Sunday, 29 November 2015

4.9.9115 Earth Sanskriti: 29.11.2015

4.9.9115 Earth Sanskriti: धरती के संस्कृति
Bhaasaa: Bhojpuri, Sanket: bho, aa Angrejee: en
[Language: Bhojpuri. Code: bho and English Code: en]

Neece kaa baa? [What is below?]

1.     Visay Praves: [Introduction]:
भारत आ संसार के संस्कृति के झलक: [Glimpse of Culture of India and the World.]

2.       Dharati ke Jinagee: 4.32 G baris. [The Life of Earth: about 4.5 G yr.]
2.1   Prithvi: [Earth:]

2.2. BrahmaanD: IHLOK + ITARLOK.

            [The Universe: IHLOC + ITARLOC.]

2.3   'Dwaitvaad': 'Ying - Yaang': [Dualism:]

2.4.   "Kaali ji aa Raam ji".    [“Goddess Kali and Ram”.]

2.5    Sunar BrahmaanD:    [Beautiful Universe.]

2.6.   Jeevaatmaa, Janam, Maran, Mo~x.
            [Soul, Birth, Death, Salvation.]

2.7. Bhagwaan: Pakkaa Bhautik: Anant ke        Gyaan.   [God: Perfectly Physical but Abstract.
        Concept of Infinity.]

2.8  Braazilian Sanskriti:   [Brazilian Culture.]

3.     21-vee` Sataabdi ke Prithvi Sanskriti:
[Culture of 21st Century Earth.]

4.     Yuddh, Waar  aa Aatankvaad: Caalu baa.
[War and Terrorism or Guerilla Warfare: Continueing]:


        "Earth Sanskriti: धरती के संस्कृति"
       "The Culture of Prithvi, the Earth"

1.     Visay Praves: [Introduction]:
        Peeche ke PosT dekhee`: [Look at the earlier Posts]:

[Glimpse of the Culture of India]: भारतीय संस्कृति के झलक  25.05.9115 se 19.07.9115. [25.08.2015 - 19.10.2015]

भारत आ संसार के संस्कृति के झलक : [Glimpse of Culture of India and the World.]

सृष्ट्याब्द SrisTyaabda: 1 972 949 115 baris pahile Dharati pa Pahilaa Jeev utpanna bhail: Rigveda. ThoR me`: 9115.
Baakir ee unkaa pataa kaise laagal? Kaa Karban DeTing se, naa. Ta~ kaise? [Before 1 972 949 115 yr ago from 2015 AD, in short: 9115 first time on the earth 'Living things' developed in water body: Rigveda.
But how did they knew it? Is it by Carbon Dating, no. Then how?]

भारतीय संस्कृति 'Sansaar ke Sanskriti ke jhalakaawelaa'. Ek shabda me`, 'Bhaarateey Sanskriti' , ’सत्यमेव जयते' ke siddhaant pa aadhaarit baa.
"Satya aa Ahinsaa" Bharteeya Sanskriti ke aadhaar ha.

[The Culture of India provides a ‘Glimpse of the Culture of the World’. In one word, the “Indian Culture” is based on the theme of ‘Satyameva Jayate’, i.e. ‘Truth only Prevails". "Indian Culture" is based on "Truthfulness and Non-voilence".]

’सत्यमेव जयते' . ‘Truth only Prevails'.
सत्य 'सत्य' ha. Eehaa` kawano 'viswaas' aa 'Maanyataa' ke baat ka`hawaa?
Baakir tabahu`o kuch log 'Satya' ke naa maan sake. Ee unkar vicaar hoi, baakir eh se 'Satya' > 'Asatya' naa ho jaai?

'सत्य aa Ahinsaa' >> 'Bhaarat ke Sanskriti' ke aadhaar ha.
["Truthfulness and Non-voilence" >> are the basis on which 'Indian Culture' stands.]

>>>  "The Culture of the Prithvi";
          "Earth Sanskriti: धरती के संस्कृति"

2.      Dharati ke Jinagee: 4.32 G baris  (+5%), Veda se.
          [The Life of Earth: about 4.5 G yr, by modern Science]

2.1   Prithvi: [Earth]:
>>>     Aadar se “Prithvi Lok” ke bahut log “Dharati Maai” kahelan, oh logan ke    aaj Sanaatanaarya kahal jaalaa. 
>>>     [With regard, many call "the Earth" as "Mother Earth", they are called            'Sanatanaryas'.]

2.2. BrahmaanD: IHLOK + ITARLOK
            [The Universe: IHLLOC + ITARLOC]:
            >> Hamani ke “Soorya ManDal”, “Aakaash Gangaa” naav ke            Nihaarikaa me` baa, je BrahmaanD ke “IHLOK” bhaag me` baa.          IHLOK me` Kharabo Nihaarikaa baaRe sa.
            [Our "Solar System" is a part of the Galaxy called 'Milky Way' which is in the "IHLOC" part of the Universe. There are trillions of Galaxies in IHLOC.]

**        BrahmaanD: IHLOK + ITARLOK + SwapnaLok !!!
            : IHLOC + ITARLOC + DreamLOC!!!

SrisTyaabd 1 972 949 200-vaa` Sataabdi ke Vaigyaanik, sambhav baa Veda ke ITARLOK pa auru khoj karihe` je Vipareet-ka0Ia se banal baa. [The Whole Science of 21st Century deals with IHLOC. However, by the end of the Century, Science may find Anti-Particles of which ITARLOC is made of according to Veda.]

***      BrahmaanD: IHLOK, ITARLOK, Adwaitvaad, Dwaitvaad, Asankhya        Devataa log.
            [The Universe: IHLOC, ITARLOC, Monoetheism, Dualetheism,           Polyetheism]:

2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2,6, 2.7  ke Jaadaa khaatir: Pichalaa PosT. [For more: Previous Posts.

2.8   Braaziliyan Sanskriti: [Brazilian Culture]:

**     Braajil: [Brazil]:
            Ee daxin Amerikaa Mahaadesh ke sab se baR desh ha.

            Daxin Amerikaa me` 14 desh baa:
            ArjenTinaa,              Braajil,          Boleebhiaa,                           Cili,                Kolombiaa,               IkweDo~r,     Fraansisi Guyanaa, Guyanaa,       Paaraague,                Peru,              Surinaame,                           
            Trinidaad aa Tubaego,                    Urugue,                                  Venejuelaa.
            Eh sab desan me` khoob mel-jol rahe. [The people of these countries            were intermingling in many ways.]

            Daxin Amerikaa: [South America, LaTin America]:
            Jaevik Vibhinnataa: [Biodiversity]:
            Eh Mahaadesh ke khaasiat: AenDi Parvat Shreni, Angel Jalaprapaat, Amejan Nadi aa tarah tarah ke ajoobaa jeev-jantu aa peR-Paudhaa me` baa.
            [Speciality of this Continent is Andis Mountain Range, Angle falls, River Amazon, and peculiar Flora - Fauna.]

            Sonaa, Caa`di, Tin, taambaa, Lohaa aa PeTroliam se bharpoor. [Full of       Gold, Silver, Tin, Copper, Iron, and Prtroleum.]

        Braazil Sanskriti: [Brazilian Culture]:
2.8.1 Inkaas: [Incas}:
            Ego sunar Sabhyataa aa Itihaas. [A Fascinating Civilization and         History]:
          Uruguan Sanskriti Braajil me`: [Uruguan Culture in Brazil]:
            Patthar Yug: [Stone Age]:
            Patthar ke dudhaaraa chooRee ke upyog karat rahan ee log, je eehaa`        ke shaakaahaari logan khaatir baRaa upayogi rahe. [The double            edged knife used by them were very useful for the vegeterian people.]

            Karib Sri: 1 972 938 100 [9000 BC] se kheti, Llamaa, Alpakaas ke     posuaa banaa ke aadmi aa maal Dhoal jaat rahe.         
            Jangal me` Mangal: aa Empaaer banal jungale me` jahaa` Mandiro            rahe. [In about 9000 BC in great Jungles there were great Empires             where people  worshipped in Temples.]

            Itaparikaa Sanskriti: [Itparica Culture]:
            Eka falak waalaa chuRee: je se Patthar pa nakkasio kailjaat hoi. Ee            chuRee ihaa` ke shaakaahaari logan khaatir baRaa kaam ke rahe.
            [These people were using single edged stone knife which were very     useful for the vegeterian proplr of Brazil.]

          Esiaa se baR Visthaapan [Mass migration from Asia]:
            Karib Sri: ... 1100 me`, hajaaro log Asiaa se eehaa` ailan.
            [In about 6000 BC, there was a mass migration to SA, Brazil from Asia.]

          Humawtaa Sanskriti: [Humawata Culture]:
            Karib Sri: 2100 me` ee log jangal vaasi rahan je patthar ke chuRee se        kaam karat    raham. [In about 5000 BC these people living in junles erew             still using stone knives.]

            Sambaaki Sanskriti:   [Sambaki Culture]:
            Ee log shellfish ke upyog karat rahan, jekar Dher jahaa` tahaa` rahe.
            Braajil ke sab log Makai ke khoob upayog karat rahan. [These people          used to eat sellfish, their bones were found in heaps near their houses. Most           Brazilians were taking lot of Maize, corns.]

>>>     Puraan kaal me` kuch logan ke choR ke  sab Braajil ke log    Shaakaahaari rahan aa apanaa tarah se poojaa karat rahan Mandiro     me`. [In olden days, Brazilians were mostly vegetarians and used to             worship in temples.]

2.9 Barbar Sanskriti: [Berber Culture]:

            'Gharbacaao Asar' se bahut pahile, Gaandhian Samaajvaadi Netaa Gaddaafi aa Raajaa Idriso se pahile Madhya-Uttari Afrikaa me`          'Barbar log' rahat rahan, je aapas me` har dam maar kaaTe karat   rahan jaisan aajo Sri: 9115 me` hotaa "Barbar Sanskriti" waalaa haal Libiyaa me`;  Pacchimee deshan ke Kripaa se!!!
[Much before 'Garbachao Effect', Gandhian- Socialst Leader Gaddafi and King Idris there used to live 'Berbers' in the Central- North Africa following "Berber Culture" who used to fight and kill each other always. One can have a glims of "Berber Culture" in 2015 also in Libya. Thanks to Wests lead by USA!!!]

3.     21-vee` Sataabdi ke Prithvi Sanskriti:
[Culture of 21st Century Earth]:

3.1    'Gharbacaao Asar' [Gerbachev Effect]:
            'Gharbacaao Asar' ke calate jab Sansaar "Ekadhrubeey Sansaar" banal tab se Pachimee Vistaarvaadi desh, SRA ke Netritva me` niyojit roop se: Iraak, Libiaa, Siriaa aa Purabi Yukren ke ta barbaade ka dele; je se Iraak, Libiaa aa Siriaa se aurat-marad, booD*a-jawaan, laikaa-laiki, babuaa- babui sab log Yuropi deshan me` bhagataaran.

            Karib 2 M logan ke aapan baap daadaa ke desh Iraak aa Siriaa pa lagaataar SRA aa NATO deshan ke Hawaai Bom aa jameeni laRaai ke calate choR ke Turki me` sharan lebe ke paRal baa. Karib 0.5 M sharanaarti EUo me`bhaag ke gail baaRan.

       ['Gorbachev Effect': After the World became "Unipolar World" due to 'Gorbachev Effect', The Western Countries lead by America in a planned manner not only  destabilized but ruined Iraq, Libya, Syria and Eastern Ukraine; in the name of possessing WMD, fighting a Dictator, or by declaring Civil war to save human-rights.
            Result: People from Iraq, Libya and Syria, men and women with kids, boys and girls, babies and young and old are leaving their countries and flooding into Europe for shelter and security.
            Over 2 M people have left their ancestral home and fled to Turkey as refugee due to Continous Air Bombing and War on land waged by the Wests: US and other NATO countries.
            Now on the call of Syrian elected President Bashar Al-Assad for help, Russia has given Air Cover to Syria where Syrian and Iraanian Forses together are fighting on the ground since 30.10.2015 about 4 weeks.
            Possibly "Unipolar World" started by "Gorbachev Effect" is finished. Thus 'Cold War' or no 'Cold War', but peace looks coming due to Sanatanarya Action of Vladimir Putin: The President of Russia >>> Not an Attacker,
            But follower of  Sanatanarya Culture help a person or a country on SOS.]

3.2    Yuddhak Samooh: UASS [Warrier Group: NATO]:
        For World Peace just after WW-2, UNO was formed, but for the sake       of their security aginst USSR, West European countrie and USA f        ormed            NATO in 1949 with Hqr in France and since 1967 in Belgium.
            However, after "Garbachev Effect", the World had become 'Unipolar'     and  NATO has become a destabilizer            group for many countries.
            Not only this, the Warrior Group, WG has become so strong that even      UNO is unable to play its normal role; it has to toe the line of NATO.
        It started violating UNO Resolutions also starting Yugoslavia Cricis in      1995. NATO was formed to counter security from USSR, but it is now working simply as a WG of Europe lead by USA  to destabilize many             countries.]

3.3   21-vee` Shataabdi ke Krishna: Vlaadimir Putin  >> "Eka-dhrubeey Sansaar" khatam Sri: Aashin 9115.
        [21st Century Krisna: Vladimir Putin 
>> The End of "Unipolar World" in Oct, 2015.]

>>>     Ego Rusi Yaatri Vimaan, Misra me` gir ke dhwast. Sab 224 log mualan. Maare ke jabaabdehee ‘IS’ lelas. [A Russian Passanger Plain felldown in Egypt and got burnt. All 334 passangers died. IS say they did it.]

>>>     Sri: 17.08.9115 Perish me` 6 jagah Aatankvaadi aakraman bhail. Fraans ke Adhyaxo oh ghari ego sTaDiam me` maec dekhat rahan jab uuhaa` ee ghaTanaa ghaTal. Eh Aatanki aakraman se laataa 130 log mualae.
[On 13.11.2015 in Perish at 6 Places there were terrorist attacks in which about 135 persond died. Possibly this was done by 3 terrorist groups according to French Govt.]

4.     Yuddh aa Aatankvaad:
[War and Terrorism or Guerilla Warfare]:

>>   Aadikaal se Prithvi pa log Yuddh karele:
Aadhipatya, Sattaa khaatir,
Mat-mataantar khaatir,
Barcasva aa khaatir,
LooTo kare khaatir,
Badalaa lebe khaatir.

Har tarah ke Yuddh aa Aatank se Jana-dhan haani holaa aa Sanskriti ke naas holaa: je se ekaraa ke jatan bhartsanaa kail jaay, uu kame baa.
[From time immemorial people wage wars on the Earth either for:
the Right or Reign,
Spread of Religion,
Spread of the Ism, 
or even for Revenge.

But all sorts of Wars and Terrorism cause loss of Human and Properties, and Degradation of Culture; thus are deplorable to the maximum extent.]

Bhaarateeya Sanskriti ke anusaar: [According to Indian Culture]:
Bhaarat me` Baap caahe Raajaa ke mualaa pa unkar baR beTaa ke Paripwaar aa desh pa apane Adhikaar ho jaalaa, Eehe Prathaa ha. (Baakir Musalmaan log “Je jeetal uu Sikandar” ke maanelan.) 
[In India after the death of a Father or King his Eldest Son automatically gets the Right of the Father or The King. > No war. (Muslims like: “Might is Right” so after the death of a man his sons fight to get what he likes.)]         

***      Pahile Yuropian log Amerikaa me` laRalan, uuhaa` ke aadibaasi logan ke khilaaf je me` Mahaan Amerikan Janataantrik Abraaham Linkano rahan, Aadhipatya khaatir. [Earlier Europeans used to fight in America with the original inhabitants to acquire the land properties in which the Great Democrat Abraham Linoln was also involved.]
            Aaj Amerikan log door door ke deshan me` Yuddh karataare aapan Barcasva khaatir: Sansaar me` CapiTalism failaawe khaatir, je me` khaali dhan kamaaye ke hawas holaa, caahe jaise hokhe. [Today Americans are waging Wars even in far off countries for the spread of Capitalism which includes grabbing others wealth also how so ever it may be.]
>>> Aatankvaad ke Janam:
       [Birth of Guarella Warfare, Terrorism]:

Jab kawano Balshaali desh kamjor pa Aakraman ka ke
okar jan dhan ke haRap lebelaa aa aurat-marad, laikaa-laikian ke Yuddh me` dardanaak roop se muaa debelaa, ta haaral desh ke log Terrorist ban ke laRaai kar sakele  balwaan deshan se.
Ehi se Aatankavaad ke janam holaa.
[1] Paakistaan ke Kashmeer pa Aakraman: Senaa Janataa ke poshaak me`and aqcuired a vast part of Kashmir in 9048, but Kaashmeer King merged his Kingdom with India after which they got defeated but continued their fight as Terrorism.
Pakistaan attacked India 4 times: in

1. > 9047 -48 me` Saadaa poshaak me` Paakistaani Senaa Kashmeer pa Aakraman ka delas aa baR Xetra ke dakhaliaa lelas, tab Kaashmeer ke Raajaa Hari Singh Bhaarat me` mile ke kah ke sahaayataa lelan; je se rahal sahal Kaashmeer bacal baa.  [In 1947-48 Attack of Pakistan on Kashmir with Military in Civil dress, when Kashmir merged in India.]

2. > 1965 War started in Run of Kuch, Gujrat by Pakistan.

3. > 1971 about 10 M East Pakistanis fled to India due to killings by W. Pakistani forces. When Pakistan attacked India in E. Pakistan; then India opened fronts in West Pak also, and defeated Pakistan. Then
Bangladesh was Born,

4. > 1999 Kargil War

But each time Pakistan got difeated; but  their Terrorim continued till date.
However, Terrorism in present form started after kidnapping of Rubaiya Sayeed and Indian Govt. accepted the terms of the Terrorists to get Rubaiya free in 1989.

          [When some Powerful Country attacks a weaker one, inhumanly killing their numerous men, women, and children and acquires their wealth, the defeated country-men do not forget the same; and like to revenge some way or the other; giving rise to Terrorism.
          [1] Pakistan attacked India 4 times starting from its Birth in 1947, and in a way got defeated every time. So they started terrorism also. Taining terrorists in Pakistan and sending them to India.]

[2] Vietnaam Yuddh: Saamyavaad <> Poo`jivaad >> Jeet Saamyavaad.
[Vietnam War: Communism <> Capitalism >> Winner Communism.]:
SRji Vietnaam me` Prashaant Mahaasaagar ke paar se aa ke aapan ullu seedhaa kare khaatir daxin Vietnaam ke pax me` Uttar Vietnaam pa Bam barasaawe lagalan. Aa 7 Baris ke laRaai ke baad Nixonji ke kripaa se Vietnaam se PinDa choRaa ke bhagalan. Eh laRaai me` Cin aa USSR ke pooraa samarthan rahe Vietnaam  ke.
[MrUS crossed Pacific Ocean and to help S. Vietnam started fights, bombing in Vietnam killing 3M people. The War continues for 7 yrs and finally MrUS had to leave Vietnam empty kanded. Then S.Vietnam merged in to Communist North Vietnam within 2 years Americans left.        
          [3] 9103 Iraak Yuddh: Samaajvad <> Poo`jivaad >> Jeet Poo`jivaad, Aatankvaad. [2003 Iraq War: Socialism <> Capitalism, Winner >> Capitalism, Terrorism.]
          [4] 9111 Libyaa Waar: Gaandhivaad / Socialism <> Capitalism <> Winner >> Terrorism.
          [2011: War in Libya: Gandhiism / Socialism <> Capitalism, Winner >> Terrorism.]:
          [5] 9112 Siriyaa Waar: Saamyavaad <> Poo`jivaad >> Winner - caalataa .
          [2012 Syria War: Socialism <> Capitalism >> Continueing]:
Auru baa [continued]

4.9.9115 Earth Sanskriti: 29.11.2015






Saturday, 28 November 2015

Earth Sanskriti: 3.9.9115

3.9.9115 Earth Sanskriti: धरती के संस्कृति
Bhaasaa: Bhojpuri, Sanket: bho, aa Angrejee: en
[Language: Bhojpuri. Code: bho and English Code: en]

Neece kaa baa, dekhee`: 
[What is below, please see below]:

1. Visay Praves: [Introduction]: 
भारत आ संसार के संस्कृति के झलक: [Glimpse of Culture of India and the World.]

2. Dharati ke Jinagee: 4.32 G baris. [The Life of Earth: about 4.5 G yr.]

2.1 Prithvi: [Earth:]

2.2. BrahmaanD: IHLOK + ITARLOK. 

[The Universe: IHLOC + ITARLOC.] 

2.3 'Dwaitvaad': 'Ying - Yaang': [Dualism:]

2.4. "Kaali ji aa Raam ji".    [“Goddess Kali and Ram”.]

2.5 Sunar BrahmaanD:    [Beautiful Universe.] 

2.6. Jeevaatmaa, Janam, Maran, Mo~x. 
[Soul, Birth, Death, Salvation.]

2.7. Bhagwaan: Pakkaa Bhautik: Anant ke Gyaan. [God: Perfectly Physical but Abstract. 
Concept of Infinity.] 

2.8  Braazilian Sanskriti: [Brazilian Culture.]

2.9. 21-vee` Sataabdi ke Prithvi Sanskriti: 
[Culture of 21st Century Earth.]

** Yuddh aa Aatankvaad: Caalu baa.
[War and Terrorism or Guerilla Warfare: Continueing]: 

"Earth Sanskriti: धरती के संस्कृति"
"The Culture of Prithvi, the Earth"

1. Visay Praves: [Introduction]:
Peeche ke PosT dekhee`: [Look at the earlier Posts]:

[Glimpse of the Culture of India]: भारतीय संस्कृति के झलक  25.05.9115 se 19.07.9115. [25.08.2015 - 19.10.2015]

भारत आ संसार के संस्कृति के झलक : [Glimpse of Culture of India and the World.]

सृष्ट्याब्द SrisTyaabda: 1 972 949 115 baris pahile Dharati pa Pahilaa Jeev utpanna bhail: Rigveda. ThoR me`: 9115. 
Baakir ee unkaa pataa kaise laagal? Kaa Karban DeTing se, naa. Ta~ kaise? [Before 1 972 949 115 yr ago from 2015 AD, in short: 9115 first time on the earth 'Living things' developed in water body: Rigveda. 
But how did they knew it? Is it by Carbon Dating, no. Then how?]

भारतीय संस्कृति 'Sansaar ke Sanskriti ke jhalakaawelaa'. Ek shabda me`, 'Bhaarateey Sanskriti' , ’सत्यमेव जयते' ke siddhaant pa aadhaarit baa. 
"Satya aa Ahinsaa" Bharteeya Sanskriti ke aadhaar ha. 

[The Culture of India provides a ‘Glimpse of the Culture of the World’. In one word, the “Indian Culture” is based on the theme of ‘Satyameva Jayate’, i.e. ‘Truth only Prevails". "Indian Culture" is based on "Truthfulness and Non-voilence".]

’सत्यमेव जयते' . ‘Truth only Prevails'.
सत्य 'सत्य' ha. Eehaa` kawano 'viswaas' aa 'Maanyataa' ke baat ka`hawaa? 
Baakir tabahu`o kuch log 'Satya' ke naa maan sake. Ee unkar vicaar hoi, baakir eh se 'Satya' > 'Asatya' naa ho jaai? 

'सत्य aa Ahinsaa' >> 'Bhaarat ke Sanskriti' ke aadhaar ha. 
["Truthfulness and Non-voilence" >> are the basis on which 'Indian Culture' stands.]

>>> "The Culture of the Prithvi";
"Earth Sanskriti: धरती के संस्कृति" 

2. Dharati ke Jinagee: 4.32 G baris  (+5%), Veda se.
[The Life of Earth: about 4.5 G yr, by modern Science]

2.1 Prithvi: [Earth]:
>>> Aadar se “Prithvi Lok” ke bahut log “Dharati Maai” kahelan, oh logan ke aaj Sanaatanaarya kahal jaalaa.  
>>> [With regard, many call "the Earth" as "Mother Earth", they are called 'Sanatanaryas'.]

2.2. BrahmaanD: IHLOK + ITARLOK 
[The Universe: IHLLOC + ITARLOC]: 
>> Hamani ke “Soorya ManDal”, “Aakaash Gangaa” naav ke Nihaarikaa me` baa, je BrahmaanD ke “IHLOK” bhaag me` baa. IHLOK me` Kharabo Nihaarikaa baaRe sa. 
[Our "Solar System" is a part of the Galaxy called 'Milky Way' which is in the "IHLOC" part of the Universe. There are trillions of Galaxies in IHLOC.]

** BrahmaanD: IHLOK + ITARLOK + SwapnaLok !!!

SrisTyaabd 1 972 949 200-vaa` Sataabdi ke Vaigyaanik, sambhav baa Veda ke ITARLOK pa auru khoj karihe` je Vipareet-ka0Ia se banal baa. [The Whole Science of 21st Century deals with IHLOC. However, by the end of the Century, Science may find Anti-Particles of which ITARLOC is made of according to Veda.]

*** BrahmaanD: IHLOK, ITARLOK, Adwaitvaad, Dwaitvaad, Asankhya Devataa log. 
[The Universe: IHLOC, ITARLOC, Monoetheism, Dualetheism, Polyetheism]: 

2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2,6, 2.7  ke Jaadaa khaatir: Pichalaa PosT. [For more: Previous Posts.

2.8 Braajiliyan Sanskriti: [Brazilian Culture]:

** Braajil: [Brazil]: 
Ee daxin Amerikaa Mahaadesh ke sab se baR desh ha. 

Daxin Amerikaa me` 14 desh baa: 
ArjenTinaa, Braajil, Boleebhiaa, Cili, Kolombiaa,   IkweDo~r, Fraansisi Guyanaa, Guyanaa, Paaraague, Peru, Surinaame,
Trinidaad aa Tubaego, Urugue, Venejuelaa.

Eh sab desan me` khoob mel-jol rahe. [The people of these countries were intermingling in many ways.]

Daxin Amerikaa: [South America, LaTin America]:
Jaevik Vibhinnataa: [Biodiversity]:
Eh Mahaadesh ke khaasiat: AenDi Parvat Shreni, Angel Jalaprapaat, Amejan Nadi aa tarah tarah ke ajoobaa jeev-jantu aa peR-Paudhaa me` baa.
[Speciality of this Continent is Andis Mountain Range, Angle falls, River Amazon, and peculiar Flora - Fauna.] 

Sonaa, Caa`di, Tin, taambaa, Lohaa aa PeTroliam se bharpoor. [Full of Gold, Silver, Tin, Copper, Iron, and Prtroleum.]

Braajil ke Sanskriti: [Brazilian Culture]:
2.8.1 Inkaas: [Incas}: 
Ego sunar Sabhyataa aa Itihaas. [A Fascinating Civilization and History]:
Uruguan Sanskriti Braajil me`: [Uruguan Culture in Brazil]: 
Patthar Yug: [Stone Age]: 
Patthar ke dudhaaraa chooRee ke upyog karat rahan ee log, je eehaa` ke shaakaahaari logan khaatir baRaa upayogi rahe. [The double edged knife used by them were very useful for the vegeterian people.]

Karib Sri: 1 972 938 100 [9000 BC] se kheti, Llamaa, Alpakaas ke posuaa banaa ke aadmi aa maal Dhoal jaat rahe.
Jangal me` Mangal: aa Empaaer banal jungale me` jahaa` Mandiro rahe. [In about 9000 BC in great Jungles there were great Empires where people  worshipped in Temples.]

Itaparikaa Sanskriti: [Itparica Culture]:
Eka falak waalaa chuRee: je se Patthar pa nakkasio kailjaat hoi. Ee chuRee ihaa` ke shaakaahaari logan khaatir baRaa kaam ke rahe. 
[These people were using single edged stone knife which were very useful for the vegeterian proplr of Brazil.] 

Esiaa se baR Visthaapan [Mass migration from Asia]: 
Karib Sri: ... 1100 me`, hajaaro log Asiaa se eehaa` ailan. 
[In about 6000 BC, there was a mass migration to SA, Brazil from Asia.]

Humawtaa Sanskriti: [Humawata Culture]:
Karib Sri: 2100 me` ee log jangal vaasi rahan je patthar ke chuRee se kaam karat raham. [In about 5000 BC these people living in junles erew still using stone knives.]

Sambaaki Sanskriti:   [Sambaki Culture]:
  Ee log shellfish ke upyog karat rahan, jekar Dher jahaa` tahaa` rahe.
Braajil ke sab log Makai ke khoob upayog karat rahan. [These people used to eat sellfish, their bones were found in heaps near their houses. Most Brazilians were taking lot of Maize, corns.]

>>> Puraan kaal me` kuch logan ke choR ke  sab Braajil ke log Shaakaahaari rahan aa apanaa tarah se poojaa karat rahan Mandiro me`. [In olden days, Brazilians were mostly vegetarians and used to worship in temples.]

dusar or >> [On the other hand] >>> 

*** 21-vee` Sataabdi ke Prithvi Sanskriti: 
[Culture of 21st Century Earth]:

>>> 'Gharbacaao Asar' [Gerbachev Effect]:
'Gharbacaao Asar' ke calate jab Sansaar "Ekadhrubeey Sansaar" banal tab se Pachimee Vistaarvaadi desh, SRA ke Netritva me` niyojit roop se: Iraak, Libiaa, Siriaa aa Purabi Yukren ke ta barbaade ka dele; je se Iraak, Libiaa aa Siriaa se aurat-marad, booD*a-jawaan, laikaa-laiki, babuaa- babui sab log Yuropi deshan me` bhagataaran. 

Karib 2 M logan ke aapan baap daadaa ke desh Iraak aa Siriaa pa lagaataar SRA aa NATO deshan ke Hawaai Bom aa jameeni laRaai ke calate choR ke Turki me` sharan lebe ke paRal baa. Karib 0.5 M sharanaarti EUo me`bhaag ke gail baaRan.

['Gorbachev Effect': After the World became "Unipolar World" due to 'Gorbachev Effect', The Western Countries lead by America in a planned manner not only  destabilized but ruined Iraq, Libya, Syria and Eastern Ukraine; in the name of possessing WMD, fighting a Dictator, or by declaring Civil war to save human-rights. 
Result: People from Iraq, Libya and Syria, men and women with kids, boys and girls, babies and young and old are leaving their countries and flooding into Europe for shelter and security. 
Over 2 M people have left their ancestral home and fled to Turkey as refugee due to Continous Air Bombing and War on land waged by the Wests: US and other NATO countries.
Now on the call of Syrian elected President Bashar Al-Assad for help, Russia has given Air Cover to Syria where Syrian and Iraanian Forses together are fighting on the ground since 30.10.2015 about 4 weeks.
Possibly "Unipolar World" started by "Gorbachev Effect" is finished. Thus 'Cold War' or no 'Cold War', but peace looks coming due to Sanatanarya Action of Vladimir Putin: The President of Russia >>> Not an Attacker, 
But follower of  Sanatanarya Culture help a person or a country on SOS.]

>>> Barbar Sanskriti: [Berber Culture]:

'Gharbacaao Asar' se bahut pahile, Gaandhian Samaajvaadi Netaa Gaddaafi aa Raajaa Idriso se pahile Madhya-Uttari Afrikaa me` 'Barbar log' rahat rahan, je aapas me` har dam maar kaaTe karat rahan jaisan aajo Sri: 9115 me` hotaa "Barbar Sanskriti" waalaa haal Libiyaa me`;  Pacchimee deshan ke Kripaa se!!! 
[Much before 'Garbachao Effect', Gandhian- Socialst Leader Gaddafi and King Idris there used to live 'Berbers' in the Central- North Africa following "Berber Culture" who used to fight and kill each other always. One can have a glims of "Berber Culture" in 2015 also in Libya. Thanks to Wests lead by USA!!!]

>>> 21-vee` Shataabdi ke Krishna: Vlaadimir Putin  >> "Eka-dhrubeey Sansaar" khatam Sri: Aashin 9115. 
[21st Century Krisna: Vladimir Putin  
>> The End of "Unipolar World" in Oct, 2015.] 

>>> Ego Rusi Yaatri Vimaan, Misra me` gir ke dhwast. Sab 224 log mualan. Maare ke jabaabdehee ‘IS’ lelas. [A Russian Passanger Plain felldown in Egypt and got burnt. All 334 passangers died. IS say they did it.]

>>> Sri: 17.08.9115 Perish me` 6 jagah Aatankvaadi aakraman bhail. Fraans ke Adhyaxo oh ghari ego sTaDiam me` maec dekhat rahan jab uuhaa` ee ghaTanaa ghaTal. Eh Aatanki aakraman se laataa 130 log mualae. 
[On 13.11.2015 in Perish at 6 Places there were terrorist attacks in which about 135 persond died. Possibly this was done by 3 terrorist groups according to French Govt.]

*** Yuddh aa Aatankvaad: 
[War and Terrorism or Guerilla Warfare]: 

>> Aadikaal se Prithvi pa log Yuddh karele: 
Aadhipatya, Sattaa khaatir, 
Mat-mataantar khaatir,
Barcasva aa khaatir, 
LooTo kare khaatir,
Badalaa lebe khaatir.

Har tarah ke Yuddh aa Aatank se Jana-dhan haani holaa aa Sanskriti ke naas holaa: je se ekaraa ke jatan bhartsanaa kail jaay, uu kame baa. 
[From time immemorial people wage wars on the Earth either for:
the Right or Reign,
Spread of Religion,
Spread of the Ism,  
or even for Revenge.

But all sorts of Wars and Terrorism cause loss of Human and Properties, and Degradation of Culture; thus are deplorable to the maximum extent.]

Bhaarateeya Sanskriti ke anusaar: [According to Indian Culture]:
Bhaarat me` Baap caahe Raajaa ke mualaa pa unkar baR beTaa ke Paripwaar aa desh pa apane Adhikaar ho jaalaa, Eehe Prathaa ha. (Baakir Musalmaan log “Je jeetal uu Sikandar” ke maanelan.)  
[In India after the death of a Father or King his Eldest Son automatically gets the Right of the Father or The King. > No war. (Muslims like: “Might is Right” so after the death of a man his sons fight to get what he likes.)]

*** Pahile Yuropian log Amerikaa me` laRalan, uuhaa` ke aadibaasi logan ke khilaaf je me` Mahaan Amerikan Janataantrik Abraaham Linkano rahan, Aadhipatya khaatir. [Earlier Europeans used to fight in America with the original inhabitants to acquire the land properties in which the Great Democrat Abraham Linoln was also involved.]
Aaj Amerikan log door door ke deshan me` Yuddh karataare aapan Barcasva khaatir: Sansaar me` CapiTalism failaawe khaatir, je me` khaali dhan kamaaye ke hawas holaa, caahe jaise hokhe. [Today Americans are waging Wars even in far off countries for the spread of Capitalism which includes grabbing others wealth also how so ever it may be.]

>>> Aatankvaad ke Janam: 
[Birth of Guarella Warfare, Terrorism]: 

Jab kawano Balshaali desh, kamjor pa Aakraman ka ke 
okar jan dhan ke haRap lebelaa aa aurat-marad, laikaa-laikian ke Yuddh me` dardanaak roop se muaa debelaa, ta haaral desh ke log Terrorist ban ke laRaai kar sakele  balwaan deshan se. 
Ehi se Aatankavaad ke janam holaa. 
[1] Paakistaan ke Kashmeer pa Aakraman: 
Senaa Janataa ke poshaak me`aa Kaashmir pa Aakraman ka ke and aqcuired a vast part of Kashmir in 9048, but Kaashmeer King merged his Kingdom with India after which they got defeated but continued their fight as Terrorism.
Pakistaan attacked India 4 times: in 

1. > 9047 - 48 me` Saadaa poshaak me` Paakistaani Senaa Kashmeer pa Aakraman ka delas aa baR Xetra ke dakhaliaa lelas, tab Kaashmeer ke Raajaa Hari Singh Bhaarat me` mile ke kah ke sahaayataa lelan; je se rahal sahal Kaashmeer bacal baa.  [In 1947-48 Attack of Pakistan on Kashmir with Military in Civil dress, when Kashmir merged in India.] 

2. > 1965 War started in Run of Kuch, Gujrat by Pakistan.

3. > 1971 about 10 M East Pakistanis fled to India due to butchering and killings by W. Pakistani forces. When Pakistan attacked India in E. Pakistan; then India opened fronts in West Pak also, and defeated Pakistan. 

Thus Bangladesh was Born.

4. > 1999 Kaargil Waar [Kargil War]:

Jarnail Parwez Musarraf apanaa ke President banaa ke Kaargil pa Akraman ka delan, baakir ehu laRaai me` uu harlan. Paakistan har 4 Waar me` Bhaaratse haaral, baakir okar Aatankvaad 9047 se je suru bhail uu. aaj tak calate baa. [General Parwez Musaraff  of Pakistan declared himself the President while attacked India in Kargil of Kashmir. In Kargil war too Pakistan got difeated; but  after each defeat, their Terrorim continued till date.]

However, Terrorism in present form in India started after kidnapping of Rubaiya Sayeed and Indian Govt. accepted the terms of the Terrorists to get Rubaiya free in 1989.

[When some Powerful Country attacks a weaker one, inhumanly killing their numerous men, women, and children and acquires their wealth, the defeated country-men do not forget the same; and like to revenge some way or the other; giving rise to Terrorism.
[1] Pakistan attacked India 4 times starting from its Birth in 1947, and in a way got defeated every time. So they started terrorism also. Taining terrorists in Pakistan and sending them to India.]

[2] Vetnaam Yuddh: Saamyavaad <> Poo`jivaad >> Jeet Saamyavaad. 
[Vietnam War: Communism <> Capitalism >> Winner Communism.]:
SRji Vietnaam me` Prashaant Mahaasaagar ke paar se aa ke aapan ullu seedhaa kare khaatir daxin Vietnaam ke pax me` Uttar Vietnaam pa Bam barasaawe lagalan. Aa 7 Baris ke laRaai ke baad Nixonji ke kripaa se Vietnaam se PinDa choRaa ke bhagalan. Eh laRaai me` Cin aa USSR ke pooraa samarthan rahe Vietnaam  ke. 
[MrUS crossed Pacific Ocean and to help S. Vietnam started fights, bombing in Vietnam killing 3M people. The War continues for 7 yrs and finally MrUS had to leave Vietnam empty kanded. Then S.Vietnam merged in to Communist North Vietnam within 2 years Americans left.]

[3] 9103 Iraak Yuddh: Samaajvad <> Poo`jivaad >> Jeet Poo`jivaad, Aatankvaad. [2003 Iraq War: Socialism <> Capitalism, Winner >> Capitalism, Terrorism: Ai-Kaeda, ISSL.]

[4] 9111 Libyaa Waar: Gaandhivaad / Socialism <> Capitalism <> Winner >> Terrorism. 
[2011: War in Libya: Gandhiism / Socialism <> Capitalism, Winner >> Terrorism: many groupsband 'IS']:

[5] 9112 Siriyaa Waar: Saamaajavaad <> Poo`jivaad >> Winner - caalataa Poo`jivaad aa 'IS' aa dusar terroristan ke laRaai. 

WW-2 ke baad je SRS banal rahe uu aaj ke roop me` Bekaar ho gail baa, aa ehee se jahaa` tahaa` Waar karawaawat rahelaa.
Uupar se ab kae Tho deshe apanaa swaarth siddhi khaatir alag alag deshan me` aapan ullu seedhaa kare khaatir "Alag alag BraanDan ke Aatankee SangaThan" ke banaawataare.
[2012 Syria War: Socialism <> Capitalism >> War between terrorists including 'IS' is Continueing.
After WW-2 UNO was formed to avoid Wars, but in its present form, it has become in instrument / party to wage as in Libya and now in Syria.
But "various states' sponsord terrorisms" grows which are mostly generated and naurished by states to fullfil their own intereest to destabilised other countries , be it a terrorist group sponsorede by US, Tukey, Saudi and others . Only Russia fights genuanly against all brands of Terrorism in Syria presently. India also deplores all brands of terrorism.]

Auru baa [continued]

Earth Sanskriti: 3.9.9115




