiroshima & Nagasaki, Iraq & Libya and were likely to destroy Syria, but for Sanatanarya Vladimir Putin who intervened since 30.09.2015 to save Syria and 'non-living being' like 'Palmyra'.
Palmyra is now saved, in whatever manner it stands.]

*** Saamyavaad > Maanavataa ke pahilaa caran ha.
Maanavataa > Hinduism ke Pahilaa caran ha.
Hinduism, Ishaai-religion: 'Sanaataarya ke Siddhaant'. > ke Pahilaa caran ha

*** Communism > is the 1st step of Humanism.
Humanism > is the 1st step of Hinduism,
Hinduism, Christianity > is the 1st step of
'Sanatanarya Doctrine'.

*** dusar o~r: [In other words]:
> "Mat samaaj ke khushi khushi rakh-rakhaaw aa unnati ke vyawahaarik pax ha, jab log 'Satya' ke kho~j kare, jaise:
> Sanaatanaarya karele.
> Ishaai log karele,
> Hindu log karele,
> Saamyavaadi log karele,
> Musalmaan log karele (Wahaabi, Jehaadi aa aisanake dusar logan ke choR ke)
> Aa dusar log karele

> ["A Religion is a way of happily living, developing practices of a Society, while searching 'The Truth'"; like:
> Sanatanaryas do.
> Christians do
> Hindus do
> Communists do
> Islamists do (except Wahabis, Jehadis and the     like).
> many others do].

Kuch Rishi, Sant, caahe 'Sanaatanaarya' ke "Knowledge Beyond nano pico Technology", ke gyaan baa, aa

"Gayatri Mantra" jekaraa ke Bhojpuri me`:
"RamoGati, dehu Sumati"
=> "Go~R (Ram, Ray) Prakaash aa EM tarang ke Gati ha (Vishuddha Gyaan),
(He Go~R!)  'Subuddhi' dee`.

>>> [ Some Rishis, Saints or 'Sanatanaryas' have "Knowledge Beyond nano pico Technology" at,  and

"Gayatri Mantra" which simplistically in   Bhojpuri is:
"RamoGati, dehu Sumati"
=> "God is (Ram, Ray) velocity of light, EM Waves (abstract knowledge),
(O God!) provide me 'Subuddhi' i.e. ‘Intellect for good work'".]

6.1 Mataantar [Sects]:
Samay bitalaa pa logan ke dimaag me` nayaa nayaa vicaar aawelaa kawano Mat ke bheetar, je se anek Mataantar ke janam holaa:
[With the lapse of time and advent of various new thoughts develop gererating new 'Sects' as shown below]:

Kuch Mataantar ke naav neece del jaataa:
[The name of some Sects are given below}:
Mat [Religion[   Mukhya Mataantar [Main Sects]

1. Sanaatanaarya Sanatanaryas*

1.0 Kawano naa [Nil]

2. Ishaai Christians
2.1 Kaetholik [Catholic]
2.2 ProTesTenT [Protestant]

3. Saamyavaad       Communism**
3.1 MaarxVaad [Maxism]
3.2 Maarx-LeninVaad
3.3 MaaoVaad [Maoism]

4. Muslim Islam
4.1 Shiyaa [Shia]
4.2 Sunni [Sunni]
4.3 Wahaabi [Wahabi]
4.4 Jehaadi [Jehadi]

5. Sanaatani Hinduism
5.1 Sanaatani [Sanatani]
5.1.1 Vaishnav
5.1.2 Shaakta
5.1.3 Shaiva
5.2 Aaryasamaaj   [Aryasamaj]
5.3 Bramasamaaj  [Brahmasamaj]

6. Bauddha Buddhism
6.1 Heenayaana [Heenayana]
6.2 Mahaayaana [Mahayana]

4** Burkaa aa Nikaab Sanskriti: [Burka and Niqab Culture]:
Burkaa aa Nikaab oh deshan ke auratan ke pahine ke paRelaa jahaa` unkar mukhaRaa dekhal khatarnaak holaa, marad logan se tang kare ke calate aa unkaa pa aakraman kare ke calate. Eh se oh xetra ke aa desh ke aadamian ke neecataa jhalakelaa.
[Burka and Niqab is worn by the ladies of those countries where showing their face is dangerous for her safety due to possible intimidation, harashment and attack by some men. This shows the meanness of the menfolk of the region or of the country.]
Dusar o~r, pahacaan chipawalaa se Burkaa / nikaab ke bheetar kawano bandook-dhhari, co~r, aatankwaadio ... aadi ho sakelaa,m je se uu desh  asuraxit  ho sakelaa.
[On the other hand, Burka and Niqab wearing brings a great security threat for a country due to lack of identity of the person under Burka / niqab; the person may be a gunner, thief, terrorist ...etc.]
Ehi se kuch desh Burkaa / Nikaab pa ro~k lagaa delebaa, caahe lagaawe pa baa, khaas ka ke saarbjanik jagahan pa, je me`: Fraans (Sri: 9111 se), Beljiam (9111 se), NatharlaenD, Misra (Vishwavidyaalay me` bandi), Bartaaniyaa, SwiTzerlaenD (9113 / 9116 se), Itali ke LombaarDi xetra me` (9115 se), CaaD (9115 se), Kaemaroon, Naaijar, Kongo Braazzville, Gaebon.
[France (since 2011), Belgium (since 7.2011)
Thus, a number of countries have banned Burka / Niqab including:
France (since 2011), Belgium (since 7.2011) particularly in public places.
Netheland, Egyptian (in University banned), UK, Switzerland (since 2013 / 16), Italy's Lombardy region (since 2015),  Chad (2015), Cameroon, Niger, Congo brazzaville, Gabon.
>>> The Egyptian Law Makers have urgued that full face veils are actually un Islamic and even go against what the Koran advocates." 11.03.2016.
Dr Amna Nasseir, an Egyptian MP and member Egypts' Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs, revealed: niqab is a Jewis tradition. She insisted, "niqab is not an islamic duty" and instead was "a part of Judaism"..
Dr Amna Nasseir, Misra ke MP aa Misra ke 'Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs' ke Sadasya batawali: nikaab ego Jew ke reeti ha. Uu jo~r deli, "nikaab Islam ke kawano baat naa ha" aa auri jo~r deli "ee ta Judaism ke bhaag ha".

6.3. PolitiKing
6.3.1 *** Uttari Koriyaa kaalhu Sanaar me` Bhookamp ka delas, samoocaa Sansaar ke log kaa`pe laagal, 10K ton ke Bam
Dharati ke neece H-Bam choR ke, je se 6.3 Rcar se Dharati kaa`pelaagal, samoocaa Koriyaa-Jaapaan Xetra Dole laagal.
> Ee bhail 'Navam BRICS Xiamen Cin SikharSammelan' se pahile je me`
> PM Narendra Modi kahlan: "Shaanti khaatir BRICS sahyog jaroori"
> RaasTraadhyax Xi Jinping kahan: Aaj BRICS ke mahatva baD*a gail baa.
Jab Uttar Koriyaa jaisan choT desh > SRA ke lalakaar sakelaa, ta eh se saaf baa ki ab SRA ke Ekachatra-raaj naa cali jekaraa calate uu daxin Koriyaa me` jamal baaRan taagat ke bal pa, Vietnaam jaisan jekaraa ke Uttar aa Daxin me` baa`T ke 10 baris laaRaai ka ke ant me` bhagalan.

Credit Saujanya "AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool"

7. Vishwa Aarthik Pranaali:  [World Economic System]
Vishwa Aarthik Pranaali: SatYugi Kaal se pahile:
[World Economic System: Early Era, and Satyug Period]:
6. Dharam, Dharma [Characteristics, Nature] 
Mat [Religion]: Mataantar [Sects]:

Hamani ke seedhe baat karab jaa 20 aa 21 Shataabdi ke Maat aadi ke. [We straight away come to the 20th and 21st Century Religion]:
Dharati ke sankhyaa ke aadhaar pa 6 baRhan 'Mat'  ke Raenk neece del jaataa:
[6 Topmost Religions based on the number of their Followers are]:

Raenk Mat Anuyaayi M % Jana Sa`

Rank  Religion Followers M W Popln
1. Sanaatanaarya
Sanatanaryas* 4384, 59 %
2. Ishaai
Christians 2100, 28 %
3. Saamyavaad
Communism** 1521, 20 %
4. Muslim
Islam 1300, 17 %
5. Sanaatani
  Hinduism 900, 12 %
6. Bauddha
Buddhism 360, 5 %

Sab milaa ke 100 % se jaadaa hoi.
Total will be over: 100 % .

Sansaar ke Janasankhyaa: ~ 7440 M
Population of the Earth: ~ 7440 M

* Adhikaansa Sanaatanaarya ee jaanabe naa karas ki uu hawan "Sanaatanaarya: Je sab ceejan ke (sajeev aa nirjeev ke) bhalaai caahelan, Mat Mataantar ke Laxman rekhaa ke laa`gh ke".
[Most Sanatanaryas do not know they are "Sanatanaryas: who look good to all beings (living or non-living), even crossing the lines of demarcation of Religions".]

> Ehi logan ke calate aaj Sansaar me` 'Aadmi ke astitva banal baa aa uu unnati karat jaataa. [These are the people due to which 'Human being' is existing and growing.]

> Uu sab logan se pyaar karelan.
[They love and help each other].

** Ji, hamanike 'Saamyavaad'-e ke baat karataani, je Maanav ke "Saamaajik-Aarthik-raajanaitik Pranaali" ke Siddhaant he, jekaraa saamane kawano Mat aa raajanaitik pranaali ke kawano maane hokhe.
[Yes, we mean 'Communism' which is the doctrine and practices of Human's "Socio-economic-political System", in front of which no common religion or political system stands.]

> Dher log, je aajo jeeyataae, dekhale baaRan ki 'Soviet Sangh': "Kalyug me` Satyug"  rahe.
[Many persons, still living, have seen what was USSR: "Kalyug me` Satyug" i.e.
"The Truth Era in the Corrupt Era"]

>> Ee "20m Shataabdi ke Dharati" ke Satyugi 'Model'  kawano Pacchimee nawTankibaaj Saamraajyavaadi, Vistaarvaadi uuhe log; je Hiroshimaa aa Naagaasaaki, Iraak aa Libiyaa ke barbaad ka ke Siriyo ke barbaad karit,  baakir Sanaatanaarya Vlaadimir Putin ke 1.1.9116 ke beec me`  aawe ke calate bac gail, atane naa aaj feru 'Paalmiraa' khaRaa bhail baa.
[This Satyugi 'Model' of "The 20th Century Earth" has been destroyed by the notorious merciless Imperialists, Expansionists of the Wests; the same people who destroyed Hiroshima & Nagasaki, Iraq & Libya and were likely to destroy Syria, but for Sanatanarya Vladimir Putin who intervened since 30.09.2015 to save Syria and 'non-living being' like 'Palmyra'.
Palmyra is now saved, in whatever manner it stands.]

*** Saamyavaad > Maanavataa ke pahilaa caran ha.
Maanavataa > Hinduism ke Pahilaa caran ha.
Hinduism, Ishaai-religion: 'Sanaataarya ke Siddhaant'. > ke Pahilaa caran ha

*** Communism > is the 1st step of Humanism.
Humanism > is the 1st step of Hinduism,
Hinduism, Christianity > is the 1st step of
'Sanatanarya Doctrine'.

*** dusar o~r: [In other words]:
> "Mat samaaj ke khushi khushi rakh-rakhaaw aa unnati ke vyawahaarik pax ha, jab log 'Satya' ke kho~j kare, jaise:
> Sanaatanaarya karele.
> Ishaai log karele,
> Hindu log karele,
> Saamyavaadi log karele,
> Musalmaan log karele (Wahaabi, Jehaadi aa aisnake dusar logan ke choR ke)
> Aa dusar log karele

> ["A Religion is a way of happily living, developing practices of a Society, while searching 'The Truth'"; like:
> Sanatanaryas do.
> Christians do
> Hindus do
> Communists do
> Islamists do (except Wahabis, Jehadis and the like).
> many others do].

Kuch Rishi, Sant, caahe 'Sanaatanaarya' ke "Knowledge Beyond nano pico Technology", ke gyaan baa, aa

"Gayatri Mantra" jekaraa ke Bhojpuri me`:
"RamoGati, dehu Sumati"
=> "Go~R (Ram, Ray) Prakaash aa EM tarang ke Gati ha (Vishuddha Gyaan),
(He Go~R!)  'Subuddhi' dee`.

>>> [ Some Rishis, Saints or 'Sanatanaryas' have "Knowledge Beyond nano pico Technology" at,  and

"Gayatri Mantra" which simplistically in Bhojpuri is:
"RamoGati, dehu Sumati"
=> "God is (Ram, Ray) velocity of light, EM Waves (abstract knowledge),
(O God!) provide me 'Subuddhi' i.e. ‘Intellect for good work'".]

6.1 Mataantar [Sects]:
Samay bitalaa pa logan ke dimaag me` nayaa nayaa vicaar aawelaa kawano Mat ke bheetar, je se anek Mataantar ke janam holaa:
[With the lapse of time and advent of various new thoughts develop gererating new 'Sects' as shown below]:

Kuch Mataantar ke naav neece del jaataa:
[The name of some Sects are given below}:
Mat [Religion[   Mukhya Mataantar [Main Sects]

1. Sanaatanaarya Sanatanaryas*

1.0 Kawano naa [Nil]

2. Ishaai Christians
2.1 Kaetholik [Catholic]
2.2 ProTesTenT [Protestant]

3. Saamyavaad       Communism**
3.1 MaarxVaad [Maxism]
3.2 Maarx-LeninVaad
3.3 MaaoVaad [Maoism]

4. Muslim Islam
4.0.1** Burkaa aa Nikaab Sanskriti: [Burka and Niqab Culture]:
4.1 Shiyaa [Shia]
4.2 Sunni [Sunni]
4.3 Wahaabi [Wahabi]
4.4 Jehaadi [Jehadi]
4.5 Bahaai Lotus Temples

5. Sanaatani Hinduism
5.1 Sanaatani [Sanatani]
5.1.1 Vaishnav
5.1.2 Shaakta
5.1.3 Shaiva
5.2 Aaryasamaaj   [Aryasamaj]
5.3 Bramasamaaj  [Brahmasamaj]

6. Bauddha Buddhism
6.1 Heenayaana [Heenayana]
6.2 Mahaayaana [Mahayana]

7. Vishwa Aarthik Pranaali:  [World Economic System]
Vishwa Aarthik Pranaali: SatYugi Kaal se pahile:
[World Economic System: Early Era, and Satyug Period]:

uru suru me` jab Aadi-Maanav ke banal, Narsinghaavataaro se pahile, nar naari asahee` jangal ungal me` ghumat rahas, aa jahaa` tahaa` se jangal me` se kawano khaaye-peeye ke saamaan aapas me` baa`T co~T khaat piyat rahas, kabahu` saaid cheena jhapatio ho~thokhe Pariwaar se baahari logan me`. Tab log pe`R-uRa ke neece chaa`h me` caahe gufaa-ufaa me` rahat rahan. 
[Long long ago, say billions year ago, much before Nrisinghaavataar, in the Era of Satyug: Most people used to roam about for for food, gather some food whereever they lived under the shade of some trees, in a cave or elsewhere.
During this period: Men and women possibly used to beg, borrow and loot as well. The family system also developed during this period in many areas of the World.]
... ...

** Bhaarat 21m Shataabdi me` bhrasTaacaar me` Doobal laagataa. > Baenk Pranaali pa prashna.  [In 21st Century India submerged into economic corruption > Banking System under watch.]

4.0.1 ** Burkaa aa Nikaab Sanskriti: [Burka and Niqab Culture]:
Burkaa aa Nikaab oh deshan ke auratan ke pahine ke paRelaa jahaa` unkar mukhaRaa dekhal khatarnaak holaa, marad logan se tang kare ke calate aa unkaa pa aakraman kare ke calate. Eh se oh xetra ke aa desh ke aadamian ke neecataa jhalakelaa.
[Burka and Niqab is worn by the ladies of those countries where showing their face is dangerous for her safety due to possible intimidation, harashment and attack by some men. This shows the meanness of the menfolk of the region or of the country.]
Dusar o~r, pahacaan chipawalaa se Burkaa / nikaab ke bheetar kawano bandook-dhhari, co~r, aatankwaadio ... aadi ho sakelaa,m je se uu desh  asuraxit  ho sakelaa.
[On the other hand, Burka and Niqab wearing brings a great security threat for a country due to lack of identity of the person under Burka / niqab; the person may be a gunner, thief, terrorist ...etc.]
Ehi se kuch desh Burkaa / Nikaab pa ro~k lagaa delebaa, caahe lagaawe pa baa, khaas ka ke saarbjanik jagahan pa, je me`: Fraans (Sri: 9111 se), Beljiam (9111 se), NatharlaenD, Misra (Vishwavidyaalay me` bandi), Bartaaniyaa, SwiTzerlaenD (9113 / 9116 se), Itali ke LombaarDi xetra me` (9115 se), CaaD (9115 se), Kaemaroon, Naaijar, Kongo Braazzville, Gaebon.
[France (since 2011), Belgium (since 7.2011)
Thus, a number of countries have banned Burka / Niqab including:
France (since 2011), Belgium (since 7.2011) particularly in public places.
Netheland, Egyptian (in University banned), UK, Switzerland (since 2013 / 16), Italy's Lombardy region (since 2015),  Chad (2015), Cameroon, Niger, Congo brazzaville, Gabon.
>>> The Egyptian Law Makers have urgued that full face veils are actually un Islamic and even go against what the Koran advocates." 11.03.2016.
Dr Amna Nasseir, an Egyptian MP and member Egypts' Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs, revealed: niqab is a Jewis tradition. She insisted, "niqab is not an islamic duty" and instead was "a part of Judaism"..
Dr Amna Nasseir, Misra ke MP aa Misra ke 'Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs' ke Sadasya batawali: nikaab ego Jew ke reeti ha. Uu jo~r deli, "nikaab Islam ke kawano baat naa ha" aa auri jo~r deli "ee ta Judaism ke bhaag ha".

6.3. Relijan <> Maanavaadhikaar. Religion vs Human Right:

Mat-Mataantar: Relijan jekar kam se kam 200 M Anuyaayi baaRan:  Suci-2: >
"AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool: अंतर्राष्ट्रीय ग्लोबल भोजपुरी इस्कूल" ke saujanya se

Religion with Minimum 200 Million Followers at Table-2: Credit AntarraasTreey Bhojpuri eSkool: International Bhojpuri eSkool.

Suci-2: Relijan jekar kam se kam 200 M Anuyaayi. Table-2: Min. 200 M Followers  
1 World Population on
 31.12.2016 is taken as about  7540   M 7540  
2 No.followers  of Sanatanaryas is Estimated*  
3 Most Sanatanaryas do not even know that "They are Sanatanaryas".  
4 Religions based on number of Followers: % of World Population Approx % For total 100% Approx %  
1.Sanatanaryas in M 4384 Followers 58.14324 58 41.42857 41  
2. Christians in M 2100 Followers 27.85146 28 20 20  
3. Communists in M 1521 Followers 20.17241 20 14.28571 14  
4. Islamists M 1300 Followers 17.24138 17 12.14286 12  
5. Hindus M 900 Followers 11.93634 12 8.571429 9  
6. Buddhists M 360 Followers 4.774536 5 3.571429 4  
Total would not add to 100% due ro over lappings. 140.1194 140 100 100  
*Estd. Sanatanaryas: 95% of Communists, Shikhs and Jains, 90% Hindus, 85% Buddhists, 80 % Christians, Confucians and taos, 20 % of rest of Mankind on the Earth  
Mat-Mataantar, Religion Approx % For total 100%Approx %  
1. Sanaatanaarya Sanatanaryas in M 4384 Followrs* 58 41  
2. Isaai Christians in M 2100 Followers 28 20  
3. Saamyavaadi Communists in M 1521 Followers 20 14  
4. Musalmaan Islamists M 1300 Followers 17 12  
5. Sanaatani Hindus M 900 Followers 12 9  
6. Bauddh Buddhists M 360 Followers 5 4  
Sab JoR Total 140 100  
Tippani  Remarks:  
1 Sanaatanaarye logan ke calate maanav aaj Sansaar me` baa aa unnati karataa.   It is Sanatanaryas due to which Humanity exists in the World  
2 Isaai logan me` ~ 80% Sanaatanaarya baaRan. Among Christians ~ 80% are Sanatanaryas  
3 Karib 95% Saamyavaadi, Sikh aa Jaen Sanaatanaarya baaRan. About 95% of Communists, Sikhs, and Jains are Sanatanaryas.  
4 Karib 20% Musalmaan aa dusar logan me` Sanaatanaarya baaRe. About 20 % of Islamists and others are Sanatanaryas.  
5 Karib 90% Sanaatani Hindu log Sanaatanaarya hawan. About 90% of Hindus are Sanatanaryas  
6 About 85% of Buddhists are Sanatanaryas.  
Ee sab 'Mitram' ke  guD*a adhyayan pa aadhaarit baa, je log naahio maan sakele. The above is based on the extensive studies of the subject by 'Mitram', which one may or may not agree..

Suci-5: Relijan <> Maanavaadhikaar. Religion vs Human Right:

Art.1. Right of Equality Followers  Anuyaayi Art.2. Freedom from Discrimination Art.3. Right to Life, Liberty, Personal Security.  
Relijan Religion M Followers Approx %  
1.Sanatanaryas 4384 Looks good to all beings equally. 41 No descrimination, Yes  
2. Christians 2100 All men and women are Equal. 20 No descrimination Yes  
3. Communists 1521 All men and women are Equal. 14 Not at all Yes  
4. Islamists 1300 No equal rights for male & Female. 12 Descriminates between male & female, does Jehad, But for Jehad, females etc.  
5. Hindus 900 All are equal like organs of a body. Ladies are Devies. 9 No descrimination, Lord Shankar is god for all including raxasas Yes  
6. Buddhists 360 All male & female are equal. 4 No descrimination, Yes  

7. Vishwa Aarthik Pranaali:  [World Economic System]
Vishwa Aarthik Pranaali: SatYugi Kaal se pahile:
[World Economic System: Early Era, and Satyug Period]:

Suru suru me` jab Aadi-Maanav ke banal, Narsinghaavataaro se ahile, nar naari asahee` jangal ungal me` ghumat rahas, aa jahaa` tahaa` se jangal me` se kawano khaaye-peeye ke saamaan aapas me` baa`T co~T khaat piyat rahas, kabahu` saaid cheena jhapatio ho~t hokhe Pariwaar se baahari logan me`. Tab log pe`R-uRa ke neece chaa`h me` caahe gufaa-ufaa me` rahat rahan. 
[Long long ago, say billions year ago, much before Nrisinghaavataar, in the Era of Satyug: Most people used to roam about for for food, gather some food whereever they lived under the shade of some trees, in a cave or elsewhere.
During this period: Men and women possibly used to beg, borrow and loot as well. The family system also developed during this period in many areas of the World.]
... ...

** Bhaarat 21m Shataabdi me` bhrasTaacaar me` Doobal laagataa. > Baenk Pranaali pa prashna.  [In 21st Century India submerged into economic corruption > Banking System under watch.]

*** Earth Kaal Cakra: [Time Cycle of the Earth]:
Aaj se karib 4.35 Arab Baris pahile: (Veda: se, EK [Eternal Knowledge], UK [Ultimate Knowledge] se, dekhee` kitaab: "Knowledge Beyond nano pico Technology" ISBN: 978.1.304.30027.0 pa.) >

Prithvi ke Janam bhail, okaraa se Sriztyaabda: 0 tak, karib 2.38 G baris tak > Prithvi pa jeev naa rahe aa Venezuelo me`, khoob garami ke calate, aa Oxijan-o ke kami ke calate, jab Pahilaa Jeevadhaari ke janam bhail, ohee din se 'SrishTyaabda: 0' suru bhail. Aaj SrishTyaabda: 20.08.1 972 949 117 ha, je thoR me` ha Sri:9117 ha.
[After the birth of the Earth about 4.35 G year ago, for about 2.38 G year, there was no living being on the Earth and in Venezuela too, due to extreme hotness and lack of Oxygen; when the First living being was born; from that very day Srishtyabda or Sri: 0 was started according to Vedas.
Today is Sristyabda 20.08.1 972 949 117 i.e. Sri: 9117 in short, Kristyabda: 2017 CE]

SrisTyaabd: 0 Baris => Sri: 0 [1 972 947 100 BCE]
> Rigveda ke anusaar: According to Rigved:
Sri: 0 Baris me` Pahilaa Jeev ke janam bhail paani me`: kaai aa bacTeriaa aadi ke roop me` jahaa` tahaa` Dharati pa. [In Sri: 0, the 1st living being was born on the Surface of the Earth in water: possibly some fungi or bacteria.]

Calataa [continued]

For earlier major items one should go to:
 20.08.9117 Earth Sanskriti: 25.10.2017.


