Friday, 18 November 2016

EDD: 6 Top Religions of 20th & 21st Century: ‘Earth Direct Democracy’ Earth Sanskriti: धरती के संस्कृति 04.09.9116

6 Top Religions of 20th & 21st Century:   EDD: ‘Earth Direct Democracy’
Earth Sanskriti: धरती के संस्कृति .08.9116 
Bhaasaa: Bhojpuri, Sanket: bho, aa Angrejee: en
[Language: Bhojpuri. Code: bho and English Code: en]  
Neece kaa baa?
*** 6 Top Religions of 20th & 21st Century: 6 pa
*** "21st Century Culture": 5.1.1 pa: go to EDD
*** Europe under Terror Threat: 5.1.3 pa

*** Earth Kaal Cakra: 2.10.2 pa:  
[What is below? 
Qaddafism:: Gaddafism: at 5.1.2 
Time Cycle of the Earth: at 2.10.2]:

*** Earth Kaal Cakra [Time Cycle of the Earth]:
4.35 Arab Baris pahile: (Veda: se, EK [Eternal Knowledge], UK [Ultimate Knowledge] se, dekhee` kitaab: "Knowledge Beyond nano pico Technology" ISBN: 978.1.304.30027.0 pa.)

Prithvi ke Janam se Sri: 0 tak, karib 2.38 G baris tak > Prithvi pa jeev naa rahe aa Venezuelo me`, khoob garami ke calate, Oxijan-o ke kami ke calate. 
[After the birth of the Earth, for about 2.38 G year ago, there was no living being on the Earth and in Venezuela too, due to extreme hotness and lack of Oxygen.]

SrisTyaabd: 0 Baris => Sri: 0 [1 972 947 100 BCE]
Sri: 0 Baris me` Pahilaa Jeev ke janam bhail paani me`: kaai aa bacTeriaa aadi ke roop me` jahaa` tahaa` Dharati pa. [In Sri: 0, the 1st living being was born on the Surface of the Earth in water: possibly some fungi or bacteria.] 

{Sri: 0 se 1 000 000 Matsyaavataar: 
> MachaRee ke janam, Matsyaavataar paanie me` jeeyelaa. [Birth of 'Fish god' in water, can live only in water]

Sri: 1 000 000 se 1 500 000 Koormaavataar: 
> Kachuaa ke janam je Dhartio pa calelaa, Koormaavataar. [Birth of Tortoise-god, who can walk also on land > good development.]

Sri: 1 500 000 se 1 970 000 Baraahaavataar: 
> Sooar ke janam je Dharati pa rahelaa baaki okaraa paa`kio niman laagelaa. Baraahaavataar. [Birth of Pig god who started living on land; but likes muddy water.]

Sri:1 970 000 se 1 880 000 000 Nrisinghaavataar:
> Dher jantu aa jaanwaran ke janam frog, rabbit, saa`p, ant, cat, dog, rat, cow, horse aadi ke; aa Aadi maanavo ke janam Satyug me`. [Birth of verieties of Animals. creatures and Primitive Maanav ke janam: like: ant, rat, cat, dog, cow, snake etc.] 

Sri: 1 880 000 000 - 1 972 000 000 > Avikasit Maanav ke janam: Afrikaa - Arabiaa - Tibbat - Bhaarat - Cin me`.
Daxin Amerikan Arubaa: Dharti ke roop, aa Niwaas. [Landscape, Architecture, and Population in Aruba Island: Logan ke samooh Asia se ailan.]

Sri: 1 972 000 000 - 1 972 940 100 > Poorva Maanav aa Maanav ke janam. [Primitive man, developed Man.]

Sri: 1 972 909 100 to 1 972 929 100: Maanav: 
[Venezuela Culture: 40000 BC to 2000 BC]:

Sri: 1 972 909 100 aa 1 972 929 100 ke karib Asiaa ke Uttar-Poorub se log Amerikaa aile Saaiberiaa-Alaaskaa ho~t. Uhe log Uttari Amerikaa aa Daxini Amerikaa Sri: 1 972 932 100 me` ailan, aa 1 972 935 600 me` uu`ha` se daxini Amerikaa aile. Je ehhaa` rahe waalaa pahilaa log banalan.
Baakir daxin-Purub Asiaa se kuch log AsTreliaa ho~t  karib Sri: 1 972 889 100 me` ailan, aa 1 972 935 600 me` uu`ha` se daxini Amerikaa aile.  

2.10.2 Venezuelaa Sanskriti: 1 972 929 100 – 1 972 940 100:

Sri: 1 972 870 100 to 1 972 940 100: [Venezuela Culture: 3000 BC to 100 CE]:
Sri: 1 972 946 800 aa 1 972 945 600 me`: 
Cavin log rahan AnDi Parvat pa. 
Sri: 941 500 - 942 200: 
ZapoTee aa Naajkaa d. Amerikaa me`. Pahilaa Glimf likhaai shuru bhail ehee Thaiyaa`. Ehije baa Sooruj Mandiro.
[1500 - 300 BC: 
Chavin People in Andi Mountain. 
Hohokam, Mogollon, Anasaazi Sanskriti Venezuelaa me`.
400 BC - 100 CE: Zapotec aa Nazca in South America.
First Glimph writing started. Sun Temple built at Teutihuacan.]

Sri: 1 972 944 600 – 1 972 948 100: Me` je kuchuo hokhe, baakir Seremik naa rahe. Baakir eehaa` Patthar ke Ehee samay Arubaa dweep me` log rahe rahlan. EchuRee milat rahe.
[Between 2500 BCE to 1000CE: Whatever it may be, but no ceremic. Thus this is called Pre-ceremic Period:]

Jaadaa Peeche ke PosT dekhee`: [For more look at the earlier Posts]:

2.10.3 Venezuelaa Sri: 7200 8200: [Venezuela 100CE to 1000CE]
Sri: 6700 – 8100 Pacchimi taTeey daxin Amerikaa ke Nazkaa Sanskriti: 
[South American Nazca Coastal Culture: 400B CE – 1000 CE]: 
Aruba: Inhabitant 

2.10.4 Venezuelaa Sri: 8100 - 9000: [Venezuela 1000CE to 1900CE]

2.10.5 Venezuelaa Sri: 8911: Venezuelaa Spe~n se Venezuelaa swatantra bhail. [Venezuela: 1811: Venezuela declared Independence from Spain]:

1. Visay Praves: [Introduction]: 
भारत आ संसार के संस्कृति के झलक: 
[Glimpse of Culture of India and the World.]

2. धरती के जिनगी Dharati ke Jinagee: 4.32 G बरिस baris. 
[The Life of the Earth: about 4.5 G yr.]

2.1 पृथ्वी Prithvi: Ego sunar Lok. [The Earth: A beautiful Planet]

2.2. ब्रह्माण्ड BrahmaanD: इहलोक IHLOK + इतरलोक ITARLOK. 
  [The Universe: The IHLOC + The ITARLOC.] 

2.3 द्वैतवाद 'Dwaitvaad':   इंग 'Ying - Yaang': [Dualism:]

2.4. "Kaali ji = Antarix aa Raam ji = Ratang".    [“Goddess Kali = Empty Space and god Ram = Waves”.]

2.5 Sunar BrahmaanD:    [Beautiful Universe.] 

2.6. जीवात्मा जनम मरण मोक्ष > मिथ्या Jeevaatmaa, Janam, Maran, Mo~x: Mithyaa    
[Soul, Birth, Death, Salvation: Myth]

2.7. Bhagwaan: Pakkaa Bhautik. Anant ke Gyaan. भगवान > पक्का भौतिक >> अनन्त के ज्ञान. 
[God: Perfectly Physical but Abstract. >> Concept of Infinity.] 

2.8 Braazilian Sanskriti: [Brazilian Culture.]
Braazil: Aabaadi ~203 M, Kendra: Braazilia
[Brazil: Population ~203M, Capital: Brasilia]

2.9 ArjenTenian aa Peru Culture: [Argentenian and Peruvian Culture]:
ArjenTinaa: aabaadi ~40M. Kendra: Buenos Earis 
[Argentina, Population ~ 40M, Capital: Buenos Aires]
Peru: aabaadi ~30M, Kendra: Limaa [Peru: Population ~30M, Capital: Lima ]

2.10 Venezuelaa Sanskriti: Kaal. [Venezuela Culture: Time Line]:
*** Earth Kaal Cakra [Time Cycle of the Earth]:
Caalu baa.....         Continued....

2.11 Cini Sanskriti: [Chinese Culture]
Caalu baa.....         Continued....

3. 21-vee` Sataabdi ke Prithvi Sanskriti: [Culture of 21st Century Earth:]
caalu baa [continued]

4. Yuddh, Waar aa Aatankvaad: Caalu baa.
[War and Terrorism or Guerilla Warfare: Continueing]: 

5. Raajneeti [Politics]

6. Mat [Religion]

"Earth Sanskriti: धरती के संस्कृति"
"The Culture of Prithvi, the Earth"

1. Visay Praves: [Introduction]:
Peeche ke PosT dekhee`: [Look at the earlier Posts]:

2. धरती के जिनगी Dharati ke Jinagee: 4.32 G बरिस  baris. 
[The Life of  the Earth: about 4.5 G yr.]
Peeche ke PosT dekhee`: [Look at the earlier Posts]:

2.9 ArjenTenian aa Peru Culture: [Argentinian and Peruvian Culture]:
ArjenTinaa: aabaadi ~ 40M. Kendra: Buenos Aires; 
[Argentina, Population ~ 40M, Capital: Buenos Aires;] 

Peru: aabaadi ~30M, Kendra: Limaa
[Peru: Population ~30M, Capital: Lima ]
Jaadaa Peeche ke PosT dekhee`: [For more look at the earlier Posts]:

2.10 Venezuelaa Sanskriti: 1 972 949 115 me`
[Venezuelan Culture: 2015 CE]: [
Peeche ke PosT dekhee`: [Look at the earlier Posts]:

2.10.1 Venezuelaa Sanskriti: [Culture of Venezuela]: 
Jaadaa Peeche ke PosT dekhee`: [For more look at the earlier Posts]:

2.10.2 Ab dekhee` "Earth Sanskrit": aa Venezuelaa ke Sanskriti:
*** Earth Kaal Cakra [Time Cycle of the Earth]:
4.35 Arab Baris pahile: (Veda: se, EK [Eternal Knowledge], UK [Ultimate Knowledge] se, dekhee` kitaab: "Knowledge Beyond nano pico Technology" ISBN: 978.1.304.30027.0 pa.)

Prithvi ke Janam se Sri: 0 tak, karib 2.38 G baris tak > Prithvi pa jeev naa rahe aa Venezuelo me`, khoob garami ke calate, Oxijan-o ke kami ke calate. 
[After the birth of the Earth, for about 2.38 G year ago, there was no living being on the Earth and in Venezuela too, due to extreme hotness and lack of Oxygen.]

SrisTyaabd: 0 Baris => Sri: 0
Sri: 0 Baris me` Pahilaa Jeev ke janam bhail paani me`: kaai aa bacTeriaa aadi ke roop me` jahaa` tahaa` Dharati pa. [In Sri: 0, the 1st living being was born on the Surface of the Earth in water: possibly some fungi or bacteria.] 

{Sri: 0 se 1 000 000 > MachaRee ke janam, Matsyaavataar paanie me` jeeyelaa 
[Birth of 'Fish god' in water, can live only in water]

Sri: 1 500 000 > Kachuaa ke janam je Dhartio pa calelaa, Koormaavataar 
[Birth of Tortoise, who can walk on land > good development.]

Sri: 1 970 000  >  Sooar ke janam je Dharati pa rahelaa baaki paa`kio niman laagelaa. Baraahaavatar. 
[Birth of Pig god who started living on land; but likes muddy water.]

Sri: 1 970 000 - 1 880 000 000 > Dher jantu aa jaanwaran ke janam frog, rabbit, saa`p, ant, cat, dog, rat, cow, horse aadi ke; aa Aadi maanav ke janam Satyug me`. [Birth of verieties of Animals. creatures and Primitive Maanav ke janam:  like: ant, rat, cat, dog, cow, snake  etc.] 

Sri: 1 880 000 000 - 1 972 000 000 > Avikasit Maanav ke janam: Afrikaa - Arabiaa - Tibbat -Bhaarat - Cin me`.
Daxin Amerikan Arubaa: Dharti ke roop, aa Niwaas. [Landscape, Architecture, and Population in Aruba Island: Logan ke samooh Asia se ailan.]

Sri: 1 972 000 000 - 1 972 940 100 > Poorv Maanav  aa Maanav ke janam. [Primitive man, Man developed.]

Sri: 1 972 909 100 to 1 972 929 100: Maanav 
[Venezuela Culture: 40000 BC to 2000BC]:

Sri: 1 972 909 100 aa 1 972 929 100 ke karib Asiaa ke Uttar-Poorub se log Amerikaa aile Saaiberiaa-Alaaskaa ho~t. Uhe log Uttari Amerikaa aa Daxini Amerikaa Sri: 1 972 932 100 me` ailan, aa 1 972 935 600 me` uu`ha` se daxini Amerikaa aile.  me` rahewaalaa pahilaa log banalan.
Baakir daxin-Purub Asiaa se kuch log AsTreliaa ho~t  karib Sri: 1 972 889 100 me` ailan, aa 1 972 935 600 me` uu`ha` se daxini Amerikaa aile.  


2.10.2 Venezuelaa Sanskriti: 1 972 929 100 – 1 972 940 100:

Sri: 1 972 870 100 to 1 972 940 100: 
[Venezuela Culture: 3000 BC to 100 CE]:
Sri: 1 972 946 800 aa 1 972 945 600 me`: 
Cavin log rahan AnDi Parvat pa. 
Sri: 941 500 - 942 200: 
ZapoTee aa Naajkaa d. Amerikaa me`. Pahilaa Glimf likhaai shuru bhail ehee Thaiyaa`. Ehije baa Sooruj Mandiro.
[1500 - 300 BC: 
Chavin People in Andi Mountain. 
Hohokam, Mogollon, Anasaazi Sanskriti Venezuelaa me`.
400 BC - 100 CE: Zapotec aa Nazca in South America.
First Glimph writing started. Sun Temple built at Teutihuacan.]

Sri: 1 972 944 600 – 1 972 948 100: Me` je kuchuo hokhe, baakir Seremik naa rahe. Baakir eehaa` Patthar ke Ehee samay Arubaa dweep me` log rahe rahlan. EchuRee milat rahe.
[Between 2500 BCE to 1000CE: Whatever it may be, but no ceremic. Thus this is called Pre-ceremic Period:]

Jaadaa Peeche ke PosT dekhee`: [For more look at the earlier Posts]:

2.10.3 Venezuelaa Sri: 7200 8200: [Venezuela 100CE to 1000CE]
Sri: 6700 – 8100 Pacchimi taTeey daxin Amerikaa ke Nazkaa Sanskriti: 
[South American Nazca Coastal Culture: 400B CE – 1000 CE]: 
Aruba: Inhabitant 

2.10.4 Venezuelaa Sri: 8100 - 9000: [Venezuela 1000CE to 1900CE]

2.10.5 Venezuelaa Sri: 8911: Venezuelaa Spe~n se Venezuelaa swatantra bhail. [Venezuela: 1811: Venezuela declared Independence from Spain]:

  Caalu baa. [Continuing]:

2.11 Cini Sanskriti: [Chinese Culture]:

Aadikaale se Cin Sanskriti ke ego dharohar ha.

[China is one of the center of the earliest Culture from time immemorial.]

Caalu baa. [Continuing]:

3. 21-vee` Sataabdi ke Prithvi Sanskriti: [Culture of 21st Century Earth]:

Peeche ke PosT dekhee`: [Look at the earlier Posts]:

Caalu baa.

4. Yuddh aa Aatankvaad: 
[War and Terrorism or Guerilla Warfare]: 

Peeche ke PosT dekhee`: [Look at the earlier Posts]:

5.  Raajneeti: [Politics]:
5.0 'Dharati ke Sanskriti' ke baat ho, aa raajneetie pa baat naa hokhe, ee kaise cali! dekhee`: 
[When we talk about 'Terrastrial Culture', how can we forget 'Politics', may look at the following]: 

>>> Hitopadesh naav ke kitaab se 'Raajneeti' aa ekar 'Aadhaar' ke gyaan ho jaai. [From the book: Heetopadesh, one can know 'Ethics' and 'Politics'.]  

Peeche ke PosT dekhee`: [Look at the earlier Posts]:

5.1 Vishwa raajaneeti: [Universal Politics]:
Aise ta Sanskrit me` kahal jaalaa ki 
"Vasudhaiva KuTumbakam" 
=> "Samoocaa Sansaare Sambandhiye ha". 

Baakir, jab bhaaie bhaaie me` sir kaTaual holaa, ta Sansaar ke Sambandhian me` kaahe naa hokhe ee sab. 
[There is a popular saying in Sanskrit: 'Basudhaiva kutumbakam', the whole World is related.
But when a brother kills another brother, what to talk about the World relatives.] 

Bhojpuri ke ego kahaaut baa: sab laRaai ke jaRa me`: "Jameen. JoRoo aa Jaayadaad". 
[A saying in Bhojpuri: the root causes of all quarrels are:
"Land, Ladies and Properties".] 

Laagataa ehee sab se Pacchimi log ta 'Captalisme' ke 'Democracy' maan lelan, aa ek ke baad ek, karib sab deshan ke 'Capitalism' ke raah pa dauRaa delan. [Possibly due to these only, the Wests has presumed: 'Capitalism' itself as 'Democracy'.]

Jab kuch desh 'Capitalism' ke 'Democracy' naa manalan ta ee Pacchimi desh NATO naav ke guT banaa ke ek ke baad ek baaki deshan pa bahaanaa baaji se caD*aai ka ka ke oh pa kabjaa ka lelan; bahaanaa 'Democracy': 
"Lincolnian Democracy" naa "Bahu daleey Democracy" ke "dalgatraajneeti" je asal me` "Baa`Ta aa raaj ka~r" ha. 
[When some counties refused to accept 'Capitalism' as 'Democracy', the Wests made NATO; and one after the other they attacked on them on flimsy grounds; but in the name of 'Democracy'.
Not the "Lincolnian Democracy", but "Multi Party Democracy" which is really  "Divide & Rule".]

Bhaarat jaisan ego puraan ucca Sanskriti ke desho ke kaise Nehru ke Pacchimi paD*aai Bhaarat me` "Baa`Ta aa raaj ka~r" waalaa sisTam le aa delas. [How in a Country of rich Cultural Heritage, Nehru's Western Education  brought the sustem of 'Divide & Rule' in India; due to which we go for perpetual Elections spending billions of R, but no 'Janatantra'.]

Alabataa Cin me` "Baa`Ta aa raaj ka~r" waalaa raajneeti aaj 9116 tak naa aa sakal. [Of course the "Divide & Rule" politics couldn't come till 2016.]

USSR: "Union of Soviet SosialisT Ripablik", 'Soviet Sangh' ke ta~ Pacchimi desh sab mil ke aisan caal calale sa ki oh Sangh ke Adhyax aa 'Soviet Sangh ke Saamyavaadi dal' ke Mahaa Sacive ke fuslaa ke USSR ke toR dele sa. Jaadaa dekhi` kitaab "Kaliyug me` Satyug" by Dr Deo Dutta Sharma pa. [USSR: "Union of Soviet Socialist Republic" was cunningly destroyed by the Wests by bribing the then General Secretary of the Communist Party of Soviet Union, and the President of USSR by awarding Gharbacaav a Nobel Prize .... For more go to the book entitled: "Kaliyug me` Satyug" by Dr Deo Dutta Sharma .]

Asal me` 'Soviet Sangh' ego Satayugi Sangh rahe jekaraa ke Kaarl Maarx (Jarmani), Vlaadimir Ilyic Lenin (Rus), Tolstoay jaisan Mahaan daarshanik aa Kraantikaari purus Saamyavaad ke aadhaar pa ego ek dam Nayaa 'Saamaajik-raajnaitik' sisTam banawalan; jahaa` "Sab lagan ke jarooriyaat ke anusaar adhikaar rahe, kuch vyaktigat sampatti choR ke sab sampatti pa Sarkaar ke rahe, sab vayask log Sarkaari Nakari pa rahe, sab laikaa aa laikian ke unkaa icchaa aa pragati ke aadhaar pa sab paD*aai-likhaai Sarkaare det rahe, sab auratan ke marade jaisan adhikaar rahe. Aa sab se baR baat ki Sahar sab me` 95%, dehaat me` 98% log 100% khush rahan, atane naa uuhaa` Sahar sab me` 95%, dehaat me` 98% log 100% Saa`ce, Satya bolat rahan ta~ ee =>  Satyug naa bhail ta~ kaa bhail. 
[In fact, 'Soviet Union' was as the 'Era of Truth', 'Satyug' era which was conceptualised by the great Philosophers, revolutionaries like Karl Marx (Germany), Vladimir Ilych Lenin (Russia), Tolstoy etc as an entirely new Socio-Political System based on Communism; where "the right of the people according to their needs, all properties belonged to the State except the personal ones around the residence, all adults were Government workers, all children were educated free as desired by them and their progres, females and labours status was better than male and the persons doing white color jobs.
The most noteworthy fact is: In country side 98% and in cities 98% people were 100% happy; not only this: In country side 98% and in cities 98% people were speaking Truth and Truth only. Wasn't there  'The Era of Truth', 'Satyug' called in Indian Sub-Continent.]

Laagataa oh logan ke Satyug ke gyaan naa rahe, naa t~ uuho log kawano Saamyavaadi desh ke Satyugi- deshe kahitan.
KPCC. [Possibly they were not aware of 'Satyug', else they would also called a 'Communist Country' as 'Satyugi'.]

Je Satyugi-Saamyavaadi Samaaj Kaarl Maarx, Vlaadimir Ilyic Lenin, saikaRo baris me` banavalan, okaraa ke Pacchimi desh bas 2-3 baris me` caalaaki se khatam ka deles.  [The Satyugi-Communistic Society made by Marx and Lenin in 100 yrs, that was finished in just 2-3 yrs cunningly by the Wests]

Eehe sab ke log aadi kaal se raaj neeti maanelan. Ehi sab se log raajneetie se ghrinaa karelan.  [People call all these as Politics hated by all.]

5.1.1 Desh ke BaD*anti, Unnati aa Durgati me` Sanskriti ke Jhalak:
[The Glimpse of the Culture of a Country with its Development and Degradation.]

>> Haram aa Burkaa Sanskriti: [Haram and Burka Culture]:

Jab Mugal Baadshaah Bhaarat me` camkat rahan, tab uu log Haram me` Dubal rahat rahan, sunar laikian aa lalanaa ke uThaa ke Haram me` Daal det rahan je se Bhaarat me` 'Pardaa Prathaa' je se sab logan ke gheen aawelaa. Baakir Musalmaan aurat sab 'Burkaa' ta pahinat rahee Saudi Arabiyaa jaisan. Burkaa sab kuchuo ke to~p delaa, galat kaamo ke jaise 'uThaaigiri, co~ri, Aatankavaado aadi
[When Mugals Kings flourished in India, they submerged in Haram Culture, lifting young girls and ladies which led to the 'Parda System' among Indian ladies, so hated by all; but Muslim ladies used to use 'Burka' as in Saudi Arabia. Burka covers every thing, even misdeeds like kidnapping, theft, terrorism etc.] 

>>> Mahaabhaarat Kaal Sanskriti: [Mahabharat Era Culture]: 
Kaurav  raajaa 5K baris pahile, saraab sevan karat rahan, Juaa khelat rahan auru kaa kaa, khaas ka ke aapan Maamaa Sakuni, Gaandhaar Yuvaraaj ke kaaran se.  Eehaa tak ki Dharmaraj Yudhisthiro Jooaa khel me` aapan sab raaj-paaT aa aapan Patnio ke haar gailan. Dharmaraj Yudhisthir aapan Patni ke ego ceej maanat rahan,  ‘Ardhaangini’ naa.
Tab ego marad 1000ro laikian se Biaah ka sakat rahe: jaise Baasudeva Krishna <> Ego laikio 1 se jaadaa laikan se Biaah ka sakat rahe: jaise Draupadi.
[Kaurava Kings 5K yr ago, indulged in wine, gambling and what not, particularly under the influence of their Maternal Uncle Sakuni, a Prince from Gandhar, present Afghanistan. Even Dutiful Dharmaraj Yudhisthir indulged in Gambling and lost all the properties and his wife. For a Dharmaraaj his wife was like his Property, not ‘Ardhaangini’ as we think now.
Then a Man could marry 1000s of girls <> a Girl could marry many Men.]

>>>> 21m Sataabdi ke Vishva Sanskriti: [21st Century Culture of the World]:
Bhaarat ke PM Narendra Modi ke raaj me`: 
Sri Sri Ravishankar Dilli me` Yamunaa taT pa “Vishva Jeevan Kalaa” ke 35vaa BarsagaanTh manawalan, je me` 3.5 M log 155 deshan ke 1000ro Kalaakaar aapan Naac, Gaayan dikhawale, je 18.12.9115 se 20.12.9115 tak calal. “Vishva Jeevan Kalaa” Pahilaa Jarmani me`, dusarkaa daxin,Amerikaa me` bhail rahe.  
[Under PM Narendra Modi BJP Rule in India: Shri Shri Ravishankar performed "Universal Art of Living" on Yamuna Bank in Delhi where 3.5 M people and 1000s of Artists of the 155 Countries of the World showed their Music & Dance Performances during 18.12.9115 to 20.12.9115 on completion of 35 Yrs of "Universal Art of Living"; the 1st such Presentation was Performed in Germany, 2nd one in Latin America. 

>>>> Kaa ekaraa ke “20vee / 21vee`  Sataabdi ke Sanskriti” kahal jaaw? [May we call this "The Culture of 20th / 21st Century"? 

Ki [Or]

>>>> “ Laakho` logan ke Iraak, Liiyaa, Sirya aa Afghaanistan se Visthaapan ka ke aa Muawalaa ke Sannskriti" ke 21st Sencuri ke Sanskriti kahal jaaw, jekar Netaa Japaan pa sab se pahilaa uu desh banal je Japaan pa 9045 me` ATam Bam girawalas aa Laakho logan ke muawalas? 
Feru 9.1.9116 ke ohee desh ke Netaa “Shirsha Naabhikeey Suraxaa Sammelan” karataare SRA me` jawanaa me` Rus ji Rusal baaRe. [May we call the "Culture of Killing and Destabilization of millions of people" of Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan: as the Culture of 21st Century started by so called "Developed Countries" of the World, the Leader of which is the only country which dropped Atomic Bombs in Japan in 1945 killing Millions? 
Again on 1.4.2016 the Leader same country who is the dropper of Nuclear Bomb is holding “Nuclear Security Summit” in USA not being attended by Russia. 

21st Century Sanskriti: Who said: "Assad must go", who killed the Great African Leader Gaddafi who had established the 1st  ‘Janatantra’  inspired by Mahatma Gandhi in 20th Century: EDD 
09.07.9116 Earth Sanskriti: धरती के संस्कृति
Bhaasaa: Bhojpuri, Sanket: bho, aa Angrejee: en
[Language: Bhojpuri. Code: bho and English Code: en]  
Neece kaa baa?
*** "Assad must go" :USA President Obama at 5.5.1 
*** "21st Centuri Culture: 5.1.1 pa: go EDD
*** Europe under Terror Threat: 5.1.3 pa
*** Earth Kaal Cakra: 2.10.2 pa:  
[What is below? 
Qaddafism:: Gaddafism: at 5.1.2 
Time Cycle of the Earth: at 2.10.2]:
Peeche ke PosT dekhee`: [Look at the earlier Posts]:

*** Earth Kaal Cakra [Time Cycle of the Earth]:
4.35 Arab Baris pahile: (Veda: se, EK [Eternal Knowledge], UK [Ultimate Knowledge] se, dekhee` kitaab: "Knowledge Beyond nano pico Technology" ISBN: 978.1.304.30027.0 pa.)

Prithvi ke Janam se Sri: 0 tak, karib 2.38 G baris tak > Prithvi pa jeev naa rahe aa Venezuelo me`, khoob garami ke calate, Oxijan-o ke kami ke calate. 
[After the birth of the Earth, for about 2.38 G year ago, there was no living being on the Earth and in Venezuela too, due to extreme hotness and lack of Oxygen.]

SrisTyaabd: 0 Baris => Sri: 0
Sri: 0 Baris me` Pahilaa Jeev ke janam bhail paani me`: kaai aa bacTeriaa aadi ke roop me` jahaa` tahaa` Dharati pa. [In Sri: 0, the 1st living being was born on the Surface of the Earth in water: possibly some fungi or bacteria.] 

{Sri: 0 se 1 000 000 > MachaRee ke janam, Matsyaavataar paanie me` jeeyelaa 
[Birth of 'Fish god' in water, can live only in water]

Sri: 1 500 000 > Kachuaa ke janam je Dhartio pa calelaa, Koormaavataar 
[Birth of Tortoise, who can walk on land > good development.]

Sri: 1 970 000  >  Sooar ke janam je Dharati pa rahelaa baaki paa`kio niman laagelaa. Baraahaavatar. 
[Birth of Pig god who started living on land; but likes muddy water.]

Sri:1 970 000 - 1 880 000 000 > Dher jantu aa jaanwaran ke janam frog, rabbit, saa`p, ant, cat, dog, rat, cow, horse aadi ke; aa Aadi maanav ke janam Satyug me`. [Birth of verieties of Animals. creatures and Primitive Maanav ke janam:  like: ant, rat, cat, dog, cow, snake  etc.] 

Sri: 1 880 000 000 - 1 972 000 000 > Avikasit Maanav ke janam: Afrikaa - Arabiaa - Tibbat -Bhaarat - Cin me`.
Daxin Amerikan Arubaa: Dharti ke roop, aa Niwaas. [Landscape, Architecture, and Population in Aruba Island: Logan ke samooh Asia se ailan.]

Sri: 1 972 000 000 - 1 972 940 100 > Poorv Maanav  aa Maanav ke janam. [Primitive man, Man developed.]

Sri: 1 972 909 100 to 1 972 929 100: Maanav 
[Venezuela Culture: 40000 BC to 2000BC]:

Sri: 1 972 909 100 aa 1 972 929 100 ke karib Asiaa ke Uttar-Poorub se log Amerikaa aile Saaiberiaa-Alaaskaa ho~t. Uhe log Uttari Amerikaa aa Daxini Amerikaa Sri: 1 972 932 100 me` ailan, aa 1 972 935 600 me` uu`ha` se daxini Amerikaa aile.  me` rahewaalaa pahilaa log banalan.
Baakir daxin-Purub Asiaa se kuch log AsTreliaa ho~t  karib Sri: 1 972 889 100 me` ailan, aa 1 972 935 600 me` uu`ha` se daxini Amerikaa aile.  


2.10.2 Venezuelaa Sanskriti: 1 972 929 100 – 1 972 940 100:

Sri: 1 972 870 100 to 1 972 940 100: 
[Venezuela Culture: 3000 BC to 100 CE]:
Sri: 1 972 946 800 aa 1 972 945 600 me`: 
Cavin log rahan AnDi Parvat pa. 
Sri: 941 500 - 942 200: 
ZapoTee aa Naajkaa d. Amerikaa me`. Pahilaa Glimf likhaai shuru bhail ehee Thaiyaa`. Ehije baa Sooruj Mandiro.
[1500 - 300 BC: 
Chavin People in Andi Mountain. 
Hohokam, Mogollon, Anasaazi Sanskriti Venezuelaa me`.
400 BC - 100 CE: Zapotec aa Nazca in South America.
First Glimph writing started. Sun Temple built at Teutihuacan.]

Sri: 1 972 944 600 – 1 972 948 100: Me` je kuchuo hokhe, baakir Seremik naa rahe. Baakir eehaa` Patthar ke Ehee samay Arubaa dweep me` log rahe rahlan. EchuRee milat rahe.
[Between 2500 BCE to 1000CE: Whatever it may be, but no ceremic. Thus this is called Pre-ceremic Period:]

Jaadaa Peeche ke PosT dekhee`: [For more look at the earlier Posts]:

2.10.3 Venezuelaa Sri: 7200 8200: [Venezuela 100CE to 1000CE]
Sri: 6700 – 8100 Pacchimi taTeey daxin Amerikaa ke Nazkaa Sanskriti: 
[South American Nazca Coastal Culture: 400B CE – 1000 CE]: 
Aruba: Inhabitant 

2.10.4 Venezuelaa Sri: 8100 - 9000: [Venezuela 1000CE to 1900CE]

2.10.5 Venezuelaa Sri: 8911: Venezuelaa Spe~n se Venezuelaa swatantra bhail. [Venezuela: 1811: Venezuela declared Independence from Spain]:

2.1 पृथ्वी Prithvi: Ego sunar Lok. [The Earth: A beautiful Planet]

2.2. ब्रह्माण्ड BrahmaanD: इहलोक  IHLOK + इतरलोक  ITARLOK. 
  [The Universe: The IHLOC + The ITARLOC.] 

2.3 द्वैतवाद 'Dwaitvaad':   इंग 'Ying - Yaang': [Dualism:]

2.4. "Kaali ji = Antarix aa Raam ji = Ratang".    [“Goddess Kali = Empty Space and god Ram = Waves”.]

2.5 Sunar BrahmaanD:    [Beautiful Universe.] 

2.6. जीवात्मा जनम मरण मोक्ष > मिथ्या Jeevaatmaa, Janam, Maran, Mo~x: Mithyaa    
[Soul, Birth, Death, Salvation: Myth]

2.7. Bhagwaan: Pakkaa Bhautik. Anant ke Gyaan. भगवान > पक्का भौतिक >> अनन्त के ज्ञान. 
[God: Perfectly Physical but Abstract. >> Concept of Infinity.] 

2.8 Braazilian Sanskriti: [Brazilian Culture.]
Braazil: Aabaadi ~203 M, Kendra: Braazilia
[Brazil: Population ~203M, Capital: Brasilia]

2.9 ArjenTenian aa Peru Culture: [Argentenian and Peruvian Culture]:
ArjenTinaa: aabaadi ~40M. Kendra: Buenos Earis 
[Argentina, Population ~ 40M, Capital: Buenos Aires]
Peru: aabaadi ~30M, Kendra: Limaa [Peru: Population ~30M, Capital: Lima ]

2.10 Venezuelaa Sanskriti: Kaal. [Venezuela Culture: Time Line]:
*** Earth Kaal Cakra [Time Cycle of the Earth]:
Caalu baa.....         Continued....

2.11 Cini Sanskriti: [Chinese Culture]
Caalu baa.....         Continued....

3. 21-vee` Sataabdi ke Prithvi Sanskriti: [Culture of 21st Century Earth:]
caalu baa [continued]

4. Yuddh, Waar  aa Aatankvaad: Caalu baa.
[War and Terrorism or Guerilla Warfare: Continueing]: 

5. Raajneeti [Politics]

6. Mat [Religion]


"Earth Sanskriti: धरती के संस्कृति"
"The Culture of Prithvi, the Earth"

1. Visay Praves: [Introduction]:
Peeche ke PosT dekhee`: [Look at the earlier Posts]:

2. धरती के जिनगी Dharati ke Jinagee: 4.32 G बरिस  baris. 
[The Life of  the Earth: about 4.5 G yr.]

2.9 ArjenTenian aa Peru Culture: [Argentinian and Peruvian Culture]:
ArjenTinaa: aabaadi ~ 40M. Kendra: Buenos Aires; 
[Argentina, Population ~ 40M, Capital: Buenos Aires;] 

Peru: aabaadi ~30M, Kendra: Limaa
[Peru: Population ~30M, Capital: Lima ]
Jaadaa Peeche ke PosT dekhee`: [For more look at the earlier Posts]:

2.10 Venezuelaa Sanskriti: 1 972 949 115 me`
[Venezuelan Culture: 2015 CE]: [

2.10.1 Venezuelaa Sanskriti: [Culture of Venezuela]: 
Jaadaa Peeche ke PosT dekhee`: [For more look at the earlier Posts]:

2.10.2 Ab dekhee` "Earth Sanskrit": aa Venezuelaa ke Sanskriti:
*** Earth Kaal Cakra [Time Cycle of the Earth]:
4.35 Arab Baris pahile: (Veda: se, EK [Eternal Knowledge], UK [Ultimate Knowledge] se, dekhee` kitaab: "Knowledge Beyond nano pico Technology" ISBN: 978.1.304.30027.0 pa.)

Prithvi ke Janam se Sri: 0 tak, karib 2.38 G baris tak > Prithvi pa jeev naa rahe aa Venezuelo me`, khoob garami ke calate, Oxijan-o ke kami ke calate. 
[After the birth of the Earth, for about 2.38 G year ago, there was no living being on the Earth and in Venezuela too, due to extreme hotness and lack of Oxygen.]

SrisTyaabd: 0 Baris => Sri: 0
Sri: 0 Baris me` Pahilaa Jeev ke janam bhail paani me`: kaai aa bacTeriaa aadi ke roop me` jahaa` tahaa` Dharati pa. [In Sri: 0, the 1st living being was born on the Surface of the Earth in water: possibly some fungi or bacteria.] 

{Sri: 0 se 1 000 000 > MachaRee ke janam, Matsyaavataar paanie me` jeeyelaa 
[Birth of 'Fish god' in water, can live only in water]

Sri: 1 500 000 > Kachuaa ke janam je Dhartio pa calelaa, Koormaavataar 
[Birth of Tortoise, who can walk on land > good development.]

Sri: 1 970 000  >  Sooar ke janam je Dharati pa rahelaa baaki paa`kio niman laagelaa. Baraahaavatar. 
[Birth of Pig god who started living on land; but likes muddy water.]

Sri: 1 970 000 - 1 880 000 000 > Dher jantu aa jaanwaran ke janam frog, rabbit, saa`p, ant, cat, dog, rat, cow, horse aadi ke; aa Aadi maanav ke janam Satyug me`. [Birth of verieties of Animals. creatures and Primitive Maanav ke janam:  like: ant, rat, cat, dog, cow, snake  etc.] 

Sri: 1 880 000 000 - 1 972 000 000 > Avikasit Maanav ke janam: Afrikaa - Arabiaa - Tibbat -Bhaarat - Cin me`.
Daxin Amerikan Arubaa: Dharti ke roop, aa Niwaas. [Landscape, Architecture, and Population in Aruba Island: Logan ke samooh Asia se ailan.]

Sri: 1 972 000 000 - 1 972 940 100 > Poorv Maanav  aa Maanav ke janam. [Primitive man, Man developed.]

Sri: 1 972 909 100 to 1 972 929 100: Maanav 
[Venezuela Culture: 40000 BC to 2000BC]:

Sri: 1 972 909 100 aa 1 972 929 100 ke karib Asiaa ke Uttar-Poorub se log Amerikaa aile Saaiberiaa-Alaaskaa ho~t. Uhe log Uttari Amerikaa aa Daxini Amerikaa Sri: 1 972 932 100 me` ailan, aa 1 972 935 600 me` uu`ha` se daxini Amerikaa aile.  me` rahewaalaa pahilaa log banalan.
Baakir daxin-Purub Asiaa se kuch log AsTreliaa ho~t  karib Sri: 1 972 889 100 me` ailan, aa 1 972 935 600 me` uu`ha` se daxini Amerikaa aile.  


2.10.2 Venezuelaa Sanskriti: 1 972 929 100 – 1 972 940 100:

Sri: 1 972 870 100 to 1 972 940 100: 
[Venezuela Culture: 3000 BC to 100 CE]:
Sri: 1 972 946 800 aa 1 972 945 600 me`: 
Cavin log rahan AnDi Parvat pa. 
Sri: 941 500 - 942 200: 
ZapoTee aa Naajkaa d. Amerikaa me`. Pahilaa Glimf likhaai shuru bhail ehee Thaiyaa`. Ehije baa Sooruj Mandiro.
[1500 - 300 BC: 
Chavin People in Andi Mountain. 
Hohokam, Mogollon, Anasaazi Sanskriti Venezuelaa me`.
400 BC - 100 CE: Zapotec aa Nazca in South America.
First Glimph writing started. Sun Temple built at Teutihuacan.]

Sri: 1 972 944 600 – 1 972 948 100: Me` je kuchuo hokhe, baakir Seremik naa rahe. Baakir eehaa` Patthar ke Ehee samay Arubaa dweep me` log rahe rahlan. EchuRee milat rahe.
[Between 2500 BCE to 1000CE: Whatever it may be, but no ceremic. Thus this is called Pre-ceremic Period:]

Jaadaa Peeche ke PosT dekhee`: [For more look at the earlier Posts]:

2.10.3 Venezuelaa Sri: 7200 8200: [Venezuela 100CE to 1000CE]
Sri: 6700 – 8100 Pacchimi taTeey daxin Amerikaa ke Nazkaa Sanskriti: 
[South American Nazca Coastal Culture: 400B CE – 1000 CE]: 
Aruba: Inhabitant 

2.10.4 Venezuelaa Sri: 8100 - 9000: [Venezuela 1000CE to 1900CE]

2.10.5 Venezuelaa Sri: 8911: Venezuelaa Spe~n se Venezuelaa swatantra bhail. [Venezuela: 1811: Venezuela declared Independence from Spain]:

  Caalu baa. [Continuing]:

2.11 Cini Sanskriti: [Chinese Culture]:

Aadikaale se Cin Sanskriti ke ego dharohar ha.

[China is one of the center of the earliest Culture from time immemorial.]

Caalu baa. [Continuing]:

3. 21-vee` Sataabdi ke Prithvi Sanskriti: [Culture of 21st Century Earth]:

Peeche ke PosT dekhee`: [Look at the earlier Posts]:

Caalu baa.

4. Yuddh aa Aatankvaad: 
[War and Terrorism or Guerilla Warfare]: 

Peeche ke PosT dekhee`: [Look at the earlier Posts]:

5.  Raajneeti: [Politics]:
5.0 'Dharati ke Sanskriti' ke baat ho, aa raajneetie pa baat naa hokhe, ee kaise cali! dekhee`: 
[When we talk about 'Terrastrial Culture', how can we forget 'Politics', may look at the following]: 

>>> Hitopadesh naav ke kitaab se 'Raajneeti' aa ekar 'Aadhaar' ke gyaan ho jaai. [From the book: Heetopadesh, one can know 'Ethics' and 'Politics'.]  

Baakir aaj hamani ke "21-vee` Sataabdi  ke raajneeti" ke baat karataani jaa, je ekdam badnaam baa. Log ekar baato kare ke naa caahe. [However, here we would talk about the "Politics of 21st Century" which infamous. People do not like to talk about this.]

Bhaarat me` baaRan ego Saamaajik Kaaryakartaa Annaa Hazaare, Senaa ke ego riTaayarD Draaibar hawan, aa je haale me` Dilli me` Bhaarat ke 125 Baris Ko`gres ke hilaa ke WSarkaar se giraa delan, aa jekar ego Celaa Arvind Kejriwaal, AK Bhaarat ke Raajneeti ke sudhaare ke beeRaa uthawlan. 
[In India there is a Social Worker, Anna Hazare who is a retired driver of Indian Army, and who recently shook 125 yr old Congress Party of India ruling for about 60 yrs after Independance; and who had a desciple named Arvind Kejriwal, AK who decided to set right the Politics of India.]   

Tab laakh anurodho ke baad Annaa ji kahlan: "Naa bhai naa, eh Rajneeti ke kaarikh me` ham naa koodab. Bas kah deni nu. Ab jaa hamaraa ee`haa` se. Hamaar nataa taharaa se aaj se khatam, AK. Baakir Annaaji calat calat AK ke Aaseeso de delan. Eehe 'Raajneeti ha nu!!!" [Even after requesting again and again Mr Anna Said: "No my dear, never; I would never enter into this blach-shoot. I have said you once for all and now leave me alone. I relinquish all the relation with you, AK from today. But while leaving Mr Anna bleshed AK. This is called 'Politics'.]

5.1 Vishwa raajaneeti: [Universal Politics]:
Aise ta Sanskrit me` kahal jaalaa ki 
"Vasudhaiva KuTumbakam" 
=> "Samoocaa Sansaare Sambandhiye ha". 

Baakir, jab bhaaie bhaaie me` sir kaTaual holaa, ta Sansaar ke Sambandhian me` kaahe naa hokhe ee sab. 
[There is a popular saying in Sanskrit: 'Basudhaiva kutumbakam', the whole World is related.
But when a brother kills another brother, what to talk about the World relatives.] 

Bhojpuri ke ego kahaaut baa: sab laRaai ke jaRa me`: "Jameen. JoRoo aa Jaayadaad". 
[A saying in Bhojpuri: the root causes of all quarrels are:
"Land, Ladies and Properties".] 

Laagataa ehee sab se Pacchimi log ta 'Captalisme' ke 'Democracy' maan lelan, aa ek ke baad ek, karib sab deshan ke 'Capitalism' ke raah pa dauRaa delan. [Possibly due to these only, the Wests has presumed: 'Capitalism' itself as 'Democracy'.]

Jab kuch desh 'Capitalism' ke 'Democracy' naa manalan ta ee Pacchimi desh NATO naav ke guT banaa ke ek ke baad ek baaki deshan pa bahaanaa baaji se caD*aai ka ka ke oh pa kabjaa ka lelan; bahaanaa 'Democracy': 
"Lincolnian Democracy" naa "Bahu daleey Democracy" ke "dalgatraajneeti" je asal me` "Baa`Ta aa raaj ka~r" ha. 
[When some counties refused to accept 'Capitalism' as 'Democracy', the Wests made NATO; and one after the other they attacked on them on flimsy grounds; but in the name of 'Democracy'.
Not the "Lincolnian Democracy", but "Multi Party Democracy" which is really  "Divide & Rule".]

Bhaarat jaisan ego puraan ucca Sanskriti ke desho ke kaise Nehru ke Pacchimi paD*aai Bhaarat me` "Baa`Ta aa raaj ka~r" waalaa sisTam le aa delas. [How in a Country of rich Cultural Heritage, Nehru's Western Education  brought the sustem of 'Divide & Rule' in India; due to which we go for perpetual Elections spending billions of R, but no 'Janatantra'.]

Alabataa Cin me` "Baa`Ta aa raaj ka~r" waalaa raajneeti aaj 9116 tak naa aa sakal. [Of course the "Divide & Rule" politics couldn't come till 2016.]

USSR: "Union of Soviet SosialisT Ripablik", 'Soviet Sangh' ke ta~ Pacchimi desh sab mil ke aisan caal calale sa ki oh Sangh ke Adhyax aa 'Soviet Sangh ke Saamyavaadi dal' ke Mahaa Sacive ke fuslaa ke USSR ke toR dele sa. Jaadaa dekhi` kitaab "Kaliyug me` Satyug" by Dr Deo Dutta Sharma pa. [USSR: "Union of Soviet Socialist Republic" was cunningly destroyed by the Wests by bribing the then General Secretary of the Communist Party of Soviet Union, and the President of USSR by awarding Gharbacaav a Nobel Prize .... For more go to the book entitled: "Kaliyug me` Satyug" by Dr Deo Dutta Sharma .]

Asal me` 'Soviet Sangh' ego Satayugi Sangh rahe jekaraa ke Kaarl Maarx (Jarmani), Vlaadimir Ilyic Lenin (Rus), Tolstoay jaisan Mahaan daarshanik aa Kraantikaari purus Saamyavaad ke aadhaar pa ego ek dam Nayaa 'Saamaajik-raajnaitik' sisTam banawalan; jahaa` "Sab lagan ke jarooriyaat ke anusaar adhikaar rahe, kuch vyaktigat sampatti choR ke sab sampatti pa Sarkaar ke rahe, sab vayask log Sarkaari Nakari pa rahe, sab laikaa aa laikian ke unkaa icchaa aa pragati ke aadhaar pa sab paD*aai-likhaai Sarkaare det rahe, sab auratan ke marade jaisan adhikaar rahe. Aa sab se baR baat ki Sahar sab me` 95%, dehaat me` 98% log 100% khush rahan, atane naa uuhaa` Sahar sab me` 95%, dehaat me` 98% log 100% Saa`ce, Satya bolat rahan ta~ ee =>  Satyug naa bhail ta~ kaa bhail. 
[In fact, 'Soviet Union' was as the 'Era of Truth', 'Satyug' era which was conceptualised by the great Philosophers, revolutionaries like Karl Marx (Germany), Vladimir Ilych Lenin (Russia), Tolstoy etc as an entirely new Socio-Political System based on Communism; where "the right of the people according to their needs, all properties belonged to the State except the personal ones around the residence, all adults were Government workers, all children were educated free as desired by them and their progres, females and labours status was better than male and the persons doing white color jobs.
The most noteworthy fact is: In country side 98% and in cities 98% people were 100% happy; not only this: In country side 98% and in cities 98% people were speaking Truth and Truth only. Wasn't there  'The Era of Truth', 'Satyug' called in Indian Sub-Continent.]

Laagataa oh logan ke Satyug ke gyaan naa rahe, naa t~ uuho log kawano Saamyavaadi desh ke Satyugi- deshe kahitan.
KPCC. [Possibly they were not aware of 'Satyug', else they would also called a 'Communist Country' as 'Satyugi'.]

Je Satyugi-Saamyavaadi Samaaj Kaarl Maarx, Vlaadimir Ilyic Lenin, saikaRo baris me` banavalan, okaraa ke Pacchimi desh bas 2-3 baris me` caalaaki se khatam ka deles.  [The Satyugi-Communistic Society made by Marx and Lenin in 100 yrs, that was finished in just 2-3 yrs cunningly by the Wests]

Eehe sab ke log aadi kaal se raaj neeti maanelan. Ehi sab se log raajneetie se ghrinaa karelan.  [People call all these as Politics hated by all.]

5.1.1 Desh ke BaD*anti, Unnati aa Durgati me` Sanskriti ke Jhalak:
[The Glimpse of the Culture of a Country with its Development and Degradation.]

>> Haram aa Burkaa Sanskriti: [Haram and Burka Culture]:

Jab Mugal Baadshaah Bhaarat me` camkat rahan, tab uu log Haram me` Dubal rahat rahan, sunar laikian aa lalanaa ke uThaa ke Haram me` Daal det rahan je se Bhaarat me` 'Pardaa Prathaa' je se sab logan ke gheen aawelaa. Baakir Musalmaan aurat sab 'Burkaa' ta pahinat rahee Saudi Arabiyaa jaisan. Burkaa sab kuchuo ke to~p delaa, galat kaamo ke jaise 'uThaaigiri, co~ri, Aatankavaado aadi
[When Mugals Kings flourished in India, they submerged in Haram Culture, lifting young girls and ladies which led to the 'Parda System' among Indian ladies, so hated by all; but Muslim ladies used to use 'Burka' as in Saudi Arabia. Burka covers every thing, even misdeeds like kidnapping, theft, terrorism etc.] 

>>> Mahaabhaarat Kaal Sanskriti: [Mahabharat Era Culture]: 
Kaurav  raajaa 5K baris pahile, saraab sevan karat rahan, Juaa khelat rahan auru kaa kaa, khaas ka ke aapan Maamaa Sakuni, Gaandhaar Yuvaraaj ke kaaran se.  Eehaa tak ki Dharmaraj Yudhisthiro Jooaa khel me` aapan sab raaj-paaT aa aapan Patnio ke haar gailan. Dharmaraj Yudhisthir aapan Patni ke ego ceej maanat rahan,  ‘Ardhaangini’ naa.
Tab ego marad 1000ro laikian se Biaah ka sakat rahe: jaise Baasudeva Krishna <> Ego laikio 1 se jaadaa laikan se Biaah ka sakat rahe: jaise Draupadi.
[Kaurava Kings 5K yr ago, indulged in wine, gambling and what not, particularly under the influence of their Maternal Uncle Sakuni, a Prince from Gandhar, present Afghanistan. Even Dutiful Dharmaraj Yudhisthir indulged in Gambling and lost all the properties and his wife. For a Dharmaraaj his wife was like his Property, not ‘Ardhaangini’ as we think now.
Then a Man could marry 1000s of girls <> a Girl could marry many Men.]

>>>> 21m Sataabdi ke Vishva Sanskriti: [21st Century Culture of the World]:
Bhaarat ke PM Narendra Modi ke raaj me`: 
Sri Sri Ravishankar Dilli me` Yamunaa taT pa “Vishva Jeevan Kalaa” ke 35vaa BarsagaanTh manawalan, je me` 3.5 M log 155 deshan ke 1000ro Kalaakaar aapan Naac, Gaayan dikhawale, je 18.12.9115 se 20.12.9115 tak calal. “Vishva Jeevan Kalaa” Pahilaa Jarmani me`, dusarkaa daxin,Amerikaa me` bhail rahe.  
[Under PM Narendra Modi BJP Rule in India: Shri Shri Ravishankar performed "Universal Art of Living" on Yamuna Bank in Delhi where 3.5 M people and 1000s of Artists of the 155 Countries of the World showed their Music & Dance Performances during 18.12.9115 to 20.12.9115 on completion of 35 Yrs of "Universal Art of Living"; the 1st such Presentation was Performed in Germany, 2nd one in Latin America. 

>>>> Kaa ekaraa ke “20vee / 21vee`  Sataabdi ke Sanskriti” kahal jaaw? [May we call this "The Culture of 20th / 21st Century"? 

Ki [Or]

>>>> “ Laakho` logan ke Iraak, Liiyaa, Sirya aa Afghaanistan se Visthaapan ka ke aa Muawalaa ke Sannskriti" ke 21st Sencuri ke Sanskriti kahal jaaw, jekar Netaa Japaan pa sab se pahilaa uu desh banal je Japaan pa 9045 me` ATam Bam girawalas aa Laakho logan ke muawalas? 
Feru 9.1.9116 ke ohee desh ke Netaa “Shirsha Naabhikeey Suraxaa Sammelan” karataare SRA me` jawanaa me` Rus ji Rusal baaRe. [May we call the "Culture of Killing and Destabilization of millions of people" of Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan: as the Culture of 21st Century started by so called "Developed Countries" of the World, the Leader of which is the only country which dropped Atomic Bombs in Japan in 1945 killing Millions? 
Again on 1.4.2016 the Leader same country who is the dropper of Nuclear Bomb is holding “Nuclear Security Summit” in USA not being attended by Russia. 

>>>> Ab "EDD: Earth Direct Democracy" ke 20.07.9116 ego Ank dekhee` je se 21-vee Shatabdi ke jhalak mili:

>>>> Now look at an issue of  "EDD: Earth Direct Democracy"  which provides a glimpse of 21st Century Earth:

Multi Party government > Self Defeating by Tectonic rifts. 
06.10.2016 EDD: Earth Direct Democracy
Kram- 3, Series-3: 
 Vietnam 1st, Cuba 2nd, Russia 3rd, 
Guyana 4th. 
on "Dynamic Democratic Ranking" by EDD as on 20.05.9116
among 180 most populated countries of the Earth 
where about 99.95% people of the World live: by EDD.  
'Prithvi eSeedhaa Janatantra'.
'Multy Party Government'
< a Self Defeating System >
< Weakens Nations >
<  Each Group or Party works against the Other >
< There is no Sense of Togetherness >
< One Party is always busy in creating situation to harm others >
** This is not Janatantra or 
 "People's Government" or
 "Lincolnian Democracy"
This is:
'Multi Party Government'
< a Self Defeating System >
 The greatest Impediment to the Development of the people of a Country.
"Sangacchadhvam Sambadadhvam, Sannomana: Shivasankalpa:mastu."
i.e. "Let us go together bound-together,
Together from heart to heart, 
determined to achieve the good Targets." 
In a 'Multy Party Government', the opposition always tries to remove the Ruler, even if s/he is elected by the citizens. 
'Divide & Rule' party-politics of the Middle-men prevail whose main aim is to some how acquire power, even by a 
"Parliamentary Coup". 
This is what has happened in Brazil to degrade a President Elected by the people.

Neece khaali LDG-A Raenk ke desan ke Suci del jaataa unkar LDG ("Lincolnian Democratic Grade" or "Janatantrik darjaa") aa DCU ("Democratic Capacity Utilization") ke saath; 
aa Niclaa 15 deshan ke ohee sab vistaar ke saath.
[We reproduce below a list of "LDG - A" Ranking and some "LDG-B Ranking countries with their LDG ("Lincolnian Democratic Grade" or "Janatantrik darjaa") and DCU ("Democratic Capacity Utilization") and 
Bottom 15 countries with the same info.]

Kram: S-3: "Calat Janataantrik Raenk: 180 sab se jaadaa janasankhyaa ke deshan me` jahaa` Sansaar ke 99.95% log rahelan:
Series:  S-3:   "Dynamic Democratic Ranking" of 180 most Populated Countries WW in which about 99.95% people live:
Janataantrik darjaa: 'Lincolnian Democratic Grade': LDG: Score
A+: 7-10, A: 6 -7, B: 5 -6, C: 4 -5, D: 3 -4, E: 0 -3.
desh Raenk Sko~r Jd DCU % Tippani
Country Rank     Score   LDG DCU % Remarks
Vietnaam Vietnam 1, 6.825 A 100 Saamyavaadi
Kyubaa Cuba 2, 6.270 A 100 Saamyavaadi
Rus Russia 3, 6.211 A 86.1 BRICS. CIS
Guyanaa Guyana 4, 6.155 A 93.9
Kazakhstaan Kazakh 5, 6.125 A 93.87 CIS
Taajkistaan Tajkistan 5, 6.125 A 93.87 CIS
Surinaam Suriname 7, 6.12 A 93.86
Boliviaa Bolivia 8, 6.105 A 93.85
Saaipras Cypros 8, 6.105 A 95.86
SwiTzarlaenD Switz. 10, 6.090 A 93.84 > ~ EDD
Velaarus Velarus 11, 6.085 A 93.83 CIS
KirgijistaanKirgyjstan 12, 6.060 A 93.88 CIS
MonTenegro Monte. 12, 6.060 A 93.80
Venezuelaa Venezue. 14, 6.055 A 93.80 
Panaamaa Panama 14, 6.055 A 93.80
Turkmenistaan Turk. 16, 6.035 A 94.22 CIS 

PuerTo Rico Porto Ri. 16, 6.035 A 93.78

Paaraague Paraguay  16,  6.035   A   93.78
Omaan   Oman    19,  6.025   A    93.77
Nicaraaguaa Nicarag. 20. 6.020   A 93.99
Bulgaariaa Bulgaria 20, 6.020 A 93.77 
Sri Lankaa Sri Lanka 22, 6.005 A 93.75 East
Sarbiyaa Serbia 22, 6.005 A 93.77
*** *** *** ***
*** *** *** ***
*** *** *** **
Bahraain Bahrain 162, 1.04 E 100 
AsTreliyaa Austrelia 163, 1.02 E 26.8 Monarchy
Bahamaa Bahamas 164, 0.87 E 68.5
BarbaaDos Barbados 165,`0.64 E 100 Monarchy
Kuwait Kuwait 166, 0.30 E 8.0 Monarchy
Jaapaan Japan 167, 0.14 E 3.8 East Monarchy
Beleze Beleze 168,  0.135 E 25.23 Monarchy
p.Sahaaraa W. Sahara 170. 0.0 E - Monarchy
UAE UAE 171, -0.04 Ajanataantrik (-) 11 Kingdom
Iraak Iraq 172, -0.35 Ajanataantrik (-) 14 under NATO
Qataar Qatar 173 -0.38 Ajanataantrik (-) 9.0
Turki Turkey 174, -1.8 Ajanataantrik (-) 43 NATO
SRA USA 175, -4.57 Ajanataantrik (-) 66 NATO
Saudi Arabiaa Saudi 176, -4.75 Ajanataantrik (-) 469 Kingdom
Jarmani Germany 177, -5.7 Ajanataantrik (-) 96 NATO
Fraans France 178, -5.8 Ajanataantrik (-) 119 NATO
Paakistaan Pakistan 179, -9.4 Ajanataantrik (-) 207
Bartaaniyaa UK 180, -9.8 Ajanataantrik (-) 302 NATO. Monarchy

About the Bottom 7 Rankers, please note:
*1 Except 1 country which breeds and shelters terrorists, all the rest are either a Monarchy / Kingdom or a NATO member who keeps on attacking countries..
**2 Most of these countries think > They are the custodians of 'Democracy' which is far from reality as shown by their (-) ive DCU: which means most of their deeds are Anti-Democratic i.e. 'Anti-Lincolnian Democratic' = Ajanatantrik, since they think:
> 'Capitalism' means 'Democracy'
>>   "Dividing people and Socities into Parties and making them keep on fighting among themselves" is 'Democracy'
>>> "Permission to do demonstrations against a government" is 'Democracy' as in Monarchy England. 
>>> They have right to impose their above views, as they do often with NATO, attacking other countries who do not agree to them.

***3 On the other hand one must know:
'Democracy' means 'Janatantra' = 'Lincolnian Democracy' as defined by the Great son of the Earth, Abraham Lincoln: "Democracy is the Government by the people, for the people and of the people"; where clearly 'people' => 'Human' not a Party or parties.
> Which can be: 
Socialistic (eg. Saddam's Iraq, Gaddafi's Libya, Assad's Syria), 
Communistic (Vietnam, Cuba, China, N. Korea ...), 
Capitalistic (Sri lanka, South Afrika, Russia ...), 
Gandhian (Gaddafi was inspired by Gandhiism), 
Or ... as desired by the people of a country and not as desired by US, NATO ....

*4. EDD, "Earth Direct Democracy" hopes: 
All the people of the World may be able to have 'Janatantra' = 'Lincolnian Democracy' in their countries, in case they wish so; being the 1st step of EDD.

Tippani: Remarks: 
1. Vietnam: Topmost Janatantric nation with DCU 100%. among 140 most populated countries WW. . 
2. Pakistan: Training and sheltering terrorists => Anti-Lincolnian   Democratic. Ajanataantrik with DCU -207 % => they use double their capabilities for Anti-Democratic activities, getting billions from USA.
3. USA: Waging many unauthorized wars. Helping and donating billions of $ to Pakistan, the Epicenter of Terrorism. They use their capabilities for Anti-'Lincolnian democratic' or Ajanatantrik activities. (On 8.11.2016 people of USA have elected a new President Donald Trump who will be the President of USA; who may start a new Chapter in USA. Let us observe.)

4. Five NATO Countries: have Negative DCU: showing their ‘Anti-Lincolnian Democratic nature’. They should avoid attacking other countries.

5. UK: is at the bottom, being a Monarchy as well as in NATO.  

Mainly 6% "Anti-LDC countries" do not allow others to live in peace. These countries indulge waging unauthorized wars on some flimsy grounds like religions, ‘social divide’, WMD, 'Human rights' etc for their petty gains, often following: “Divide & Rule” policy, creating “Dirty Party Politics”. 

> Aadhaarbhoot Siddhaant: [Fundamental Principle]:
  "Dusar deshan pa aapan Vicaar thope waalaa kawano Aakraamak desh" Janataantrik naa ho sake. Ee ta 'IS / ISIL' aadi jaisan dusar pa aapan 'Mat (Religion)' thope waalaa baat bhail, Jehaad jaisan.
  [An "Attacker Country imposing own Views on others": can't be Democratic, amounting to something like forcibly imposing own 'Religion' or 'views' on others called Jihad.]

Anti-LD, 'Anti-Lincolnian Democratic' Deeds of the Wests: 
>>> By ruining Libya, the Wests not only ruined Libyans and Libya, but they sabotaged: 

“The 1st People's Self-Ruled Country”: where everybody was to be in Swasaasan as dreamt by Mahatma Gandhi.  

“The 1st Direct Democracy in any Country” of the World. For more: EDD at 
06.10.2016 EDD:

:Decide yourself: :Apane Jaani: 

** Ab aaj 7.9116 ke 5 / 6 baris baad feru Libiyaa pa SRS ke sahaayataa se uhe Pacchimi desh, NATO aa SRA aapan ego Camcaa Sarkaar banaa ke Tripoli me` baiThaa ke, okare kahlaa se sab Yuddha kaile 'IS' ke bhagaawe ke naaw pa.
>> Eehe "EU Aaropit Libiyaa Saasan" ab karib 30% Libiyaa ke gapam ka lelas.

>>> Ee bhail 21-vaa` Sataabdi ke Sanskriti!!!

:Decide yourself: :Apane Jaani: 

5.1.2 Qaddafism:: Gaddafism: 
Kabahee Jarmani ke kuch Vishwavidyaalayan me` je paD*aawal jaat rahe.[Once taught in a few German Universities.]

Qaddafism:: Gaddafism:
Jadi Gaddafivaad ke kehu bhule naa: ta kuch tathya eehaa` likhal jaataa ""Earth Sanskriti" pa.
[Lest one forgets Gaddafism: Let us keep the records straight: on "Earth Sanskriti", and on “EDD: Earth Direct Democracy”]

Peeche ke PosT dekhee`: [Look at the earlier Posts]:

5.1.3 Yuro~p ke Aatanka Bhay [Europe Terror Threat]:

Aaj Sri: 9116 me`, pooraa Yuro~pe Aatank se trast baa. Fraans hokhe caahe Jarmani, ITali hokhe caahe Grees aa dusar desh sab deshan ke log Darataa Aatank se. [Today in 2016 CE, the whole Europe is under the threat of Terror. Be it France or Germany, Italy or Greece of other European country, each of them are under severe Threat of Terrorism.

Ee sab bhail kais? Hamani ke feru "Kaal Caal" me` kuch peeche jaaye ke paRee. 
[How it all started? We have to go back on the "Time Line".]:

Raajneeti me` Vistaarvaad: [Expansionism Politics]:
Ee saayad Yuropian Sanskriti ha kaalaantar se, Yunaan ke Sikandar hokhas caahe Fraans ke Nepolian, aa Jarmani ke Hitlar: sab log Vitaarvaadi rahan > je dusaraa deshan pa Ashtra-Shashtra ke jor pa caD*aai ka ke oh pa aapan satta banaa ke raaj kare laagelan aapan 'camacaa' ke jariye.

Ee Vistaarvaad Raamaayano Kaal me` rahe, ego Laxman-rekhaa ke saath. Raajaa Dashrath cakravari rahan, baakir Bhaarat se bahari unkar Cakra naa calal. Eehe haal Lav-Kush ke rahe. Aa saayad sab Poorubi deshan ke jaise Cin, Jaapaan, Hind-Cin aadi desh. 

Caaloo baa 

5.2 Prithvi ke raajneeti [Politics on the Earth]

5.3 Prasaasan, Sarkaar, Saasan [Goverment]

5.4 Sarkaar ke Prakaar, Bhed: [Type of Goverments]:

Tribal, Raajatantra,  Religeous, Janatantra / Lokatanta caahe Ganatantra,
]Tribal, Monarchy or Kingdom, Religeous, Democracy, Socialism, Communism, Gaandhiism]... 

5.5 Poorab aa Pacchim ke raajniti: 
Neece dekhee` Pacchimi desh Poorabi deshan ke kaise tabaah kailebaa:
[Politics of the East and the West:
Look here, how the Wests are ruining the East]:

Laagataa Siriyaa ke Fauj Rakkaa Praant me` ghusal: tathaakathit 'Islaamik STaTe', IS ke raajdhaani me`. Rakkaa ke Jihaadi 9113 me` Virodhian se cheen lelas. [Possibly Syrian troops entered Raqqa Province, the Captal of the so called 'Islamic State', IS. Raqqa was acqired by the Jehadist from the rebels in 2013.]

Khaleefat: 9014 me` Jehaadi ghosanaa kailas ki uu ab 'Khaleefat' ho gailan, aa tab se uu kaTTartaa 'Islaami Niyam' laagoo kare ke suru ka 
IS: Gaa`v pa gaa`v, shahar pa shahar aa Mahaanagar pa Mahaanagar jeetat gail.
['Caliphate': In 2014 the Jehadist proclaimed 'Caliphate' and started enforcing strict 'Islamic Laws'.
The IS: Won villages after villages, towns after towns and cities after cities of Syria and Iraq.] 

SRA 'tukdum tukdum' 5 saal tak laRat rahe khaali 4-5 jameeni senaa ke bal pa, aa Sarkaar Virodhian ke Ashtra-Shastra se madat ka ke. Baakir USA andhaadhundha Bambaari  karat rahe. Eh Yuddha me` karib 250 K log mualan. 
[USA kept on fighting 'tukdum tukdum' with 4-5 ground troops for about 5 yrs, supplying Arms & Ammunitions to various oppositions; but IS kept on growing and spreading even up to Libiyaa. About 250 K people got killed.]

Ekadhrubeey Sansaar khatam ... 01.01.9116 ke: 
Siriyan Adhyax Bashar Al-Assad ke sahaayataa khaatir bulaahaT pa 1.1.9116 ke Rusi Adhyax Vlaadimir Putin sahaayataa khaatir Dher LaRaakoo JeT Siriyaa bhejalan 'IS' aa sab Vidrohiyan ke khaatmaa khaatir. 
[Unipolar World go went gone ...on 30.09.2015:
On the Invitation of the Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad, Russian President Vladimir Putin sent many Fighter Jets to Syria on 30.09.2015 determind to finish 'IS' for ever.]

Siriyaa Bal, Iraani bal aa Hizbullaa ke sahaytaa se Rusi LaRaakoo JeT ke chaayaa me` IS ke baRaa so`c ke aayojit tareekaa se khaatmaa suru kailas. 
[Syrian Forces supported by Iranian troops and Hebulla forces  under cover of Russian Sukhoi Fighter Jets started eliminating IS in a maticulously planned manner.

Visthaapan SankaT SRA ke de~n: [Migrant Crisis by USA]:
Rusi Adhyax Vladimir Putin baRaa sucaaroo roop se Siriyaa ke bikat samasyaa ke samhalalan, je binaa Jameeni Senaa ke SRA ke andhaadhundha bambaari se, aa Virodhian ke Ashtra Shastra aa dhan delaa se  bhail rahe. Laakho log mualan, aa laakho desh se palaayan kailan je se Yurop ke or Sharnaartian ke baaD*a cale laagal. Jameen pa USA ke 4-5ce senaa ta rahe, unke senadhyax ke anusaar. Binaa Jameeni senaa ke Khaali Bambaari => merdering innocent people. 
[Russian President Vladimir Putin tactfully handled the Complex situation created by USA by supplying arms and ammunitions and other helps to some some rebels of Syria. By USA ruthlessly bombarding in Syria without any ground support, many innocent people were killed daily, due to which flood of people started migrating to Europe for shelter.
Migrants from Libya due to chaos created by USA + NATO since 2011 were also flooding to Europe.
Europe is facing the Migrant Crisis, USA is sitting happily 7 Seas away.]

5.5.1 SRA Adhyax Obama: "Assad jaroor jaihe`" 
["Assad must go" :USA President Obama]: 

Kaise 21m Sataabdi me` ego prasiddha desh 'Sanyukt Raajya Amerikaa' ke ego prasiddha Syria ke Adhyax, Bashar Ai-Assad ke visay me` kah delan ki "Assad jaroor jaai". 
Aisan ghaTiyaa raajneeti SRA ke Adhyax ke muh se sunalaa pa viswaase naa bhail.
Baaki samoocaa Sansaare  Obamaa ji ke "Assad must go kahal sunal.
>> Baakir 21m Satabdi me` Dharati pa kuchuo ho sakelaa.
SRA ke Adhyax Obamaa ji keaisan halkaa jo~k khaatir log har dam iyaad kari.

>> Baakir Baakir Baakir jadi ego Rusi Sanaatanaarya beec me` naa aagail rahitan, ta ee jo~k, jo~k naa banit. 
Assado > Saddam aa Gaddafie jaisan gail rahite.

[In 21st Century how can the prestigeus President of a prestigeous country like 'United States of America' could say about Bashar Ai-Assad, the President of Syria that "Assad must go" .
Such 3rd Grade Politics  from USA President Barak Hussain Obama is unbelievable. 
But the whole World has heard Obama saying: "Assad must go".

>> Any thing can happen in this 21st Century Earth!!! 
USA President Obama will be remembered  ever for his such light joking words even in serious matters.

>> But but but had a Russian Sanatanarya not come in between, this could have been a joke. 
Assad also would have gone like Saddam and Gaddafi.

 20.07.9116 Earth Sanskriti: 06.10.2016

:Decide yourself: :Apane Jaani: 

** Ab aaj 7.9116 ke 5 / 6 baris baad feru Libiyaa pa SRS ke sahaayataa se uhe Pacchimi desh, NATO aa SRA aapan ego Camcaa Sarkaar banaa ke Tripoli me` baiThaa ke, okare kahlaa se sab Yuddha kaile 'IS' ke bhagaawe ke naaw pa.
>> Eehe "EU Aaropit Libiyaa Saasan" ab karib 30% Libiyaa ke gapam ka lelas.

>>> Ee bhail 21-vaa` Sataabdi ke Sanskriti!!!

:Decide yourself: :Apane Jaani: 

5.1.2 Qaddafism:: Gaddafism: 
Kabahee Jarmani ke kuch Vishwavidyaalayan me` je paD*aawal jaat rahe.[Once taught in a few German Universities.]

Qaddafism:: Gaddafism:
Jadi Gaddafivaad ke kehu bhule naa: ta kuch tathya eehaa` likhal jaataa ""Earth Sanskriti" pa.
[Lest one forgets Gaddafism: Let us keep the records straight: on "Earth Sanskriti", and on “EDD: Earth Direct Democracy”]
Peeche ke PosT dekhee`: [Look at the earlier Posts]:

5.1.3 Yuro~p ke Aatanka Bhay [Europe Terror Threat]:

Aaj Sri: 9116 me`, pooraa Yuro~pe Aatank se trast baa. Fraans hokhe caahe Jarmani, ITali hokhe caahe Grees aa dusar desh sab deshan ke log Darataa Aatank se. [Today in 2016 CE, the whole Europe is under the threat of Terror. Be it France or Germany, Italy or Greece of other European country, each of them are under severe Threat of Terrorism.

Ee sab bhail kais? Hamani ke feru "Kaal Caal" me` kuch peeche jaaye ke paRee. 
[How it all started? We have to go back on the "Time Line".]:

Raajneeti me` Vistaarvaad: [Expansionism Politics]:
Ee saayad Yuropian Sanskriti ha kaalaantar se, Yunaan ke Sikandar hokhas caahe Fraans ke Nepolian, aa Jarmani ke Hitlar: sab log Vitaarvaadi rahan > je dusaraa deshan pa Ashtra-Shashtra ke jor pa caD*aai ka ke oh pa aapan satta banaa ke raaj kare laagelan aapan 'camacaa' ke jariye.

Ee Vistaarvaad Raamaayano Kaal me` rahe, ego Laxman-rekhaa ke saath. Raajaa Dashrath cakravari rahan, baakir Bhaarat se bahari unkar Cakra naa calal. Eehe haal Lav-Kush ke rahe. Aa saayad sab Poorubi deshan ke jaise Cin, Jaapaan, Hind-Cin aadi desh. 

Caaloo baa 

5.2 Prithvi ke raajneeti [Politics on the Earth]

5.3 Prasaasan, Sarkaar, Saasan [Goverment]

5.4 Sarkaar ke Prakaar, Bhed: [Type of Goverments]:

Tribal, Raajatantra,  Religeous, Janatantra / Lokatanta caahe Ganatantra,
]Tribal, Monarchy or Kingdom, Religeous, Democracy, Socialism, Communism, Gaandhiism]... 

5.5 Poorab aa Pacchim ke raajniti: 
Neece dekhee` Pacchimi desh Poorabi deshan ke kaise tabaah kailebaa:
[Politics of the East and the West:
Look here, how the Wests are ruining the East]:

Laagataa Siriyaa ke Fauj Rakkaa Praant me` ghusal: tathaakathit 'Islaamik STaTe', IS ke raajdhaani me`. Rakkaa ke Jihaadi 9113 me` Virodhian se cheen lelas. [Possibly Syrian troops entered Raqqa Province, the Captal of the so called 'Islamic State', IS. Raqqa was acqired by the Jehadist from the rebels in 2013.]

Khaleefat: 9014 me` Jehaadi ghosanaa kailas ki uu ab 'Khaleefat' ho gailan, aa tab se uu kaTTartaa 'Islaami Niyam' laagoo kare ke suru ka 
IS: Gaa`v pa gaa`v, shahar pa shahar aa Mahaanagar pa Mahaanagar jeetat gail.
['Caliphate': In 2014 the Jehadist proclaimed 'Caliphate' and started enforcing strict 'Islamic Laws'.
The IS: Won villages after villages, towns after towns and cities after cities of Syria and Iraq.] 

SRA 'tukdum tukdum' 5 saal tak laRat rahe khaali 4-5 jameeni senaa ke bal pa, aa Sarkaar Virodhian ke Ashtra-Shastra se madat ka ke. Baakir USA andhaadhundha Bambaari  karat rahe. Eh Yuddha me` karib 250 K log mualan. 
[USA kept on fighting 'tukdum tukdum' with 4-5 ground troops for about 5 yrs, supplying Arms & Ammunitions to various oppositions; but IS kept on growing and spreading even up to Libiyaa. About 250 K people got killed.]

Ekadhrubeey Sansaar khatam ... 01.01.9116 ke: 
Siriyan Adhyax Bashar Al-Assad ke sahaayataa khaatir bulaahaT pa 1.1.9116 ke Rusi Adhyax Vlaadimir Putin sahaayataa khaatir Dher LaRaakoo JeT Siriyaa bhejalan 'IS' aa sab Vidrohiyan ke khaatmaa khaatir. 
[Unipolar World go went gone ...on 30.09.2015:
On the Invitation of the Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad, Russian President Vladimir Putin sent many Fighter Jets to Syria on 30.09.2015 determind to finish 'IS' for ever.]

Siriyaa Bal, Iraani bal aa Hizbullaa ke sahaytaa se Rusi LaRaakoo JeT ke chaayaa me` IS ke baRaa so`c ke aayojit tareekaa se khaatmaa suru kailas. 
[Syrian Forces supported by Iranian troops and Hebulla forces  under cover of Russian Sukhoi Fighter Jets started eliminating IS in a maticulously planned manner.

Visthaapan SankaT SRA ke de~n: [Migrant Crisis by USA]:
Rusi Adhyax Vladimir Putin baRaa sucaaroo roop se Siriyaa ke bikat samasyaa ke samhalalan, je binaa Jameeni Senaa ke SRA ke andhaadhundha bambaari se, aa Virodhian ke Ashtra Shastra aa dhan delaa se  bhail rahe. Laakho log mualan, aa laakho desh se palaayan kailan je se Yurop ke or Sharnaartian ke baaD*a cale laagal. Jameen pa USA ke 4-5ce senaa ta rahe, unke senadhyax ke anusaar. Binaa Jameeni senaa ke Khaali Bambaari => merdering innocent people. 
[Russian President Vladimir Putin tactfully handled the Complex situation created by USA by supplying arms and ammunitions and other helps to some some rebels of Syria. By USA ruthlessly bombarding in Syria without any ground support, many innocent people were killed daily, due to which flood of people started migrating to Europe for shelter.
Migrants from Libya due to chaos created by USA + NATO since 2011 were also flooding to Europe.
Europe is facing the Migrant Crisis, USA is sitting happily 7 Seas away.]

5.5.1 SRA Adhyax Obama: "Assad jaroor jaihe`" 
["Assad must go" :USA President Obama]: 

Kaise 21m Sataabdi me` ego prasiddha desh 'Sanyukt Raajya Amerikaa' ke ego prasiddha Syria ke Adhyax, Bashar Ai-Assad ke visay me` kah delan ki "Assad jaroor jaai". 
Aisan ghaTiyaa raajneeti SRA ke Adhyax ke muh se sunalaa pa viswaase naa bhail.
Baaki samoocaa Sansaare  Obamaa ji ke "Assad must go kahal sunal.
>> Baakir 21m Satabdi me` Dharati pa kuchuo ho sakelaa.
SRA ke Adhyax Obamaa ji keaisan halkaa jo~k khaatir log har dam iyaad kari.

>> Baakir Baakir Baakir jadi ego Rusi Sanaatanaarya beec me` naa aagail rahitan, ta ee jo~k, jo~k naa banit. 
Assado > Saddam aa Gaddafie jaisan gail rahite.

[In 21st Century how can the prestigeus President of a prestigeous country like 'United States of America' could say about Bashar Ai-Assad, the President of Syria that "Assad must go" .
Such 3rd Grade Politics  from USA President Barak Hussain Obama is unbelievable. 
But the whole World has heard Obama saying: "Assad must go".

>> Any thing can happen in this 21st Century Earth!!! 
USA President Obama will be remembered  ever for his such light joking words even in serious matters.

>> But but but had a Russian Sanatanarya not come in between, this could have been a joke. 
Assad also would have gone like Saddam aa Gaddafi.

5.5.2 SRA Adhyax Obama: "Assad jaroor jaihe`" 
["Assad must go" :USA President Obama]: 

'Assad' ta naa, baakir 20.1.2017 ke Obamaa ji jaihan > Aa unkaa jagah pa > 
"DonaalD Tramp" SRA ke Adhyax ke pad pa aihe`; je 'Ripablikan dal' ke o~r se SRA ke 45-vaa` Adhyax Cunailan > kaahe ki "Satyameva Jayate".

[Assad is there where he was. Then why did US President Obama said again and again "Assad must go" making a joke out of himself. 
In his Place USA people has chosen 'Donald Trump' since "Satyameva Jayate", "Truth Only Prevails". He truthfully stuck to his points.]

6. Dharam, Dharma [Characteristics]  
Mat [Religion]: Mataantar [Sects]:

Hamani ke seedhe baat karab jaa 20 aa 21 Shataabdi ke Maat aadi ke. [We straight away come to the 20th and 21st Centuri Religion]:

Dharati ke sankhyaa ke aadhaar pa 6 baRhan 'Mat'  ke Raenk neece del jaataa: 
[6 Topmost Religions based on the number of their Followers are]:

Raenk Mat Anuyaayi M % Jana Sa`

Rank  Religion Followers M W Popln
1. Sanaatanaarya 
Sanatanaryas* 4384, 59 %
2. Ishaai
Christians 2100, 28 %
3. Saamyavaad
Communism** 1521, 20 %
4. Muslim
Islam 1300, 17 %
5. Sanaatani
  Hinduism 900, 12 %
6. Bauddha
Buddhism 360, 5 %

Sab milaa ke 100 % se jaadaa hoi. 
Total will be over: 100 % . 

Sansaar ke Janasankhyaa: ~ 7440 M
Population of the Earth: ~ 7440 M

* Adhikaansa Sanaatanaarya ee jaanabe naa karas ki uu hawan "Sanaatanaarya: je sab ceejan ke (sajeev aa nirjeev ke) bhalaai caahelan, Mat Mataantar ke Laxman rekhaa ke laa`gh ke". 
[Most Sanatanaryas do not know they are "Sanatanaryas: who look good to all beings (living or non-living), even crossing the lines of demarcation of Religions".] 

> Ehi logan ke calate aaj Sansaar me` 'Aadmi ke astitva banal baa aa uu unnati karat jaataa. [These are the people due to which 'Human being' is existing and growing.] 

> Uu sab logan se pyaar karelan.
[They love and help each other].

** Ji, hamanike 'Saamyavaad'-e ke baat karataani, je Maanav ke "Saamaajik-Aarthik-raajanaitik Pranaali" ke Siddhaant he, jekaraa saamane kawano Mat aa raajanaitik pranaali ke kawano maane hokhe.
[Yes, we mean 'Communism' which is the doctrine and practices of Human's "Socio-economic-political System", in front of which no common religion or political system stands.]

> Dher log, je aajo jeeyataae, dekhale baaRan ki 'Soviet Sangh': "Kalyug me` Satyug"  rahe. 
[Many persons, still living, have seen what was USSR: "Kalyug me` Satyug" i.e. 
"The Truth Era in the Corrupt Era"]

>> Ee "20m Shataabdi ke Dharati" ke Satyugi 'Model'  kawano Pacchimee nawTankibaaj Saamraajyavaadi, Vistaarvaadi uuhe log; je Hiroshimaa aa Naagaasaaki, Iraak aa Libiyaa ke barbaad ka ke Siriyo ke barbaad karit,  baakir Sanaatanaarya Vlaadimir Putin ke 1.1.9116 ke beec me`  aawe ke calate bac gail, atane naa aaj feru 'Paalmiraa' khaRaa bhail baa.
[This Satyugi 'Model' of "The 20th Century Earth" has been destroyed by the notorious merciless Imperialists, Expansionists of the Wests; the same people who destroyed Hiroshima & Nagasaki, Iraq & Libya and were likely to destroy Syria, but for Sanatanarya Vladimir Putin who intervened since 30.09.2015 to save Syria and 'non-living being' like 'Palmyra'. 
Palmyra is now saved, in whatever manner it stands.]

*** Saamyavaad > Maanavataa ke pahilaa caran ha.
Maanavataa > Hinduism ke Pahilaa caran ha.
Hinduism, Ishaai-religion: 'Sanaataarya ke Siddhaant'. > ke Pahilaa caran ha 

***  Communism > is the 1st step of Humanism.
Humanism > is the 1st step of Hinduism,
Hinduism, Christianity > is the 1st step of 
'Sanatanarya Doctrine'.

***  dusar o~r: [In other words]:
> "Mat samaaj ke khushi khushi rakh-rakhaaw aa unnati ke vyawahaarik pax ha, jab log 'Satya' ke kho~j kare, jaise:
> Sanaatanaarya karele.
> Ishaai log karele,
> Hindu log karele,
> Saamyavaadi log karele,
> Musalmaan log karele (Wahaabi, Jehaadi aa aisnake dusar logan ke choR ke)
> Aa dusar log karele

> ["A Religion is a way of happily living, developing practices of a Society, while searching 'The Truth'"; like:
> Sanatanaryas do.
> Christians do
> Hindus do
> Communists do
> Islamists do (except Wahabis, Jehadis and the like).
> many others do].

Kuch Rishi, Sant, caahe 'Sanaatanaarya' ke "Knowledge Beyond nano pico Technology", ke gyaan baa, aa

"Gayatri Mantra" jekaraa ke Bhojpuri me`: 
"RamoGati, dehu Sumati" 
=> "Go~R (Ram, Ray) Prakaash aa EM tarang ke Gati ha (Vishuddha Gyaan),
(He Go~R!)  'Subuddhi' dee`.

>>> [ Some Rishis, Saints or 'Sanatanaryas' have "Knowledge Beyond nano pico Technology" at,  and

"Gayatri Mantra" which simplistically in Bhojpuri is: 
"RamoGati, dehu Sumati" 
=> "God is (Ram, Ray) velocity of light, EM Waves (abstract knowledge),
(O God!) provide me 'Subuddhi' i.e. ‘Intellect for good work'".]

6.1 Mataantar [Sects]:
Samay bitalaa pa logan ke dimaag me` nayaa nayaa vicaar aawelaa kawano Mat ke bheetar, je se anek Mataantar ke janam holaa:
[With the lapse of time and advent of various new thoughts develop gererating new 'Sects' as shown below]:

Kuch Mataantar ke naav neece del jaataa: 
[The name of some Sects are given below}:
Mat [Religion[   Mukhya Mataantar [Main Sects]

1. Sanaatanaarya 

1.0 Kawano naa [Nil]

2. Ishaai
2.1 Kaetholik [Catholic]
2.2 ProTesTenT [Protestant]

3. Saamyavaad
3.1 MaarxVaad [Maxism]
3.2 Maarx-LeninVaad 
3.3 MaaoVaad [Maoism]

4. Muslim
4.1 Shiyaa [Shia]
4.2 Sunni
4.3 Wahaabi [Wahabi]
4.4 Jehaadi [Jehadi]
4.5 Vohraa [Vohra]
4.6 Sufi
4.7 Bahaai [Bahai]  Sab logan aa Mat ke khulaasaa pa biswaas holaa. Kawano pujaari naa Bahaai ke. > Bahaai pustak aa Sansaar dusar Mat ke Pustak. Sab Mat samaan.  [Believes in oneness of all religions and mankind. No Clergy in Bahaai Faith > Bahai Scriptures and religious texts of other faiths of the World. Equality of all religions. ]
Karib 40 Laakh log har saal rrhaa` aawele. Dilli ke 'LoTas Templ' 7-vaa` aa Bahaai Templ ha, je Beesvi Sataabdi ke Adbhut maanal jaalaa, je Antarrastreey Vishaalataa ke 'tagamaa' milal baa. Eh me kawano devataa aa Moorti naa: sab kuch Shaant andar me`. Dui GhanTaa ke sab mat ke Praarthanaa holaa.  [About 4 M people visit the temple per yr. Delhi's Lotus Temple is the 7th and latest Bahai Temple, a Marvel of the 20th Century, winning the International Prestious Awards. No Idols or daity in the temple: only better than pin-drop scilence. Prayer is teachings for 2 hr from all religions.
(lotus temple, Delhi built in 1986 )]  

5. Sanaatani
5.1 Sanaatani [Sanatani]
5.1.1 Vaishnav
5.1.2 Shaakta
5.1.3 Shaiva
5.2 Aaryasamaaj [Aryasamaj]
5.3 Brahmasamaaj [Brahmasamaj]

6. Bauddha
6.1 Heenayaana [Heenayana]
6.2 Mahaayaana [Mahayana]

Calataa [continued]

 04.09.9116 Earth Sanskriti: 18.11.2016


